View Full Version : nc1 beta player maybe returning

19-09-06, 23:57
Hello all you Neocron players.

I've played this game for a year.

Soon later i hear part 2 is out.

I read MANY posts and it sounds good, but cartoony?

Looks like 10 year old kids runnung around?

I'd miss the mean grey tank look..

I was wondering if many old players still play this game..

like KiCkURnUTs deathwish and Tatics and Little Terror and Sweet Leaf?

Any of thoes names ring a bell? I was a part of FA and ACE.

I was also with F.A.N.G for a long time too.

If fang still around? I cant see any new posts about them nor any new videos.

Did this game loose a lot of players since my time playing this game?

"mainly posted for the old time players"

God Bless


20-09-06, 00:01
i remember little terror, i was skojax and postagirl later on

20-09-06, 00:04
Little Terror was the best with that pistol, hahaha.. Oh thoes good old flash backs.

I would love to know if Little Terror was still on.

20-09-06, 00:06
Little Terror is still quite active on the forums and maybe plays mars but havent seen sweet leaf in a while, and yeh little terror i swear used to hutn me with that feking pistol!

20-09-06, 00:09
You were that sniper Silent0... yea i remember you from back then too. Out by MB all the time. :)

Dribble Joy
20-09-06, 00:13
Still a few oldies about. Hopefully should be getting new npc/player models at some point (but the balancing project is first).

20-09-06, 01:10
Little Terror was the best with that pistol, hahaha.. Oh thoes good old flash backs.

I would love to know if Little Terror was still on.

Whoops i thought you said you were little terror

20-09-06, 08:31
I'm sort of interested in perhaps coming back too, although I've been gone a *long* time. I initially became a member of the Neocron community in February 2001 (The registration date on this forum says April 2001, that's when they changed the forums to VBulletin, and couldn't back up the old database), and stuck around until late 2004.

Hi all.

20-09-06, 15:46
It's REALLY nice to see you again! Yes I started to play when you started to play this game too.

Right after beta "or as many say it was still in open beta at that time".

You must remember Tatics if you were on Satern then, right?

Good old days when you can stun someone with a tazar to a turtle speed and kill them with your fists...


20-09-06, 16:00
FAnG left sometime after nc2 came out, and they dont plan on returning. they're currently mainly playin planetside/WoW. The "FAnG" on Terra wasn't them, was just an imitator/fake clan. but u say u haven't played nc2 so ye, ignore the last sentence =p

& god, kickurnuts, I hope i never have to hear his annoying voice again, if so he better have hit puberty and got a deeper voice by now

ALSO u might wanna shrink that signature down...

20-09-06, 23:10
It's REALLY nice to see you again! Yes I started to play when you started to play this game too.

Right after beta "or as many say it was still in open beta at that time".

You must remember Tatics if you were on Satern then, right?

Good old days when you can stun someone with a tazar to a turtle speed and kill them with your fists...

Haha, yeah, those were good times. I think I remember Tactics, I was on Saturn, but my memory is pretty fuzzy. I played in mostly FA clans, and a bunch of us headed to DRE not too long before NC2 came out. I didn't make the move though, I had too much going on in real life. There's still a few things going on, but I might occasionally be able to pop on the computer and kill some rats. I very much doubt any of my old buddies are still playing though, things seem to have changed quite a bit.

Oh, and hello to the devs. ;)

20-09-06, 23:18
Always good to see old faces drop by. :)


21-09-06, 03:01
Sweat Leaf i saw within the past year and had in a clan or on vent with..

Little Terror - Is fetish

and is active on MARS only atm -

21-09-06, 05:03
so your Tatics i was wondering who the fuck that was on my vent everytime i come in the channel you never say anything though :(

i normal hang on vent with deathrow or exl nowadays

21-09-06, 21:55
Hi I'm littleterror, I still play but on the german server Mars, I'm english though >.> I don't use the liberator no more so I guess I could hurt you even more. Toastie I think he quit, I remeber him was in the same clan at one time was a good bloke, most of that clan is like gone .

