View Full Version : server slot usage

13-09-06, 15:08
I was thinking about what chars to keep/reroll on Terra, but I have a hard time deciding. What are your current classes and their purposes, if I may ask?

Mine are atm

1. /50-ish LE'd hybrid for soloing
2. /50-ish old anti PPU transferred from NC1 for.. not sure
3. /40-ish Rifle PE, but I'm contemplating deleting this one, shitty name & hair
4. /30-ish Pistol PE, fresh and levelling, wanna give PvP a try

I'm lacking a tradeskiller to help my mates out but so far I couldn't be bothered to raise one as I find it quite boring. How many of you guys have one or even two?

13-09-06, 15:21
Blackpheonix (**/66) - Woc Pistol Spy - used for pvp but im shit
Blackpheonix Monk (**/63) - Apu - will be used for op wars/pvp
Blackpheonix Tank (**/56) - HC Tank - created him mainly for messing about in vhc's liek rhinos and doy bombers :D
Blackpheonix Res (RES - 235/150) - Spy - fully capped reasearcher/driver, i say fully capped he hasnt capped CON

all my chars are un LE'D

13-09-06, 15:22
/56 tradeskiller spy for um tradeskilling
/58 hybrid monk for monking around
/59 HC PE for whatever I happen to feel like doing

None LE'd I don't play the monk much cause I am pretty much permanently dissatisfied with his setup.

4th slot is for *ahem* twinking Jones items. At some point I'll get another account for more chars on Terra but I hardly play.

13-09-06, 15:26
/65 StevenJ - rifle spy, but I'm rubbish at pvp and he has nerfed int through too much lomming...
/60ish Ampere - hybrid, work in process
/60ish StevenS - LEd PPU, newb leveling helper [poke, ress, recycle, etc - not good at anything in particular aside from ressing people in the aggies]
Spare slot.

13-09-06, 15:31
1. Fully capped MC Tank - for pretty much all pvp
2. Fully capped res/cst/rep hoverbomber flying spy - tradeskill + more =]
3. Dex woc pistol pe (with 5 slot ulti beretta) - for shutting people up when they whine at me for using a non-reticle class =]
4. Str woc pe (currently using SH) - generally i lom him to whatever i want as i'll never lose lvls on him.. hurlerking knucks are totally useless tbh.

edit/ yes all my chars are fully capped+more =p

edit2/ what you want imo is team-pvp char (tank/monk), solo-pvper (pe), tradeskiller (spy) and maybe a droner/rifler or something like that for distance solo fighting / pvm / epics

13-09-06, 15:32
1. Kid Kapow, fully capped woc pistol spy
2. Bettie Page, 99 int 97 dex rest capped hybrid tradeskiller
3. Rick Dangerous, 93 con rest capped melee tank
4. some PPU, 90ish psi and not used since i brought him over from nc1
5. Zen Guerrilla, /55ish barter/droner spy
6. Hawaiian Skirt, 90ish int rest capped APU hybrid
7. El Fugitivo, fully capped hybrid hc/mc vehicle PE
8. Kid Stardust, fully capped rifle PE

I also deleted and rerolled 2 fully capped PEs, a fully capped spy, a nearly capped tank and about 10 other midlevel characters.

Then i got a capped tank and a /55ish PE on mars and about 6 other nearly capped chars on the other servers. :lol:

Ahaha, all the time wasted. :rolleyes:

13-09-06, 16:09
IceStorm - CM, Main rifle/res/rep/cst spy with enough to drive a reveler and recycle up to lvl 10 parts (maybe more now, got a TH chip
Icestorm Five -
Icestorm Six -
Icestorm Seven -

IceStorm Two - N.E.X.T., Hybrid Monk
Icestorm Eight - Tangent, Pistol Spy with barter
Icestorm Nine - ProtoPharma, Pistol Spy with barter
Icestorm Ten -

IceStorm Three - N.E.X.T., HC PE with 125 REC and up to 115 IMP with a Spy 2 from the Hybrid Monk
Icestorm Eleven -
Icestorm Twelve -
Icestorm Thirteen -

IceStorm Four - CA, Combat Rifle Spy
Icestorm Fourteen -
Icestorm Fifteen -
Icestorm Sixteen - Disposable slot

I don't remember the rest and I'm not going to boot my game PC to find out. The bulk are Pistol Spies built for a lot of barter. I have 90+ FS in all 12 factions, with four slots left over to do whatever with.

Neptume I have one char I've leveled, but most slots are empty. Mars I just started on and I have two chars over there so far and a fifth disposable slot from an account I pay for, but my friend hasn't used for years.

Incidentally, IceStorm vs Icestorm means something. When KK ported chars from NC1, you could have a capital letter in the middle of a word, but it counted against the total number of capital letters you could have (three). In NC2, the name parser changed. The guy who wrote the old code left the company and the new person didn't follow the agreed-upon standard (to paraphrase KK's official answer). Any chars created in NC2 cannot have a capital letter in the center of a word. Sucks, I know.

