View Full Version : Ahhh! Help!

Dribble Joy
22-08-06, 04:04
Right, somehting odd happened. Was trying to look at the info page on an item but when I right clicked the mouse dissappeared, and alt-tab needed to bring it back. Tryed a bit later and this happened.


NC fucked? Comp fucked? Both fucked?

22-08-06, 04:09
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooot l33t haxs haha

22-08-06, 04:18
Reboot dude. GFX card got momentarily fucked. Believe me, I'm far too familiar with it.

Someone buy me a new computer, FFS.

22-08-06, 05:42
my PC was doing that when my graphics card kept over heating. Depending on the dmg alrdy done you may need to go out and get another card, but try and save it :-p

$7 Fans ftw~!

22-08-06, 12:10
i had the same bug on my TFT!, but only on my tft, it was exchanged + good.
technically i would say its the gfx-memory fux0r... but hmmm u also got that on other D3D/OpenGL software? try a 3dmark or something with good testing and run it 30mins and check.

maybe u just need dust-clean....