View Full Version : Tor eats onions and NC for breakfast

25-08-06, 03:36
Does NC client.exe try and use any HTTP/S, SOCKS or SSL to communicate with the server, and does it attempt to use the proxies defined in firefox/mozilla or use any localhost ports 8118 and 9050? I have no proxies in IE.

Why do I ask? I run privoxy and Tor on my server for the usual obvious reasons (teh 3vil Internet owners are out to monitor your life...), and when I run NC client.exe it hangs on the Epilepsy warning screen. If I disable Tor it runs perfectly well... I don't think privoxy is the prob (, but SOCKS might (9050)?

Any clues?

Regards. "Quack quack"

PS. If you have no idea what I'm writing about then read this page: The big smelly onion (http://tor.eff.org/)

25-08-06, 04:14
...& if I disable Tor, I can connect and play, but if I disconnect back to the login menu (I don't close client.exe) I get the message : Worldclient: Join proxy session failed. I disabled Privoxy incase of anything untoward but no change.

25-08-06, 10:21
A full description of how Neocron connects to the internet, including IPs and ports to unblock can be found on the Neocron website in the support area (http://ng.neocron.com/index.php?id=85).


01-09-06, 22:17
I think there is some misunderstanding. I do not want to play NC through any proxy, and I have not configured it to do so. The point is that NC is trying to forward packets to when it should not.

The support page referred to by Nid does not shed any light.

The NC ports listed as these, so why does it try and use 9050?
TCP/IP: 7000, 8020, 8040, 12000, 13000
UDP: 6000, 6001, 5000 - 5016
The NC ports listed are not routed by the proxy. Only SSL/HTTP/Gopher/FTP are routed by the Proxy, and in these cases only as defined in the browsers settings.

The neocron.ini file does not refer to port 9050:
LOCALPORT = "20999"

* Does NC attempt to use settings defined in a browser, and in this case which one? I have 4 installed. If it is IE: My IE has direct to internet set.

* Does NC use SOCKS for anything, and if so does it try and do something daft like scanning ports on the localhost for SOCKS proxies, and if so, Why?

* Why does NC connect when Tor is disabled, but only once? What is the client doing differently at the login screen after a disconnect compared to an initial login?

01-09-06, 22:23
That sounds a bit weird. You do know that is you, right? You've not got any malware installed do you?


/edit - a quick Google points the finger back at Tor. This isn't a Neocron issue.

Mighty Max
01-09-06, 23:34
* Does NC attempt to use settings defined in a browser, and in this case which one? I have 4 installed. If it is IE: My IE has direct to internet set.

The launcher uses ie as via com interface. If IE is set offline or the net-settings are missconfigured, you will encounter problems as no launcher page => no server

* Does NC use SOCKS for anything, and if so does it try and do something daft like scanning ports on the localhost for SOCKS proxies, and if so, Why?

No. It connects directly. If you need to use SOCKS with Neocron, you need a socks implementation based at the winsock level. (i.e. SocksCap)

* Why does NC connect when Tor is disabled, but only once? What is the client doing differently at the login screen after a disconnect compared to an initial login?

Neocron assigns dedicated ports, the berkley socket definition allows that ports are not closed even a shutdown on this socket was done. If this port is reassigned without the parameter SO_REUSEADDR, the bind() will fail.
After the shutdowned socket times out (missing ACK to the shutdown) it should reconnect fine. However timeout might be configured as infinite, in which case it will only be forced to shutdown on process termination (close of neocron)