View Full Version : New guy here

24-08-06, 06:25
Hello, I was thinking of trying out Neocron 2. I am coming from the MMOFPS Planetside and this game is an MMOFPS (unless I am mistaken). My questions are:

1.) Is there a lot of PVP? (I ask because Planetside is all PVP and I prefer it that way)

2.) Are there a lot of people currently playing the game?

Thanks in advance for the help.

24-08-06, 06:55
There is ALOT of PvP.

The game is currently experiencing a lack of players, although it is getting better now. usually around 300 people on all servers. its been increasing steadily lately though.

24-08-06, 07:03
wait 300 on ALL servers? how many servers are there?

24-08-06, 07:30
Neocron is a MMORPG with a FPS [combat] interface. That means to progress in levels you do the usual MMORPG thing and kick mobs back to where their came from. PvP has no level restrictions, thus to be 'PvP-ready' you should attain a high enough level to be able to competete.

And yes, at peek time we have probably 400 to 450 players in total playing, with a share of like about 180+ (roughly) on the international server called 'Terra'.

24-08-06, 07:44
there are essentially 2 servers. there are 4 in total, 2 no one ever uses. the big servers are Mars and Terra.

24-08-06, 07:51
With about 170-180 players on each -

Mars = German , But alot of english palyers are going there for a "change"

Terra = Pantho's server, oh i mean English

24-08-06, 08:02
Ok, the combat is real-time right? Now I like cyberpunk games and I always have so if this game is as detailed as I hope it is that will be a big plus for me. One thing I haven't seen anywhere on the website is the subscription fee. I didn't search the forums yet. I guess I should huh.

Dribble Joy
24-08-06, 08:50
Unlike other MMOs, given the size of the game world and stuff, 150 players online is not bad for finding tradeskillers, people to fight or OP (Out Post) fights.

Leveling is fast (one class can be capped in under a week, though technically with all the right preperations and assistance it can be done in a matter of hours of pure grinding), PvP is skill based and also dependant on knowledge of the game mechanics and items. Your 'setup' is quite important, but it's useless if you don't have the skills to go with it.
The learning curve is steep, and to be frank the n00b experience isn't that great, it's all about the end game really after all.

Seriously though, of all the game's I've played, NC is the one with the biggest kick from PvP.
I mean hands shaking from the adrenalin and tunnel vision type kick.

24-08-06, 08:51
Yeah the combat is real time. There are hitboxes in SS2 style but there are also hit zones for certain weapons.

You might find it a bit too detailed at first lol.

Fee is 10euro I think, I don't know cause I pay in USD and it's different every time cause of the exchange rate (which I also don't know)

Dribble Joy
24-08-06, 08:53
Essentially, think Deus Ex as an MMO. Version of the DE1 engine afaik.
Yes it's real time, not point and click and wait. FPS as you would expect.

24-08-06, 09:01
well I really want to try it but the whole C2P thing that I have been seeing on these forums is a bit overwhelming. I mean, I have never used C2P, I live in the US and I really don't want any problems with billing considering I don't have a lot of extra cash what little I have I am thinking of using for this game. So if i'm overcharged i'm out the extra money and I saw a couple threads that mentioned that they paid and didn't even get the account activated untill 2 weeks into it so they lost that time to be in-game. I didn't really look so they may have been older posts. does anyone have anything good to say about the payment system?

Dribble Joy
24-08-06, 09:07
Some people have no problems at all with C2P. Others however have a game stopping nightmare. Alas the free trial isn't availiable with the other payment options.

24-08-06, 09:14
Something else I was wondering is what the game looks like from a first-person perspective. Every screenshot i've seen has either been a dev shot or a third-person view. That brigs up another question why is that the case?

Dribble Joy
24-08-06, 09:16
The game can be played in 1st or 3rd person.

Most people PvP in 3rd because of the way the camera moves (and lack of effects that would been seen from 1st).
There are some of us that still use 1st though (like me).

:edit lemme find some examples....

24-08-06, 09:18
Oh, one more thing that really counts in an MMOFPS in my opinion, is can a low level character take out a high level character or would there be a huge difference and theres no chance that the low level character coud possibly win?

