View Full Version : need an overall guide

30-08-06, 23:30
I tried looking at the other guides but they didn't have what I need, could somebody just give me a brief overall guide to neocron 2. thanks! :) :)

30-08-06, 23:39
Um that's asking kind of a lot you know. :p

Ok the weapons you buy in stores are shit. Buy one and then ask on a trade channel for someone to make a blueprint of it and then someone to construct it.

Um don't take out your LE (I won't explain because by the time you figure out what it is and what it's for you should be ready to take it out anyways.

Use those weird computer things on the walls everywhere to get missions. They will level you and make you money and increase your sympathy rating in the faction you do the mission for.

Good enough for now I think.

31-08-06, 13:48
I tried looking at the other guides but they didn't have what I need, could somebody just give me a brief overall guide to neocron 2. thanks! http://neocron.jafc.de/images/smilies/old/smile.gif http://neocron.jafc.de/images/smilies/old/smile.gif

http://nc.synergyxr.net (http://nc.synergyxr.net/)

Never leave home without ithttp://neocron.jafc.de/images/smilies/old/angel2.gif

and of course closer to home http://neocron.jafc.de/forumdisplay.php?f=168;)

03-09-06, 08:49
I've only been playing a few days so I'm not exactly in the right place to be putting out a guide of any form, but I tend to take to things quickly, so if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask, here or in game (I play usually as Darq on Terra). Being still relatively new to NC, I might have a better understanding of where you're coming from compared to others who have forgotten just how overwhelming this game can be.

06-09-06, 17:32
basic stuff is take out ur le soon (it annoys ppl) dont trust nebody, join a clan ask clan m8s wen u got em bout prices on items (ppl like 2 scam noobs) and dont insult ppl, it gets u a bad rep