View Full Version : Exam Results

17-08-06, 09:14
AS & A2 Results today. I'm off to college in about 2 hours to go get mine - oh joy. Not got what i need for my degree course im certian, lol.

17-08-06, 10:02
i'm trying to decide if i can be bothered to go, or if i should just play nc/bf2

17-08-06, 10:24
Just got mine, I got:-

Media Studies - C
English Language and Literature - C
Film Studies - C
Accounting - D

To get into my original course at University, I had to get a B in Media but I just checked the UCAS site thingy and although my course has technically changed, it's the same one I applied for but instead I have another course/subject added onto it. So instead of doing a Single Honours, I'll be doing a Combined Honours :D

I am disappointed with my Media result but I'm so glad I still get to go to my first choice University :D

17-08-06, 10:30
Congratulations Tallon :)

Which Uni you going to?

About 45 mins to an hour before i get mine

17-08-06, 10:33
Good luck to everyone expecting results today. Just remember, exam results are not the be all and end all. Not by a long way.


17-08-06, 10:48
Good luck everyone! ;)

I am disappointed with my Media result but I'm so glad I still get to go to my first choice University :D

I remember when I got my results to goto Uni. I didn't get one of the grades I needed, but I still got in to my first choice. :cool:

17-08-06, 11:06
Congratulations Tallon :)

Which Uni you going to?

About 45 mins to an hour before i get mine

Canterbury Christ Church :D, loved that place as a kid and now I'll be living there for a while :D

17-08-06, 11:09
Don't be too worried if you get shit results. Just take off and do a plumbing course then earn 40k a year.

17-08-06, 11:38
Good luck to all !

17-08-06, 12:24
Im expecting my GCSE results in a couple of days :D

Yes i am young plz dont bully meh

17-08-06, 12:44
I'm going to go get them in a few minutes.

It's either Hull University, or the Marines :D

17-08-06, 12:53
I was interviewed for Radio Lancashire when we got our results as I did "ok". The reporter held the microphone so close to my face she whacked my nose with it, making an audible thump.

Good luck guys, and it may help to know: most of my friends who went to uni went to their first choices on MUCH lower grades than they were required to get!

17-08-06, 12:55
Physics: A :)
Maths: B :mad:
Economics: B :mad:
ICT: C :mad: O_o
General studies: C :angel:


i need to completely redo 2 ICT exams, i need to resit one of three economics papers and get a low C to get an overall A, and i need resit a maths unit to get 5 more marks on a paper for an overall A

i feel like i've been kicked in the nuts with a steel boot.

17-08-06, 14:06
Physics: A :)
Maths: B :mad:
Economics: B :mad:
ICT: C :mad: O_o
General studies: C :angel:


i need to completely redo 2 ICT exams, i need to resit one of three economics papers and get a low C to get an overall A, and i need resit a maths unit to get 5 more marks on a paper for an overall A

i feel like i've been kicked in the nuts with a steel boot.

err dude well done? Shit, A's and B's are a great result !! unless you really need all A's to do a course that is

17-08-06, 14:21
I needed ABC to get into Newcastle for Software Engineering, i missed by a mile.

Geography D
Theatre Studies D
General Studies E
Chemistry U



However! I rang Sunderland and asked for courses in computing, they said hokay and im now on the same course i chose for Newcastle but at Sunderland instead so it's all good. Although they say at the moment they dont have the numbers for it to run but im also accepted on Network Computing as an insurance choice which is fine by me as it was what i was going to do anyway before i spied Software Engineering.


So all in all, a little disapointed in my results (knew i was going to fail chemistry so not bothered by that) but im still going to uni to study something i enjoy.

17-08-06, 14:25
Physics: A :)
Maths: B :mad:
Economics: B :mad:
ICT: C :mad: O_o
General studies: C :angel:


i need to completely redo 2 ICT exams, i need to resit one of three economics papers and get a low C to get an overall A, and i need resit a maths unit to get 5 more marks on a paper for an overall A

i feel like i've been kicked in the nuts with a steel boot.

hey mun u beat me in econ =] i remember last year a week before the exams i had n argument with the lecturer n told him to fuck his subject he can stick it up his arse =P

n dun worry about ict... the resits are sooooo much easyer than the actual papers =P everbody aced resits ^_^

Dribble Joy
17-08-06, 14:26
I did appaling in my A-levels (the least year of As before they did all this AS and A2 bollocks).

Maths E
Chemistry D
Physics C

My physics teacher said it was a testament to my genius that I could do so little work and get a C :p.
(I'm now heading to Uni again to do physics with a view to a PhD and further research.)

Oh and this (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=135230) isn't making this year's endeavours particuarly easy.

