View Full Version : Good news for us...

30-08-06, 07:18
check it out, I found it very interesting: http://www.easybourse.com/Website/dynamic/News.php?NewsID=48015&lang=fra&NewsRubrique=2 CEO of Google is joining Apple's boards. Imagine the possibilities. The two of them can drive innovation in computing for decades to come... What do you think?

30-08-06, 16:30
Its not especially of note. Google already coperarte with Sun and Microsoft when it suits them (despite the ever growing competion between Microsoft and Google). To see them working with Apple in some ways isn't entirley suprising.

30-08-06, 17:07
It is important cmaster. As I hear, google has already moved to a spreadsheet app just like its word one (bought from writely). These 2 combined can make incredible things. They are not, however joined just because Google's CEO is aboard Apple, but this move isn't a random one if I can judge Jobs'

31-08-06, 10:36
You see? --> http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/aug2006/tc20060830_799123.htm?chan=top+news_top+news+index
Competition is getting stronger... I love it!