View Full Version : How can I...

Clive tombstone
22-10-06, 20:12
I wanna ask for an opinion here, and Im not so sure if this is the right forum area to, but here goes nothing.

Ive been playing NC for a long while now, but Ive always been somewhat Niave to proper skill setups (I usually just make characters out to be what I think would be cool for a character, rather than stat wise) So far my hacker spy is doing good, and my Melee tank have turned out pretty well.

But as for my "main" my private eye, Clive tombstone, Hes been a bit of an odd one stat wise. He's a heavy weapon user, with his dex points all in repair, recycle and driving, and some tech. His int is weap lore and hacking, as well as some other things, Psi is of course passive stuff, and con is just resists.

Now heres my problem, as it stands I still feel prety weak as a character. Sure I can drive AND gun a rhino, or pilot a scorp assault trike, but on foot even with a speedy, I still get my ass handed to me in PvP usually.

What can I do to maximize my PE's ability to contend on foot? or is it hopeless?

22-10-06, 20:59
i dont know what specifics i can say.. you're probably not going to want to repair and recycle and drive and spec tc ;)

look on the class forums theres some good HC pe driver setups posted there.

but you have always seemed kind of nuts to me so it might be hopeless ;)

22-10-06, 21:31
cliv...using vehicles your aim should be damn good, so check your con. Could post its point values here so the community could help you tweak it a bit.

22-10-06, 22:30
You need way more HC for actual guns than you do as a vehicle gunner. 165 HC and 100 wep lore caps a TPC (more if its not a 5slot). Resists should be balanced with health.. and it's way better to mix armors up to get an even spread of points in con resists. Also HC makes you really slow so you need to way overspec agility or ath or both. Hopefully balancing will tone that down a bit but more speed is still nice. Also spec psi use under int (75-100 points) and use damage boost in PvP.

Clive tombstone
22-10-06, 22:58
Ill post my build in a bit, gonna go to the gym first, brb

23-10-06, 02:09

Bozz-Von Mel
23-10-06, 14:11
With the multiplayer server I am little concerned about the PvP ability of my HC PE. I made him for one purpose and that is to get me stuff. He rakes in a massive amount of rare tech parts and recycleables. He is designed to fight from a vehicle and not on foot. Unfortunatley, vehicles are not a big part of PvP at this time. There are working on balancing with the vehicles eventhough I think it is going completley in the wrong direction. Holy Lighting(energy) doing more damage than an explosive(force)? Its supposed to be an "armored" vehicle, but thats a seperate issue from the topic.

There are some good setups if your fortunate enough to get your hands on a 5 slot TPC or the like. Unfortunatley, all of them that I know of take 3 drugs.

23-10-06, 17:33
The HC PE I used to have used beast + nightspider for TPC and the Crahn Glove. That glove is great for a PE in my opinion, I dont think I'd play without one now.

edit: I think my PE easily capped just a 3 slot TPC btw.