17-08-06, 14:34
Yay! I'm not the only one that sucks on maths here! :D :D :D

Is it so in England that you get to choose studies like here in Sweden or? If there's logistics i'll sure pick that. :p

17-08-06, 14:40
Got into Hull Uni, my first choice.

No marines for me!!!

Dribble Joy
17-08-06, 14:44
As you progress through school, more options become availiable.

Up to year 8 (usually) at age 12-13, the curriculum is the same. At year 9 you can choose some other subjects, but it's only at GCSE (15-16) that you can start dropping stuff (I dropped geography and RE). At A-Level (17-18) you really specialise, In the older system (that I did) you usually chose just 3 subjects that you then did for 2 years. Then you enter University.
The AS system is a little different. Afaik, you choose 5 subjects and usually drop two of them after a year.

17-08-06, 14:44
Got into Hull Uni, my first choice.

No marines for me!!!

Poor bastard. At least its only 3 years stuck there though, right?

17-08-06, 14:55

Hulls just Middlesbrough but bigger :p

And it is a good Uni. Dont know why they want me.

17-08-06, 14:56
As you progress through school, more options become availiable.

Up to year 8 (usually) at age 12-13, the curriculum is the same. At year 9 you can choose some other subjects, but it's only at GCSE (15-16) that you can start dropping stuff (I dropped geography and RE). At A-Level (17-18) you really specialise, In the older system (that I did) you usually chose just 3 subjects that you then did for 2 years. Then you enter University.
The AS system is a little different. Afaik, you choose 5 subjects and usually drop two of them after a year.

Im 16 and in Year 11 i dropped cooking and they took me out of the exam for humanities....but im going onto sixth form to study Maths / Computing / Travel and tourism (dont ask why :S) and business studies. and be doing that for 2 years. but thing is my behaviour may fuk me over going back into my old skool to do sixth form wit all ma mates :(

Dribble Joy
17-08-06, 15:08
And it is a good Uni. Dont know why they want me.
Shame the town is a pile of wank :p.

My school was (is) somewhat traditional. Very few non 'academic' subjects taught.
At GCSE I did:
Maths B
Physics A
Chemistry A
English (lang) B
English (lit) C
Art B
Biology B
French C (fuck knows how)
Design and Technology C (least 'academic' subject I did)
History D (though in my view that doesn't count as a pass at GCSE)

17-08-06, 15:48
Congrats to all those that got what they needed and are doing the course they want, but as was said before its not the be all and end all of everything, i left school with no real qualifications, went straight out to the big bad world of employment doing computer work for 13 years, realised i now hate computers and thought "hey, nows a good time to do something different" So off i trots to the local Uni (Derby) have a chat with them and find out i can still go to Uni and do a degree, i just have to do an Access Course, whats this? well compress 3 A levels and 3 GCSE's into 8 months and you have it. Well i finished my Access Course a few months back, and now in Sept i start my 3 years of studying rocks (Geology to me and you). So you see kids, its never too late, it just took me 28 years to work out what i wanna do.

Dribble Joy
17-08-06, 15:51
My sister did Geography, crazy bitch. Now she's massively in debt (all her own fault though, buying clothes and going out all the time. Now she's getting nasty letters from the bank).

Anyway, I'm now off to Loughbrough Uni to do Physics! Yay!

17-08-06, 15:54
lol, good job i am doing Geology then and not Geography

Dribble Joy
17-08-06, 15:59
lol, good job i am doing Geology then and not Geography
I know, I would be an utter n00b and say they're similar, but I know they aren't.
She did more of the pysical stuff too, didn't like the stats/pop geography part afaik.
Bit like me. I hate statistics. Probably why I got an E at A level.

Doc Holliday
17-08-06, 16:31
I did appaling in my A-levels (the least year of As before they did all this AS and A2 bollocks).

Maths E
Chemistry D
Physics C

My physics teacher said it was a testament to my genius that I could do so little work and get a C :p.
(I'm now heading to Uni again to do physics with a view to a PhD and further research.)

Oh and this (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=135230) isn't making this year's endeavours particuarly easy.

gl with it mate. my mrs has a phd in biochemistry. fucking hardcore to get it tho from what i heard. she did hers in germany (being german) and did it all without paying tuition fees. it could be a good way to do it if your serious. my advice is check it out :)

edit. when i did a level geography i did physical geog which was rocks n shit and then human geography which was populations and shit. i got an E. it was good. :)

18-08-06, 02:42
I remember getting my A-Level results last year, i ended up with a C in all three. ..

I needed BBC to get into my first choice (The University of Kent) but they let me in anyway ... good stuff

As for Hull university, you can at least say your university used to have the angry poet Phillip Larkin as its librarian


18-08-06, 02:48
I needed ABC to get into Newcastle for Software Engineering, i missed by a mile.

