View Full Version : [Mars] [GvT] moveon for sale on mars

31-08-06, 06:58
selling moveon tomoz day at 5pm (english time ) if you are wanting one that dm me or send me a mail on o my god 1 million or above i will accept

31-08-06, 13:01
This is exactly the attitude that is going to get the mars atmosphere destroyed.
When terra players read this they get the urge to move over and totaly ruin the server.

I just read frustration and not being able to deal with defeat.
You'r right. Selfedit...

31-08-06, 13:10
This is exactly the attitude that is going to get the mars atmosphere destroyed.
When terra players read this they get the urge to move over and totaly ruin the server.

I just read frustration and not being able to deal with defeat.

31-08-06, 14:23
omg im only selling a moveon what so bad about it ???????

31-08-06, 14:28
you have more people to fight if terra mores over anyway : )

but whats wrong with someone trying to sell a moveon i need money as much as the next person

31-08-06, 14:45
its been sold but thanks anyway close please

31-08-06, 14:47
Napper, i think you missed the part before the edit where Atreides said something like :

What's the matter, allready leaving mars? I thought you were going to show us your ultimate pvp skills.
And then something about how sad it was that terra players only use downloadable skills ......

And honestly, i don't see what the hell that had to do with someone trying to sell a moveon.

31-08-06, 14:58
I download all my skills tbh.

Edit:- Fuck this shit anyway, im sick and tired of people from terra, who are genuinely better PVPers, being accused constantly of cheating. It has to be bordering on Harassment (especially since many Marsians beleive killing a red is harassment under certain circumstances, what the fuck is that about).

People from Terra arent wanted on Mars, that was apparent months ago. Any slight slip up by someone from Terra is jumped on rabidly to get them penalised or banned, usually for nothing more than speaking on OOC for a while (which is usually met my countless comments on how this is a German server and we should speak German. Well, the support language is German, and even then if you send a ticket in English its replied to, but theres no where stating you must speak German to play that server. And i pay my monthly fee, so i'll speak fucking mandarin chinese if i feel like it).

I do think Terra players on Mars have had to put up with a lot of shit, both verbally and through things like traders not serving Terra players, and i do think the majority have shown restraint, since on Terra the offending Marsian would have recieved a huge torrent of abuse, and no one would have batted an eye lid. All i can draw from this, and probably rightly, is Mars is a carebear server, and i assume Mars is where most of the moves towards a more carebear system (ie soul light) have came from.

But seriously, its a damn game. Dont get in a huge fucking tantrum when you get beat. There are people better than you out there, who dont cheat, otherwise theyd be banned, especially with the GMs on Mars (which, quite frankly, i have no faith in at all the deal with proper rule breakages accordingly).



Edit:- Just saw Snowcrashes announcement. So does this mean any other language except the "server" language is prohibited now? Another seemingly magical way to distance the community from each other.

31-08-06, 16:25
its been sold but thanks anyway close please

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