/edit WTF your toastie ?

Well hello there really nice to see old peeps comming back!

22-09-06, 01:10
Hey there Nid, nice to see you again.

22-09-06, 10:25
Hey chrome, I didn't know you still played, how is you?

22-09-06, 11:08
hey guys :P im another oldie nc1 player, used to play as keitaro (i think....) but yeah i may make a comeback also :P~

22-09-06, 14:02
Hey folks, I'm a N1 beta veteran too, haven't played for almost 4 years.. just made a return yesterday. Not having too much time to play, for 1-2 months you'll only meet me in the sewers running for money and rep, but maybe later.... :)
Neocron has some kind of crazy magic, I can tell... to come back after playing alotta other MMOG's... it's still different than anything else...


22-09-06, 17:40
Welcome back guys :P

I'm still like 5 months away from my 6th or so return to the game.

23-09-06, 02:54
Hey Little T, I'm Toastie.

I remember talking to you on Vent a few times.

I also remember you and I being in the same clan back in the day for a while.

It's so nice to see a few more posts from some good old vets.

Miss you guys and I really miss the game.

It's the people that make the game and their are lots of good people in the game.

(the game is addicting too even after not playing it for quite a while)

One time I was addicted to Beer, had a bottle in my hand for a while. It took over a year to get completely away from it...

Well with Neocrack I have been away from it for quite longer now and i'm STILL addicted hardcore!

Oh once my credit card problems are over and i have a bit of extra cash, i'll come back.

Oh i sure would love to log into a friends account just to run around while i get some extra cash. :) *If i had a friend that played this game* :(

So F.A.N.G is on Planetside or WOW? I played both games and If i had known that they are their I would of kept my subscription with both games.

Nid Nice to see you around still. I'm feeling at home already :lol:

24-09-06, 02:07
Hey chrome, I didn't know you still played, how is you?
Technically I don't... However, I'm putting serious consideration into making a comeback.


10-10-06, 10:07
Hey little terror! God its been a long time, you probably dont remember me but I sure as hell remember you.... and that damned pistol lol.

I'm thinking of coming back too... maybe we should all get together. Whats the best server nowadays, i'm hearing good things about mars?

10-10-06, 17:26
hey terror u probably dont remember me but i was in crackers i wit ya (Seader) also inferno101 on uranus an pluto tho b4 that i was DIABLO666 on pluto. (i had 2 change name cos all CM wanted to kill me.)

10-10-06, 17:46
God damn, i really want to come back to neocron, its still got to be my most favourite game. I use to play neocron just after BETA, i played it for many years, and have seen allot of changes. Ive given up this game a god knows how many times. I Would love to come back. How many players are there on the servers these days?

10-10-06, 17:50
tbh NC1 was better but on 16th october i think test server for balance will b rdy. however nowing KK that cud mean newere from 16th october 2006-16january 2008

10-10-06, 20:12
God damn, i really want to come back to neocron, its still got to be my most favourite game. I use to play neocron just after BETA, i played it for many years, and have seen allot of changes. Ive given up this game a god knows how many times. I Would love to come back. How many players are there on the servers these days?

on the english server there is about 12% primetime, i might be wrong, just what i remember from logging in :)

18-10-06, 19:57
Well hi folks. I have decided to give Neocron another blast for a bit. Really missed it but got annoyed when I lost most of my kit on the transfer from NC1 to NC2. Only have what was in my quick belt and the rest went. Well my Character Fury Magellan was capped and I was in Saiyan with Sh0dan. Wow thats going back a while. I'm gonna play it for a few months to see what different. Hope there is at least one person I know from the good old days lol. See you in there. :cool:

19-10-06, 02:29
. o O (All these players coming back......if they can get to pay for a subscription i think everyone dream be coming true? bigger population) :lol:

Welcome home to all the veteran's out there :cool:

Forget My Name
19-10-06, 19:06
Welcome back all of you oldies!

Get in game now damnit!