View Full Version : [OT] The Amish Rock.

08-10-06, 00:31
I can't believe those people attending the killer's funeral (http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/10/07/amish.mourners.ap/index.html). "About half of perhaps 75 mourners on hand were Amish."

Almost makes me want to join them but I like my computer a little too much... no chance of that.

08-10-06, 02:12
Been a horrible and disgusting story and I'm ashamed that's what the world is seeing about Pennsylvania, but yeah, good on the Amish they're great folks.

08-10-06, 04:50
I haven't kept reading up on it, but last I recall he didnt even have something personal AGAINST the amish, just seems so...random. And horrible. It was like the 3rd school shooting that week.

08-10-06, 07:33
I've been really moved by this, I take my family to that part of Pa. at least five times a year, I know where the school house is and I've driven past it a number of times. This should not of happened to the Amish, they are a peace-ful people. It's not fair that our crazy F'd up world trespassed into their simple world.

08-10-06, 07:57
Things like this wouldnt happen if people took Darwin a little bit more serious.

Yes. Im a Genocidist or whatever you like to call it. LOOK AT THE GOD DAMN NAME

It is a shame this saddistic son of a bitch would randomly shoot those girls though. And the rest of the dumbasses that happened the last 2 weeks or so. They where all copycats of the first one though.

08-10-06, 09:23
unfortunately violence is a part of the human race, you could maybe say the 'non tangible genetic code' look at our history, we are like the only species to engage in killing its own kind, barring famines for animals, they actually had a special about gorillas where they caught on tape gorilla packs actually warring each other, dont remember the details.

08-10-06, 12:22
Cmon some1 tell me what an Amish is xD im a poor skool boy leave me be >.>

08-10-06, 20:20
i dont know the specifics but they dont believe in violence or electricity and stuuf like that

someone help me out here

EDIT: all hail Wikipedia: Click Me (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amish)

09-10-06, 05:22
Well, I am from a rural area in Pennsylvania, where we have a tonne of old order amish, as well as mennonites.

As I've learned, the Amish actually started in Europe during reformation, when many protestant religions broke from the catholic church and were formed. They moved to Pennsylvania which was founded in the name of religious tolerance. As a people they decided to stop evolving with the invention of the combustion engine. They live on farms, they are mostly self sufficient. They take turns going to each others house for religious services. They speak "high german" or a type of German which was once spoken and is no longer used by main stream germans.

I hope this helps.

10-10-06, 04:09
Well, I am from a rural area in Pennsylvania, where we have a tonne of old order amish, as well as mennonites.

As I've learned, the Amish actually started in Europe during reformation, when many protestant religions broke from the catholic church and were formed. They moved to Pennsylvania which was founded in the name of religious tolerance. As a people they decided to stop evolving with the invention of the combustion engine. They live on farms, they are mostly self sufficient. They take turns going to each others house for religious services. They speak "high german" or a type of German which was once spoken and is no longer used by main stream germans.

I hope this helps.

So the Amish are like ermmmm you know that film Village where they all eat from one gaint table in the middle of the town ??????

10-10-06, 04:15
uh sorta but not really :P

they plow their fields with horses instead of tractors, they have no electricity or phone service, they have wells instead of city water, no indoor plumbing or toilets

sort of like living in the past

except you can catch them sometimes getting ice cream at the minute mart :P

10-10-06, 07:09
I live amongst them in Lancaster county. They live very simple lives like it was 150+ years ago (almost like hasidim), religion & worship is the central part of their lives. They are very friendly & easily tollerate us "english". ATM there are 3 amish farms within viewing distance of my front door