13-09-06, 16:20
Gods alts -

Lotek Neutron - Xbow Spy
Pantho ' - Slasher PE
XXX XXXX - HC Rifle Spy, (Levling atm)
Pantho teh PPU - Have a guess
Panto teh APU - Can you work it out
Kiltikiy - APU Hybrid
Tomparadox - Capped ressers.... or 99 int i forget
Pantho PE - 75 dex Droner -

13-09-06, 16:26
1. Pistol PE- Alissa Mason- /56 or so i beleive.
2. Lowby resser/droner character in leveling.
3. HC Tank in leveling. /45 or so just generally for fucking about
4. NC1 rifle spy specialised for sniping and blowing the general fuck out of things- Warbot Titan X

my second account is newby atm and not worth listing.

13-09-06, 16:28
You guys with the plethora of capped chars... how why what agh!

My HC PE being one of 3 whole entire chars, I still haven't explored her capabilities. Do you guys actually play all those chars or just use them for specific tasks?

13-09-06, 16:33

Fully Capped PE
Capped PPU


Fully Capped PPU
Fully Capped Hybrid
Fully Capped HC PE
Capped Resser
Capped Conster
Capped Tank


Capped HC tank
Capped APU
Capped Pistol PE
Capped Rifle PE
Capped Melee PE
Capped HC tank

Lots oh characters to still transfer from NC1 aswell :D

13-09-06, 18:07
PPU, Almost full capped save about 2 million int xp and 10k or so dex XP. Used for op wars, cave teams, bailing people out (I've gone and ressed/rescured people in some pretty bizzare situations) and exploring dangerous locations. Drives a reveller too, for awesome raiding teams.
APU Hybrid, full capped save int. Used for raiding, fighting multiple people at once. Drives a reve/quad for when its a few TOO MANY people at once.
HC PE - Driving/gunning whatever I fancy, transport duties, raiding where stealth/vehicles come in useful and dueling.
Hacknet/pilot spy - performing hacknet tasks and flying around for exploration/fun.

All on Terra

on Mars:

Mac C - Pure MC5 HC/Pistol PE. Star of "Battle for the MC5 GR"

Described acount is presently inactive at the moment. There is a second acount active, however none of those characters are actually used for anything other than half an hour of levelling per week.

13-09-06, 18:28
Let's see. (These are all Terra chars)

1. Spy - Droner, Constructor and MegaTycoon of Phoenix Ltd. ;)
2. Spy - Pure Barter, Recycler and flies Hovercarriers.
3. Spy - Pure hacknet spy
4. Spy - Rifle user, who can barter, currently leveling.
5. Spy - Pistol user who also barters.
6. Spy - Researcher,Repairer,Op Hacker and crash-test pilot.
7. Monk - Pure APU
8. Monk - APU Hybrid, currently leveling
9. Monk - PPU who can implant.
10. Tank - Melee combat
11. Tank - Heavy combat
12. PE - Judge PE

A few of my characters a 100% capped, my monks are not INT capped, Tanks are all capped except in CON, and the spies are either in not capped in something.

13-09-06, 18:30
Aseren Capped HC/MC Tank
Cream Cracker WoC Spy
Kimmydibble monk in leveling about /35ish atm
Custard Cream TL92 PE.....my favorite char of all and my favorite type of PE....TL92 FTW!

13-09-06, 18:33
capped (except CON=97) H-C/M-C tank
58-ish APU hybrid (was a kami-hybrid, then an APU, then PPU with handheld rocket launcher, then PPU, now HL/hybrid, will get bored later and do something else
half capped CST/REP/Driver/ Tradeskilling is very very boring so have not managed to do much with this char.
55-ish Droner/Stealther/Hacker

rank 38 hybrid monkee with -67 SL who has lost all his toys on the floor of MB.

no idea.

capped H-C Dev tank transferred from NC1
capped pistol PE started from start of neptune

<yawns and goes back to work>

14-09-06, 01:30
hmmm lets see

1. woc spy for killing anything/anyone really
2.woc tank used for doy tunnels now
3.woc hyb just got bored of ppu so i made her hyb.still bored with the char lol
4.tsunami pe in the making for about the 10th time.

1.tsunami pe capped

1.capped pistol spy

1.mid lvl melee tank

lost count of how many capped chars ive deleted over the years though :lol:

14-09-06, 03:27
1) apu = O MY GOD
2) woc hc tank = NAPPER
3) i havent got one at the min
4) hacknet spy = one life nc
5) ppu = unamed
6) hyb = necpock
7) tradeskiller = toy builder
8) pe = cant remember the name lol
dont play the next ones alot
9) apu
10) led pistol spy
12)toy maker

1) droner = super dood
2) melee tank = O MY GOD
3) hc tank = cant tell you this one lol

havnt a clue bout the rest sorry