Dribble Joy
24-08-06, 09:24
Absolutly no chance at all. Almost all chars aren't PvP ready untill lvl 55+ (exept maybe agrressive psi users).
Armour, implants, spells and weapons change drastically as they increase in level.

1st person screenie. Only one I could find where I had my gun out.


Note: The chat box is resizeable.

24-08-06, 09:26
Thanks for the screen. Does the engine support widescreen resolutions?

24-08-06, 09:33
DJ you have 28 emails... better get on that! (yeah I know, the mail bug)

The Ottoman
24-08-06, 09:49
Thanks for the screen. Does the engine support widescreen resolutions?

Yes, it does.

Dribble Joy
24-08-06, 09:56
In the defence of the requirment to be at or near cap for PvP; the leveling time (which again, is short in comparison) lets you get to grips with the game mechanics.
And the leveling can be fun in itself, just a little bare in comprission to games such as FFXI or WoW which are geared much more around it.

24-08-06, 10:00
You can also make the GUI transparent if you wish, it makes a big difference at times... in the screenie DJ posted the chat box wouldn't be a problem at all with say 60% transparency.

24-08-06, 10:11
Any place where I can read up on the classes and stuff? Oh, and I know it's stupid to ask this seeing as how the game is a cyberpunk game, but whats the most illegal (in-game lol) Proffesion/Skill in the game (if any), ie: making blackmarket products, hacking government files 'n such?

24-08-06, 10:18
I know I'm asking an ass-load of questions but, how big is the in game world, and cities? I hope they are fairly large.

The Ottoman
24-08-06, 10:18
Any place where I can read up on the classes and stuff? Oh, and I know it's stupid to ask this seeing as how the game is a cyberpunk game, but whats the most illegal (in-game lol) Proffesion/Skill in the game (if any), ie: making blackmarket products, hacking government files 'n such?

Actually you have an incredible freedom of movement and actions. That freedom can be restricted by your actions(if you are a bad guy, people will hunt you and law enforcers will shoot you but if you are good enough you can dodge them).

Dribble Joy
24-08-06, 10:30
Generally there is two main sides.
Neocron and the Dome of York. Both of which is a city, the latter behing a ruin as it got bombed a while ago.
Within each there is a number of factions. NC factions are the companies and the regime faction City Admin.
DoY houses the anti-government factions (they moved there after the bombing).
There's also the more or less neutral Ciy Mercs who opperate from the military base out in the wastelands.

http://ng.neocron.com/ for more info about specifics. Click on Game Info.

As for illegal stuff, despite black market weapons and things, there is no real control over items. You are quite likely to find a CA (City Admin, most of the faction names are abrrieviated) runner useing 'illegal' equpiment without repercussion.
You can hack other faction DBs, though this is usually done to gain blue prints to cirtain items.

Mr Kot
24-08-06, 14:32
I know I'm asking an ass-load of questions but, how big is the in game world, and cities? I hope they are fairly large.

Here is the worldmap:


And here is just one of those worldmap sectors (F-07 to be precise) showing the surrounding terrain and the sector map.


Each of the cities you see at the extremities of the map (Neocron, Dome of York, Techhaven, Military Base, Twilight Guardian Canyon etc) has hundreds more zones, apartments, dungeons etc.

Every point of interest on the map (Regant's Legacy, Ancient Yucida Village etc) has it's own secrets too, but you will have to travel there to find out more ;)

As you can see on the screenshot, you will need a vehicle to get anywhere quickly, but you can admire the scenery more if you walk.

24-08-06, 17:43
Oh, one more thing that really counts in an MMOFPS in my opinion, is can a low level character take out a high level character or would there be a huge difference and theres no chance that the low level character coud possibly win?

Only if you a Agressive Monk - Lucky ass HC Tank with a DEV and PPU ^^ . Or A Droner with a pocket full or Kamikaze drones. Acutally a droner can kill some1 from 45+ dex ^^ , Drug into a KK-400

24-08-06, 19:09
I was wondering, can I use Pay By Cash Scince I live in the US?

How does that work? (if anyone knows)

24-08-06, 19:19
Yes you can use it ,

But not trial