View Full Version : Make it possible to use old skin models for guns

15-08-06, 09:48
I would like to be able to use the old skin for a lot of guns, like the First Love.

15-08-06, 09:56
It is not possible to simply replace the models as all new weapons have adjusted animations and sounds. What is wrong with the new models? They look much more kick-ass then the old ones.

15-08-06, 10:13
I like the new models, the only thing I would like is some of the NC1 skins on some of my characters, my monk looked teh sex in NC1 ;)

@ Snow, any plans to upgrade the weapons not done in NC2.1, like the drones and melee weapons?

Personally I would like to see the mobs in the wastellands re-textured and whatever you have to do to a model to add more polygons.

Dribble Joy
15-08-06, 10:23
Personally with 2.1, I was hoping for a revamp of the weapons, not a complete redesign as was mostly the case.

The new Wyatt is great, like the old one but.... better, others though, good, but... ehh...

What I really want is a Judge (with additional WoC req) with an updated version of the old plasma pistol skin :D.

15-08-06, 10:30
lol at DJ and his eternal Judge fetish. :D

15-08-06, 11:21
We need a model for the dissy because currently it's the same as the Healing light.

15-08-06, 11:43
Seperate models are really needed for pulse and laser weapons aswell as plasma and plasma wave.

Would be nice to see new models for all weapons that still havent been dine like drones and melee. One more thing, is it possible to up the textre on the new weapons for their 3d world model view? i.e. 3rd person and on guards etc as they new textures still aint that shiney in 3rd person, they seem (atleast to ne) to be a lot more blurry than player model textures and the new npc textures i.e. mr jones, strippers and regant mobs.

I'd also like to see all NPCs upgraded next as it'd make the game look so much better. and mobs ofcourse.

Mr Kot
15-08-06, 13:14
any plans to upgrade the weapons not done in NC2.1, like the drones and melee weapons?

The drones were already updated with the drone theme weeks in early NC2, there's not a lot NC1 about them.

As for melee, why would they need updating if they're so low tech? A sword is a sword, a bat is a bat. They are meant to be crude and basic looking. Besides, the models of these weapons are the least of KK's worries right now. The biggest melee issue is the netcode and melee range, hitting players that are there on your screen, but are elsewhere according to the server.

15-08-06, 13:21
As for melee, why would they need updating if they're so low tech? A sword is a sword, a bat is a bat. They are meant to be crude and basic looking.

A Wyatt Earp is a Wyatt Earp, a Libby is a Libby. Yet they still got new models
Besides, there are high-tech melee weapons also.

15-08-06, 13:25
The drones were already updated with the drone theme weeks in early NC2, there's not a lot NC1 about them.

As for melee, why would they need updating if they're so low tech? A sword is a sword, a bat is a bat. They are meant to be crude and basic looking. Besides, the models of these weapons are the least of KK's worries right now. The biggest melee issue is the netcode and melee range, hitting players that are there on your screen, but are elsewhere according to the server.
I think Brammers, like myself is refering to high polygon and high res texture versions of what we currently have.

15-08-06, 13:26
A Wyatt Earp is a Wyatt Earp, a Libby is a Libby. Yet they still got new models
Besides, there are high-tech melee weapons also.

ye but u try changing the laser blade n somebody will cry LIGHTSABER or ONOZ DUESEX RIPOFF

its best to just leave them as they are... they do look nice =] n this is comming from a primarily meele tank

it would be nice if the laserblades emmited a realy realy bright glow like plasma only brighter and bluuuuuuuuu =] (or red and yellow as the case may be)

15-08-06, 13:30
ye but u try changing the laser blade n somebody will cry LIGHTSABER or ONOZ DUESEX RIPOFF

its best to just leave them as they are... they do look nice =] n this is comming from a primarily meele tank

it would be nice if the laserblades emmited a realy realy bright glow like plasma only brighter and bluuuuuuuuu =] (or red and yellow as the case may be)

Sure, but the Devils Grace has kindof always been an "omg lightsaberzx ripoff!!0".

15-08-06, 13:33
The CS lookd Pwnage IMO

15-08-06, 13:33
Sure, but the Devils Grace has kindof always been an "omg lightsaberzx ripoff!!0".

na mun :P we got lil spikey bits that poke out the side =P

15-08-06, 13:55
The plasmacannon was better in Nc1 if you ask me.

The healinglight and the Disruptor to.

15-08-06, 13:58
The plasmacannon was better in Nc1 if you ask me.

