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View Full Version : Mars players are poor sports!

25-08-06, 19:28
So ive been playing on Mars with a few friends for the past 2 or 3 weeks and I swear to god, half of the people there call terra ppl cheaters and exploiters because most of them have a real lack of pvp skill. If you kill them, they immediately spam ooc with "nice cheat terra noob". Now i know i should just brush it off my shoulder, but after the 100th time of being called a cheater it is really starting to get to me.. how can they be such sore losers?

Everyone from terra should just move to Mars.. just because the server would be at 30+% and it would probably make alot of them mad.. sorry, but maybe 1% of the population on mars will trade with an english speaking person.. now i ask, why? Is it because of the few english terra players that PK everyone? I really doubt that.. it just seems like alot of them have grudges and do not want to change how there server is..

Also, can a GM or anyone do something about the constant accusations of terra players using cheats?

//end rant

Mighty Max
25-08-06, 19:33
Nothing new to any server tbh.

The servers tend to breed their scum. Just ignore them. After all it turns out to be allways the same ppl.

As an english speaking player you are very exposed to them, but it makes it easier to fill the ignore list with the right ppl.

25-08-06, 19:40
[ edited - if you have proof of cheating then report it to exploits@neocron.com ]

25-08-06, 20:00
TBH most of the players on Mars are very nice people in my experiance, there are a few that moan, but generally they are a damn sight more friendly than the peeps on Terra. True most do lack any real PvP skills, but is that any reason to slate them? Its no more than players on Terra bitch and moan about being killed.

Ok carebear type rant over.

25-08-06, 20:11
there's two sides to the coin.
I've heard several complaints about the behavior of terra players on mars too, such as constantly flaming marsians for their pvp-weakness and refering to rather not so nice kraut remarks.
Again, as MightyMax already stated - wherever you look, you'll find a few asshats that stick out... sadly it's them, being the ones that heaten up the brawl. It's them being the ones that fuel the anti-terra mentality, it's them being the ones that fuel the hostile reactions towards terra 'visitors'.
despite this, it is certainly NOT "half the server" but only a small, yet noisy fraction ...

All you can do is be responsible for your own actions and encourage other ppl to do the same - play fair, dont engage in or respond to flames or generalisation (all germans are, all mars players are, all english are...), keep PK'ing and griefing well seperated - go for hostiles. Be nice on public channels.

I dont see why the terra AND mars advantages shouldnt complement each other. As you INT/ENG folks pose an easily identified minority on the server, keep in mind that your actions will most likely be taken as a showcase for ALL english ppl on mars.

25-08-06, 20:20
V is for Victory!

Fuck me, has anyone heard of that show?? Fookin bald pimply-ass headed aliens! :lol:

25-08-06, 20:47
Tbh alot of people have moved to mars. im leveling 2 chars atm there :D 4tw

25-08-06, 21:26
I've been playing both mars and terra pretty much since i started nc way back.

Usually when the actual server pisses me off i change. Recently came back to terra because mars had some serious issues with a bunch of people who did pretty much everything to destroy other peoples fun.
Back on terra i got bored again, went to mars, then back to terra, atm i'm inactive due to fucked up balance and all the stupid work i gotta do.

Mars has fewer good pvpers but thats pretty much it. The amount of asshats is the same on both servers and as you got germans not trading or even taking to english people you got a load of english people flaming the germans on terra. And it's quite relaxed atm, back on uranus things really got out of hand, in the end it all came down to german vs english players. I was one of very few germans that kept playing with english people then.

Conclusion: DEAL WITH IT. :)

Dribble Joy
25-08-06, 21:30

I didn't even know you were german....

And yeah... the times of the 'GLA' were a bit shitty....

25-08-06, 21:58

I didn't even know you were german....

And yeah... the times of the 'GLA' were a bit shitty....

Haha, it's pretty funny that even after so much time theres people around who still don't know.
On the other hand, we've never been on voicecoms, that's where most people find out. But usually i gotta tell people i'm german, some made me talk german because they wouldn't believe me. :lol:

And man, i still got some hilarious screenshots from back then somewhere, should go find em and make another "good old days" thread. o_O

26-08-06, 03:11
i barely grasp any german at all. but ye ti watch them duel in plaza occasionally...and think about popping my LE to pown the CS tanks with my tl36 gatling pistol.

26-08-06, 08:42
Everyone from terra should just move to Mars.. just because the server would be at 30+% and it would probably make alot of them mad.. sorry, but maybe 1% of the population on mars will trade with an english speaking person.. now i ask, why? Is it because of the few english terra players that PK everyone? I really doubt that.. it just seems like alot of them have grudges and do not want to change how there server is..

Also, can a GM or anyone do something about the constant accusations of terra players using cheats?

//end rant

Ok now mabye you understand the french on terra. Same as you on Mars...

When people grow up with a different game style/opinion and you mix them together, it's hard to get a descent thing...
Server on a game are like... countrys in a world...

26-08-06, 11:46
I had a German monk lvling in the aggies, me and my cousin were down there too.

I kindly asked her if she would go to another part of the aggies or team us.

She told us to fuck off to another server...in German.

Kindly speaking to her, she became out of control... My cousin then made the mistake of saying that she was worse than a ************.

Bannage blah blah he got back.

I think the GM's need to seriously sort out them Racist Germans.

Dribble Joy
26-08-06, 11:47
This is sooooo going to be closed and someone's going to get a 3 day holiday....

26-08-06, 11:54
Who ?

My Cousin?

fuck no, she was a total prick that needed a Bat to her face !

Mighty Max
26-08-06, 12:08
He seems to be one of those who don't know the words he is calling others.
Worst trap you can step into tbh.

Anyways, im joining in to ask for a close. Answer given, from here it can only go downwards.

26-08-06, 12:15
I feel the Germans shouldn't be allowed to tell us fuck off to another Server simply because we're English.

They should take what they get back in return for saying that, Not "ich haben Screens und du ist gebannt !"

Mighty Max
26-08-06, 12:33
If someone sais that to you, have a good laugh and go on

('cept you were guilty that is)

26-08-06, 13:02
It's just no fun being with them people :(

26-08-06, 13:14
It's just no fun being with them people :(

So they must be racist then... yes I see your point.

26-08-06, 13:36
Can't you all just get along? Work it out in-game, please.

Thread closed.