View Full Version : Ow....my pride...(Computer trouble..)

29-10-06, 05:03
Well...my last monitor exploded. Thats the third fucking one that has exploded in about a about a 2 year period.

This was the scene.

*Apoc starts up computer, goes randomly fucking about his 2 or 3 forums he checks, and loads up Xfire and the such.*

"Hmmm...i wonder what i shall play today..."

*Apoc clicks on CSS icon on desktop*

"Doodeedoo....LOAD YOU MUTHER FUCKER!!!!"

*apoc clicks on CSS server X*

"OHHH FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!! *duck*"

3 and a half seconds later, apoc is throwing water on his wall, and there is a plume of smoke coming from my monitor. I got lucky though, as my TV doubles as my monitor on emergency occasions...even though my video card makes everything look uber fucked and i cant read much text.

Anyone got any ideas on where i can get a nice cheap, semi-good monitor that will last me more than a year, and not be 20 years old already? (as my last 3 monitors where)

29-10-06, 05:09
Do some overtime at work, wait til everyone has left and steal one. :D
I now have a 17" Dell CRT monitor.

29-10-06, 05:33
good idea jodo, cept the part about stealing one at work =P

And thats what i was looking at on ebay...for 65 fucking dollars.

29-10-06, 08:18
Your.....monitor exploded....O_o I hope there is a sarcasm tag there I am missing or something....

My last monitor did start on fire though, but that was the lack of cleaning I did to it, and the towel that ended up laying across the back for a few months....it was originally my sisters idea to dry the towel there....but it was forgotten about until the monitor went up in smoke....

I didn't support the idea...I was just a bit....out there....when she did it.

29-10-06, 08:45
Err...no sarcasm tags...it litterally emitted a small flame, a near mushroom cloud plume of smoke, Which if i do so say myself smelled like a pile of HORSE SHIT, and fried every electronical component in it in about 3 seconds. Plastic doesnt burn though, thank god.

And sadly enough it was probly dust buildup on the inside of the monitor that trashed it....just hope my tower doesnt do the same...

29-10-06, 10:32
So did it break before or after you poured water on it?

Shenyu Reza
29-10-06, 12:40

"OHHH FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!! *duck*"

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29-10-06, 13:37
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Not like you never said any :(

Your monitor exploded ? ô_Ô ? Where it was located at ? I just know CRT's t° can be hot from times to times, make sure you have it on the best place, something like that.

29-10-06, 18:38
Lesson of the day, dont play shitty games like CS.
You should have known that playing gay games make your computer make suicide. ;D

29-10-06, 18:51
Lesson of the day, dont play shitty games like CS.
You should have known that playing gay games make your computer make suicide. ;D
Yeah exactly, one can only imagine what could've happend if he started up WoW!!! 8|

29-10-06, 19:02

masentaja played wow


29-10-06, 19:11
Lies! O_-
Oh afk sec, Maexxna pull inc :(

Shenyu Reza
29-10-06, 21:28
It wasn't a spam ffs

29-10-06, 22:10
It wasn't a spam ffs
That was though.

I wonder if i could make a good monitor out of 3 POS ones...*goes to rip his monitors apart*