View Full Version : [Terra] -=BlooD=-

17-11-06, 14:15
-=BlooD=- is currently recruiting new members mainly for PvP we have moved to DRE, if your not in the faction but want to join im sure something can be arranged, so if you would like more info on us and what our plans etc. are then please DM or send a mail in game to anyone of these players:-

Rabid Dog


17-11-06, 21:07
Crahn Sct Clan GOD is currently recruiting new members, noob runners or vets taken, no skill level requirements, we can train you up if need be. we will be focusing on PvP and Op Wars but tradskillers are always needed as are hunting parties. so if you would like more information or wish to join then please dm or send a mail to psico or aim

alternativly you can try direct messaging one of the following members:-

'Psico' 'Aim' 'Brave Hart' 'Bio Knight' 'Zombie Tonk' 'Skratch Face' 'Ancient' 'Utility' 'Mr Kipling' 'Overpowered'

-To wage a war of biblical proportions...

Might wanna update your sig link Psico

17-11-06, 21:24
lol :lol:

18-11-06, 20:11
lol thanks for pointing that out!!!

Bloody nibs we merged with as god ruined the name so we reverting to our original name of -=BlooD=- and have left the nibs behind

19-11-06, 05:31
lol thanks for pointing that out!!!

Bloody nibs we merged with as god ruined the name so we reverting to our original name of -=BlooD=- and have left the nibs behind

Aim :0 -

Dont get me wrong, the guy tries...

But i was fighting him in Pepper2... i had no shelter or D.. and i was even missing all my hits, but he still stealthed off on near death - (i would stealth 2, not against that :p ) -

Im just saying, he cant aim, i was still on Full hp :)

20-11-06, 11:05
lol Well Aim may not be the best at PvP but he is my RL m8 so he staying,
oh and he's pretty new to the game so he still learning, so give him a chance :)