View Full Version : HL2 episode 2 & MS FSX

28-08-06, 16:01
Go take a look @ gamespy for the new preview videos on HL2 episode2 and microsoft FS X. MegabuX speax :D we listen....


what to say...

28-08-06, 16:03
I can't wait for EP2. I WANT PORTALS DAMN YOU! The luaones for GM is kinda booring.

28-08-06, 16:08
If they keep ramping it up EP2 aught to be great.

That part in EP1 where you're waiting for the elevator in pitch black with grenade zombies rushing you was killer. Not done the game yet tho so...

28-08-06, 16:12
yes, that scene with the elevator was indeed amazing. I don't believe this will ever end. It will just get better and better. Megabucks.

But Microsoft also has a winner too, with FSX. A 25 years franchise

Ah, you mean you haven't finished it yet. Well the scene you describe is the toughest

28-08-06, 16:17
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. :p

28-08-06, 16:28
You mean about m$?
Naah I was always enjoying FS. 25 years in the production and is indeed a great software. Im pretty sure, they are cheating Apple, by hiring a small dark room in Apple campus and developing it :p