View Full Version : Event time schedule

15-02-07, 17:35
I'm going to miss yet another event due to the scheduling. I live in the US and am in the EST zone, so the event will be at 5pm Friday afternoon. Most people in the US work until 5pm or later not to mention the people who live in the western time zones. So I will be at work again for this event :( Now I realise you schedule everything to cater to the German and European community as your GM's probably dont want to stay up to give the rest of us an event which is why I might suggest doing these events on a weekend perhaps when more people are likely to attend. I am sorely dissapointed and have been waiting for any event to happen for months now. And now Im going to miss it. I realise this may seem a bit selfish and I know KK cant schedule events around me specifically but I would at least sometime like to have a chance at going to an event.

15-02-07, 19:23
An event on Friday at 9pm UK time. Fridays is never good for me either.

What on earth is going to happen, I don't know, but the mags have gone into overdrive. 8 stories on the Neocronicle (http://www.neocronicle.com/) and 6 on the VotR (http://www.votr-mag.com/) - all posted in the last week.

It looks like City Admin are busy sending troops, killing us, and then stealing the dead bodies so we can't rezz them.

Also, a bunch of our faction assistants have gone missing - Giovanni Mori, Zimbo Trond-Alecto and Vito Rijeka. (I reckon the evil Biotech clan called SXR has kidnapped them all, so you better be online so we can rescue them! :p)

15-02-07, 19:47
on friday afternoon theres the op fight test event too -.-

Dribble Joy
15-02-07, 20:34
It looks like City Admin are busy sending troops, killing us, and then stealing the dead bodies so we can't rezz them.

And seemingly disguising the deaths of NC forces as 'animal attacks' and making off with the bodies.

More Ceres troopers?

15-02-07, 21:00
op fight event is delayed.

thread incoming ;)

16-02-07, 02:44
Well I suppose theres no point in reading the magazines as We wont get to participate in the event. Ah well I hope all you Euro's get to have fun, I guess I'll just read about it on the forums sometime.

Dribble Joy
16-02-07, 15:30
Damnit. It appears that one is unable to go as one appears to be going camping in Wales of all places this evening for the weekend.
I get the feeling it's more a NC vs DoY thing anyway....

09-03-07, 13:02
Look at it another way Faid. If the events was moved later to accomodate the Americans, then more european players wouldn't be able to participate. Some people here work Sats and so staying up late to be in an event and having work in the morning would suck :P

If you're so upset about missing events, pull a sicky from work :D

09-03-07, 15:29
The real thing about events is that we actually need more events....so they can take place at anytime, to accommodate everyone from everywhere...but GM events seems to be all gone away or probably sick for over 2 years now i guess...

I put my name on the waiting list to be GM event. Vote for me and i guarantee many free DS for all! lol

09-03-07, 17:48
Look at it another way Faid. If the events was moved later to accomodate the Americans, then more european players wouldn't be able to participate. Some people here work Sats and so staying up late to be in an event and having work in the morning would suck :P

If you're so upset about missing events, pull a sicky from work :D
I don't want the events moved later to accomodate the Americans, I want the events to take place when the most people will be online, which is on the weekend - look at the Population % on the weekend compared to the weekdays and you will see. Well I know KK certainly don't want to screw over more Germans and Euro's when it comes to events, so those of us that live in the American timezones will continue to get shafted when it comes to Events and GM support in general. But whatever the fuck ever nothing will change because, when it comes down to it, KK know I'm right. It's acceptable to them to screw over those of us who play in the American timezones. Thats the fact of the matter.