The healinglight and the Disruptor to.
Laser rifles used to looke like cardboard cut outs O_o

Deus Ex Machina
15-08-06, 14:52
..What is wrong with the new models? They look much more kick-ass then the old ones.

Well... mostly you are right I think, most of the old Models I cannot even imagine at the moment, but there are some "mistakes" with the new Models in my opinion:
Fusion Pistol and Fusion Rifle are those I hate the designers really for - The Fusion Cannon was made really nice, but the Fusion Pistol lost the cool look with handel in the middle and two barrels on the sides, and the Fusion Rifle is a extreme long Range Rifle - now it looks more like a Shotgun. Beside this the new Fusion Rifle also is very short in the main theme of the Category (the yellow Parts)

Well as you might guess right now I had quite a preference for the Fusion Weapons before, just because they looked cool - which the designers destroyed for me.
But nearly all others (or all others, just being careful) are an improvement in my opinion - it's just that those two are far from their original design, whereas the others are cool improvements that are not too far from the originals - as far as I remember.

15-08-06, 15:11
The drones were already updated with the drone theme weeks in early NC2, there's not a lot NC1 about them.

The only changes I remember, was some a few drones glowing blue instead of red when they are launched, but the 2D models have the same red glow to them.

As for melee, why would they need updating if they're so low tech? A sword is a sword, a bat is a bat. They are meant to be crude and basic looking. Besides, the models of these weapons are the least of KK's worries right now. The biggest melee issue is the netcode and melee range, hitting players that are there on your screen, but are elsewhere according to the server.

I keep forgetting about the netcode, that does need to be fixed for melee, the amount of times I've lost a fight because I wasn't even hitting someone... :wtf:

Back to the models. Currently there are 3 bats, Crummy Baseball Bat, Baseball Bat and the Peacemaker/ Currently the models are all the same. It would look cool if there was a bit of variety like:-

- The Crummy Baseball Bat looks a bit worn and wooden, and looks like it could break any moment now!
- Keep the baseball bat as it it, but increase the texture size a bit.
- The Peacemaker, make that look like a very polished bat, with a steel handle and add a skull and crossbones on the side, so it *really* looks like a mean old bat.

It's a small thing, but that would add so much to the game IMHO.

15-08-06, 15:19
Just my 2˘... I LOVE the new plasma cannon/wave model. The old one was... a big fugly texture taking up half the screen... it didn't even look like a weapon. :lol:

15-08-06, 15:29
how about sticking a nail through the peacemaker :p

15-08-06, 18:15
there are a few guns that the old models where better...i would have liked a redone version of the laserrifle models due to the fact they looked so 1337.

Its interesting how much what a weapon looks like affects if you want to use it or not, atleast for me. The old plasmacannon was slightly better too...but if push came to shove i like the new models just cause they have better graphics and look better in the long run.

16-08-06, 04:30
some of them are great, as good or better than the old ones.

But I can't use slasher, healing light or libby anymore, off the top of my head.

16-08-06, 05:03
I want Devourer updated. :)

Textures in game in general must be updated ... wtf with pixelated faces on vendors. Mobs do need a face lift ... geez ... some mobs/npcs are total joke.

16-08-06, 07:11
some of them are great, as good or better than the old ones.

But I can't use slasher, healing light or libby anymore, off the top of my head.

Yeah the models just make em so awkard to use anymore...cept the healing light one to me...that one actually kinda fits it better

16-08-06, 07:44
the new models for the cs and cannons theses sort of weapons take ages to reload is that cos of the new models as well

16-08-06, 12:33
actually you can shoot before the reload animation ended :p

16-08-06, 15:02
Shame I only play in 3rd person and didn't notice the changes o_o (execpt in leveling zones)

17-08-06, 05:55
The new FL is cool but it looks like a gun from UNREAL or some shit. I liked the old one with the HUGE barrel. It used to look so menacing, now it looks like a super soaker.

The Fusion pistol has no soul.

The laser family looks so bad, even tho the model is 100 times more complex, the lasers have lost a lot of what made them so cool : style.
It took me ages to get used to the new slasher, it just looks wrong to me.

So id like to be able to switch my gun models, and id like KK to endorse such activity. Could i get an official answer as if replacing gun models is bannable ?

17-08-06, 06:33
Sorry kame but what you’re asking is shite I think they look better and if they could make it happen they would have to change ever weapon back to normal

Just face it your suck with them GET USE TO IT