Geography D
Theatre Studies D
General Studies E
Chemistry U



However! I rang Sunderland and asked for courses in computing, they said hokay and im now on the same course i chose for Newcastle but at Sunderland instead so it's all good. Although they say at the moment they dont have the numbers for it to run but im also accepted on Network Computing as an insurance choice which is fine by me as it was what i was going to do anyway before i spied Software Engineering.


So all in all, a little disapointed in my results (knew i was going to fail chemistry so not bothered by that) but im still going to uni to study something i enjoy.

I am actually gutted. I expected you to continue on my legacy at Newcastle University. As well as not achieving that you also ended up studying at Sunderland, Newcastles ultimate rival.

I've heard Sunderland Uni isn't bad, probably just average like 90% of other places. Sunderland is still a pile of cock though.

Dribble Joy
18-08-06, 02:56
General studies is a pile of wank, and a useless pile of wank at that.

I hope your E in it is because like me and my mates you didn't bother to go to any of the lessons.

Though we could drop it after a year. Another free period!!

18-08-06, 12:44
General studies is a pile of wank, and a useless pile of wank at that.

I hope your E in it is because like me and my mates you didn't bother to go to any of the lessons.

Though we could drop it after a year. Another free period!!
Well in the first year we didnt have many lessons and alot of the time General Studies time was taken up by some sort of admin crap in the school or we just didnt go and then in the second year my school didn't even bother putting the lessons on but made us do the exam if we did it the year previous. So yeah, the E pretty much is due to the LOLZ GENERAL STUDIES!!111oneeoneoenn factor.

Sorry Crazy- :p And yeah it'll be crap being in Mackem land ;) but the Uni has been improving recently so it's not all bad.

18-08-06, 14:44
For AS General studies i didn't have one lesson, only a half hour talk a week before the exam ...

and we didn't even have the option to do it for A2 because it's such a stupid subject ...

18-08-06, 15:20
Woo! Software Engineering has been confirmed an Sunderland :)

18-08-06, 15:26
Hey if you guys hated General Studies, just wait till you get to Uni, in your first year you will have a shitty module, called Key Skills or some other crappy name like that. This module consists of finding sections in the library, finding key rooms, learning how to hand in assignments, how to use the learning center and other useless rubbish, it takes up an entire term and you have to pass it, but you will know all of it in the second week anyway, those that are at Uni will know what i mean.

Oh yeah, in your last year you will have a similar shitty module called Planning for the Future or whatever the uni calls it, basicaly its how to apply for jobs, how to fill out CV's and what sort of job you can expect after uni and other equally useless stuff.

Ok rant over, just thought i would share that with you.

19-08-06, 02:35
Long time since I've posted in here. But want to see if any NC players are going to the same Uni.

For my A2 I got:

Maths: A
Philosophy & Ethics: B
Physics: C

As well as at AS:

Gen. St: A
ICT: C (most soul-grindingly boring subject ever)

I'm going to Nottingham uni to study Computer Science.

19-08-06, 03:29
I gotta Btec National Diploma, P,P,P

Ment to be equal to 3 A levels, (C grade) , + a BTEC First Diploma, (Equal to 3 GCSE C Grade) + B maths / C IT GCSE

Is it to late to apply to a university course? Or would it be waaaay to late?

I mean Coruse/Grants/Loans etc.... Coz i rly wish i had applied

19-08-06, 13:19
I gotta Btec National Diploma, P,P,P

Ment to be equal to 3 A levels, (C grade) , + a BTEC First Diploma, (Equal to 3 GCSE C Grade) + B maths / C IT GCSE

Is it to late to apply to a university course? Or would it be waaaay to late?

I mean Coruse/Grants/Loans etc.... Coz i rly wish i had applied

Pretty much, yes. YOu could investigate clearing, but I think (don't know) you had to be in the system already. Ask about it though.
Failing that, just start filling in the application forms for next year.

19-08-06, 15:09
plumber ftw

19-08-06, 23:47
Pretty much, yes. YOu could investigate clearing, but I think (don't know) you had to be in the system already. Ask about it though.
Failing that, just start filling in the application forms for next year.

Can i wing my way through uni like i did my BTEC on 30% attendance tho?

Dribble Joy
21-08-06, 00:07
I think you can still register on the ucas site for 2006, but you will go into clearing. Clearing started on wednesday though, so there's probably not many places left in anywhere decent.

21-08-06, 00:17
Can i wing my way through uni like i did my BTEC on 30% attendance tho?
Depends on how good you are when you go in, and whether you're bothered about getting a 1st class degree. ;)


Mr Kot
21-08-06, 00:26
Hulls just Middlesbrough but bigger :p
Slightly different smell, though.

