View Full Version : [Poll] Live Runs

30-09-06, 11:07
After the LiveRun of Neocrons Birthday we thought about this kind of event. LiveRuns were start of and thought about in the past but they never got much attention. Though we came to an idea of this LiveRun of the other kind: questions of which the answers were the locations to find something. All runners could attend no matter if alone or in a team but team work was most appreciated.
Some positive and some negative factors occured which we will show now :

Oppinions / Pro´s & Contra´s of the GMs :

- No control over PK in the non Eventzones, taking part at your own risk !
- High dependece of OP-Genreps did take away the possibility of equal chances and/or decreases the number of zones.
- New players do not know most of the places mentioned (could even have positive aspects)

- Factor of occupation: you can take many people on the move.
- Factor of motovation
- History of Neocron
- Exploration of Neocron

Could be improved:
- timescape when run is running on all 3 servers at the same time or changing of the zones in their order.
- better hiding of the dropspots in every zone ... or just use one drop per zone... who got the first one mostly got the other two.
- more teamplay (not everyone knows every place)
- exploration of the world of Neocron, getting knowledge of places at which you wont get normally
- different questions on all 3 servers

To get your opinions just copy the following template in a new post and complete it. Spam, Flame etc. will get removed. I will look at it and will discuss with my team how to improve this project.
These of you not being able to be at the Birthday LiveRun please fill out just the lower part, thx.

Birthday LiveRun :

Negative :
Positive :
Could be improved :

General :

Oppinion :

Own / further ideas, proposal:

I want to commit myself in a Live Run :
Yes [ ] No[ ]

=========Template End========

30-09-06, 11:46
Birthday LiveRun :

Negative :
- Questions were poor - The point red one
- Prizes were poor, it should have been a prize for each runner in the team
- Gave "vets" more of a chance than noobies
Positive :
- Got lots of runners into the same place
- Was good fun,
- Made people check the history
Could be improved :
- Better questions
- More varied places

General :

Oppinion :
- It was good fun, most fun ive had in neocron for a long time, the questions were poor, and the prizes were poor too. I would like to have seen more questions on the folk lore of neocron and also the history.

Own / further ideas, proposal:
- Have mobs spawned at each location, to make it more teamwork, as in the end all people were doing was splitting into two teams to make sure that there was one team ready to genrep to the next location.
- I have ideas for questions, but I wouldnt want to post them here ;)

I want to commit myself in a Live Run :
Yes [x] No[ ]

=========Template End========


30-09-06, 11:50
LiveRun :

Negative :
- Low level players cant play because mobs kill em, don't have enough hack.
- Non-Hackers can't hack boxes thus at least one hacker is needed.
- Zone mobs, kill while hacking or traveling so ppu is needed.
- Only works for people who know their way around so again discriminates
against "noobies"
- Can be stressful

Positive :
- Free stuff ftw!
- Err, more events?
- Fun!?

Could be improved :
- Give more time between questions so runners have a change to get to a genrep eg: account question done, and then wait a mintue before next one.
- GM could perhaps kill mods if there are alot around if boxes "must" be hacked.
- Make a mini LiveRun for noobies which will give them noobie items and armour, maybe a low cost vehicle or armour!?

General : Eh?
Oppinion : LiveRun was stressful and too much work, needed, driver, ppu, hacker, and attackers to get anything done right, or stealthed hacker :p

Own / further ideas, proposal:
-Make the LiveRun more accessable for noobie players, and make it more fun for others eg maybe only 1 "token" per person/account? So not only 1 player gets everything.

I want to commit myself in a Live Run :
Yes [ ] No[ ] Maybe [x]

02-10-06, 16:47
Birthday LiveRun :

Negative :
- Instructions on the forums was not very clear
- Some of the places where predictable (Like Ceres temple and Garbage dump)
- The ops where locked, and in the case of Terra I think the unlocked ops favoured Anti-city

Positive :
- My team had a great laugh!
- Some of us got drunk during the event!
- We came 2nd!
- I've probably said something stupid on ventrilo that my team will quote me on! ;)

Could be improved :
- Questions, some of my team thought the questions where silly.
- Use locations that are rarely used
- Put in some new locations just for the event

General :

Oppinion :
- I enjoyed it, but I was expecting a harder event with mobs guarding the boxes etc.

Own / further ideas, proposal:
- Try and get the op GR's open for the event. Maybe allow the GM to set the zone as an event zone, where the op gr is open, but the op cannot be hackked.

I want to commit myself in a Live Run :
Yes [x] No[ ]

03-10-06, 12:25
Birthday LiveRun :

Negative :
- Some clans had a Unfair advantage. Whether proven or not - Hacking before the Q is taking the piss, out of luck
- I was expecting lot more mobs to be gaurding the boxes.... a Pure hacker on a scout glider could have done this, so much for team work
- Seem'd to be Anti OP related.
Positive :
- Great Fun
- We got 2nd
-Master Hunter trophy looks sexy
Could be improved :
- Pantho could get a WoC Disc for winning as a special pressie
- Harder Q's, And more team work needed... Like, the box is hmm, DoY Tunnel lvl 3 :D

=========Template End========

and why is this a Poll -

04-10-06, 07:35
Birthday LiveRun :

Negative :
- i was missed the one on terra and the mars one didnt make much sense :D
- ppl are whining about killing, ops being locked, noobs not knowing where to go
- the questions were probably really easy
Positive :
- clans that control the map can close off the ops to give themselves an advantage
- a skilled team can get to the places (others should die from mobs) or stop other people getting there (pk ftw?)
- could actually be something for the serious-high end game content for people that know pretty much everything about the game and have done everything else :P
Could be improved :
- the locations should be hard to get to and tricky to find exactly (someone said doy tunnels lvl3, that sorta thing)
- make people think about the questions, they could be misleading or just really unknown and rarely visted places
- if its meant to be a team thing, give prizes out for 4/5 people, ya can't really control how big the team really is i guess =]

General :

Oppinion :
- it woulda been fun if i could speak german or if i didn't have to go out before the one on terra started and also if it was announced a bit more so we knew it coulda been a big thing

Own / further ideas, proposal:
- you've added a shit load of newbie content and mid-lvl content but there's nothing for people who know everything, this could be a nice test of who really knows the best =]

I want to commit myself in a Live Run :
Yes [X] No[ ]

04-10-06, 18:21
Birthday LiveRun :

Negative :
- Some clans had a Unfair advantage. Whether proven or not - Hacking before the Q is taking the piss, out of luck
- I was expecting lot more mobs to be gaurding the boxes.... a Pure hacker on a scout glider could have done this, so much for team work
- Seem'd to be Anti OP related.
Positive :
- Great Fun
- We got 2nd
-Master Hunter trophy looks sexy
Could be improved :
- Pantho could get a WoC Disc for winning as a special pressie
- Harder Q's, And more team work needed... Like, the box is hmm, DoY Tunnel lvl 3 :D

=========Template End========

and why is this a Poll -

I want to commit myself in a Live Run :
Yes [x] No[ ]
I want to commit myself To All events :
Yes [x] No[ ]

forgot that bit *_*