View Full Version : WOC disc drop rate

19-11-06, 12:16
Has anyone got a WoC disc in the last couple of months?

Ive hunted in the lab in I09 and the one in H05 and spent well over 40 hours hunting, sometimes clearing the lab 5 times in a row which takes alot of time :mad:

I have never managed to get a disc for any of my chars is this normal or could they be bugged?

19-11-06, 12:28
Hacking all the protos yourself ?

19-11-06, 12:34
Normally yes i have played as a ppu most of the time.

And i trust the guys i have been down with.

19-11-06, 19:46
This is normal for WOC disk drop rates - and it is disgusting :p

19-11-06, 19:58
It's fine. I've got a couple this week. WoC disks have dropped a lot in value thanks to that recent problem. The drop rate isn't too bad, and it definitely depends on how lucky you are. Perhaps only one or two WoC disks drop in the same lab per 24 hours or something like that then? To make farming even faster, just don't aim for the EXP's and damage boost the Prototypes instead. When all the Prototypes are dead, reset the sector quickly and the Prototypes will respawn, then start shooting all over again.

EXP's drop quite a lot of techs though, so they aren't as worthless as people generally think. From my short period of hunting down there I managed to get the odd Slasher and Holy Lightning part.

20-11-06, 03:21
i did about 17 runs and all i got was alot of fucked armour and 2 tech parts

20-11-06, 05:22
Took me about 15 (14 on the first day, 1 on the second day) runs in total for both discs and I got about 20 tech parts after hacking nearly everything that died. First two techs (T and E) I ressed were a Particle Nemesis and Paw of Tiger part. lol

Dribble Joy
20-11-06, 06:01
I need to find a team to go down there with.... no way I'm giving someone half my items for a single disk.

20-11-06, 06:29
ditto drib. Ill stand behind tanks with PPUs and shoot things in the face before i give someone everything i own for a single item.

21-11-06, 10:03
Well the bigger the team we can get (not too big obviously) the quicker we can clear the level and reset it.