View Full Version : [BRILLIANT IDEA!] Mousewheel zoom....

30-10-06, 05:38
I just realized, after using the mousewheel to scroll through chat and option lists...

Why not have the mousewheel control zoom?

For Scout Drones, zoom power can be determined by how much one rolls the mousewheel, which frees up the left mouse button for the almighty door-opening ability!

For Sniper Rifles, this means you wouldn't have to use the awkward left mouse holding thing, if that's still the case!

For people with scope mod active, this could lead to a nice bit of extra control over that, if needed.

30-10-06, 06:45
Much better idea, beats never ever ever using the scroll function to scroll through from my weapons in slot 1 and 3 to another item which could be in anything up to 0 :p

But on the other hand, not everyone has a mouse wheel..

30-10-06, 07:20
so? Why not have an option that sets it as MWHEEL as defualt, but you can change the zoom to anything. Would be great with the door idea porker =P And i agree, the awkward sniper rifle thing should go...

Dribble Joy
30-10-06, 18:11
One issue this has is that the engine would have to switch between scrolling up/down the QB and then to zoom.

It would be easier to have bindable keys to zoom in and zoom out (arrow keys for example).

30-10-06, 19:27
Planetside does the mousewheel zoom thing. Its nice and all, but I think for NC where quick swapping counts for more than zoom. Still, confirugrable buttons would be good, so people can do as they will with zooms and mousewheels. I imagine we will be stuck with the current weird-as-hell interface for snipers however.

30-10-06, 19:28
I would really love it if the zoom buttons got configurable, the sniper buttons that is, man that would own