Yes, i've been ;)

21-08-06, 00:27
Depends on how good you are when you go in, and whether you're bothered about getting a 1st class degree. ;)


I never could do college or uni, something about teachers, and bosses I dont like... probably because 90% are so up themselves they need to be surgery to be removed. Oh I could tell you a tale or two...

21-08-06, 01:05
Slightly different smell, though.

Yes, i've been ;)

One smells of eggs.

The other death.

22-08-06, 02:42
Ive got the Number , There are multiple spots left on the Software enginering Course -

Ive got the grades.. So 2morow im going to apply to have SHITS!


Sheffield Hallam Information Technology Student!!!

And yea, thats the IT students nicknames :/

22-08-06, 03:02
lol shits

22-08-06, 03:14
Bah I got 4 (count 'em 4) scholarships and all I managed to do was get drunk enough that every girl wanted to fuck me but none of them wanted to stay with me.

I've never told this story before, it always looks like bragging but damn I want to tell it:

My last few days at uni (first year) I was in a cafe helping a friend with some physics problems, those things like train A and train B and shit, in words, but this was university level math and physics one of the problems was figuring out how fast a stock car on an embanked curve could/should go if the curve had no friction (all ice or something).

What I did was have him read me out the question, I never looked at his quiz sheet. I did the problems in my head and then dictated the solutions to him. The first one he started to freak out at what I was doing. There were 5 problems.

Now maybe people around us were paying attention or not, doesn't matter. 2 months later I was gone.

Dribble Joy
22-08-06, 04:00
Not that hard to do... if you know the stuff you can bang it right out.

23-08-06, 04:16
Ok, My college fucked me-

I left college in end of june , they said, Bla Bla Bla, Passed every unit .

Certificate came through but it said "Unclassified" in 3 of the unit.

If you dont pass more than 2, its only worth a 12 unit award

So basically i can only get ona Foundation Degree, But apparently i can Top-Up to a BSC ... So wtf is the difference between the 4 Year Sandwidch Software Enginering course, BSC and the foundation - Apart from 1 year of work experience.

23-08-06, 11:28
"Sandwich" course means a year out (usually between 2 and 3) to go abroad/work/etc. Generally worth doing if the option is availble.
BSc is a level of qualification - Bacheleor of Science (generally people do "honours" courses, although if they perform poorly they may finish with an "ordinary" degree). Typically a BSc takes 3 years of study.
A foundation course is a year's worth of study that will get you up to the standard so you can then go on an honours course.

23-08-06, 15:51
It's actually a nine month course, but yeah, it takes up a year, and it aint all that bad, as i said before i did the same thing, but at my Uni it was free. Its basically 3 A level and 3 GCSE passes that then allows you to go on to do a BSc. Its a good laugh and you meet some good people. So things aint so bad, you will proberbly find that you are exempt from most classes due to your other qualifications.

Have a chat to the Uni and find out where you stand.

Dribble Joy
23-08-06, 16:37
I did a foundation year so I could start my main course as my A levels were pants.
Sandwitch courses are good. It's usually a 4 year thing, a standard 3 year course with a year in work between the a second and third year in most cases (if you are doing a masters it could be between the third and fourth).
Really worth doing.
Other than the cash involved, why you get out of uni, rather than saying 'tescos' for relevant work experience like all the 21 year old applicants, you've actually got some experiance of the industry.

BSc is one of the most common degree qualifications. Others are BA (arts), BEng (engineering) and similar. If it's an honours degree you it will say something like BSc (Hons).

23-08-06, 16:40
According to my uni,

The Foundation Degree is 2 years , Then 1 year Top-Up Gets you a BSC Degree

Dribble Joy
23-08-06, 16:41
That happens too. Depends on the uni and course. Mine was a year to get you up to standard for entering the main degree course.

23-08-06, 16:43
Damit, Wish i could appply at my local college. They are doing this degree...

And some of my m8;s who did the BTEC Diploma are on it :(

Dribble Joy
23-08-06, 16:58
Go for the foundation thing and the top up I would mush. You still do three years and you still get a BSc. You can allways do a year out and come back for the final year. Giving you more or less the same as what you wanted.

25-08-06, 01:20
Maths U
Physics E
Chemistry D
Biology D
Music D
Geography D
English D
German D
Religious Studies D

Go me atm !

Dribble Joy
25-08-06, 01:31

And.... how.... it's not like you need to do much work for them....

25-08-06, 02:38
Maths U
Physics E
Chemistry D
Biology D
Music D
Geography D
English D
German D
Religious Studies D

Go me atm !

Mocks i think, Arnt u just starting ur year 11 nobby?

Man i got all A/B/C on Mocks, but mocks dont include Written work ^^...That changed em all to D/E/F lol

U for Maths :/