View Full Version : Rofl, here is another fraud....

13-08-06, 09:35
http://www.bigfootnetworks.com/Store/DisplayDetail.aspx?which=112 comes in par with blue led fans, water cooling and other "exotic" solutions ;) 280$ for an NIC!!!111 weeeeeee

13-08-06, 14:38
Yeah I hate that nic, you can see my old thread about it at http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?t=134723 :P

13-08-06, 15:35
Unfortunately, unlimited freedom in changing a PC's guts has led to scammers like this one. Whenever I visit computer shops I feel disgrace for all the kids wasting their hard earned pocket cash.
And now, there is yet another stupidity -very new- that comes with the advent of the digital photography, these shops now are substituting real photo shops.
I remember back in the times, when I was visiting a photo shop and were discussing about optics, lens and the like. Now you enter the shop and an amateur will tell you that it's got "stabilisation" 35+ Megapixels comes in any colour you like and they offer you a leather case too. But not a word about the most important thing: the lens

13-08-06, 18:29

To be fair I do actually have blue led fans in my case, and some neat gadgets that are also blue-lit, a blue power LED... but erm, the fans were $2 each and none of the gadgets was more than $30.

My raid card on the other hand was $70 and the 2 drives on it in raid0 were $80 each... it tests at 74MB/s average. :)

13-08-06, 20:40
I just hate all those fans with leds. Useless leds, reminds me of those Korean stereos (like the one Madona uses :p) Now this decease is moving o USB or other types of cables

13-08-06, 21:01
LEDs kick ass. :p

I took a couple pics of my comp here... for those gauges... from the top left they are; left volume meter and control, raid array read speed, right volume meter and control, cpu fan voltage (the way I have it hooked up anyways... a delta with a fan adaptor on the heatsink), general sound volume and sensitivity (I only use this when hooking up consoles to my PC for purposes of recording videos), and CPU temp.

What? Gadgets are fun! And in my case they actually serve a purpose. :)

14-08-06, 06:37
God, no. Not you lol...
This is exactly what I hate what I was talking about.
It's just a machine guys. Nothing else. I prefer a low profile laptop, 1000 times than this. Watch how it monopolises your desktop area.

14-08-06, 07:14
tbh i like the look of that computer. its cool lookin. I was going to use something similiar (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811144076) for my new compy. :D

14-08-06, 18:12
God, no. Not you lol...
This is exactly what I hate what I was talking about.Heathen. :p

What you can't see is the custom wiring in my case. Those gadgets all have various hookups and I modified several things, including the PSU. There's some custom connectors that I soldered myself too.

The pretty stuff was maybe $100 all told. Everything else is about $1200. Erm the main bits are:
AXP2800+ OCed to 3100+ish
1.5GB DDR400 @ 350 2.5-3-2-7 (synchronous... I did tests and running it out of sync lowered my mem bandwidth, maybe because of lower timings also...)
GF6600GT (gonna be a 7800GS soon)
200GB worth of HD space (2 drives are on a raid card)
TV card (crappy one, I'm thinking of getting a Hauppage but I hardly use the thing)
DVD burner and an old ass CDrom that I painted black
Antec 380True that I took apart and did some things to... :D
Eh some other shit too.

People are spooging over the PCIe shit... well what will they get? A64 4000+ or a bit better and a PCIe card that is only barely better than a 7800GS... this system will last me a good couple more years I figure. :)

(yeah yeah 7900GT SLI... well those 2 cards would cost as much as my entire system... :lol: )

14-08-06, 18:14
I refuse to bling up my system with LEDs and such as i leave it on over night and my desk is near the bottom of my bed and it woul piss me off far to much trying to sleep, lol

14-08-06, 19:21
tbh i like the look of that computer. its cool lookin. I was going to use something similiar (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16811144076) for my new compy. :DThanks btw. :D That is the same case I was looking at a while ago, but I could only find the silver/metalfinish version and I wanted a black case... I would have had to paint the damn thing.

@Tratos, my comp is 6 ft from my pillow and it's only off when there's no power. :lol:

14-08-06, 19:31
@Tratos, my comp is 6 ft from my pillow and it's only off when there's no power. :lol:
You are mad, lol

15-08-06, 06:56
Tratos, my comp is 6 ft from my pillow and it's only off when there's no power. :lol:
ffs that's madness. and $100 can feed a vaccinate a kid in Africa for a year. For a source of electromagnetic radiation staying that close to bed? at least put the thing to sleep

15-08-06, 08:58
Jini, if comps put out that much radiation, im fucking appauled im not a mutant yet. My comp is at the foot of my bed and is litterally on 24/7 and never overheats.

(i leave it running because it runs totally silent and there is sadly no LED lights on my current comp =( )

15-08-06, 11:59
(jini is ddev)

jini strikes again, and busts those damn scammers!! :rolleyes: :D

15-08-06, 12:13
Stay on topic.


15-08-06, 12:44
I wouldn't say killernic is a 'fraud' though. It's just another legitimate sales trick that will bring in money. Everything the card devs says is most likely true, if most of the features already exists in Windows and routers etc. is another matter ;).

15-08-06, 13:29
Agh you kidding? LLR™ NPU... never heard of that shit myself. And what's 64MB of DDR doing on an NIC? And even if windows and a good router had that tech you can get BOTH WinXP Pro and a good router for less than that piece of shit costs.

15-08-06, 14:34
Jini, if comps put out that much radiation, im fucking appauled im not a mutant yet. My comp is at the foot of my bed and is litterally on 24/7 and never overheats.

(i leave it running because it runs totally silent and there is sadly no LED lights on my current comp =( )
well @ 2.5 Ghz of frequency, this is microwave energy. Anyway it's not secure. It radiates, it leaks and it's PC junkbox. Need I say more?

15-08-06, 14:39
well @ 2.5 Ghz of frequency, this is microwave energy. Anyway it's not secure. It radiates, it leaks and it's PC junkbox. Need I say more?Dude you make it sound like it's a nuclear waste disposal container that happens to be made out of wet cardboard... :lol:

The frequency alone isn't enough to generate microwaves btw...

15-08-06, 14:47
I don't know Glok.
It pulses @ high frequencies & energy is not a problem.
Having it so close is it really needed? They also say nothing is proved about cellphones, but nobody approves speaking 30 mins, especially young kids

15-08-06, 15:05
Dont you worry, our bodies will adept to the huge electro magnetic fields disposure, in a few thousand years we will be immune...

15-08-06, 15:20
That's true. We are building nextegen tank... errr people :lol:

15-08-06, 16:51
It pulses @ high frequencies & energy is not a problem.It doesn't actually pulse though... the only thing that does that is the timing crystal. The frequency of the processor refers to how fast it can switch between 1 and 0. Inside that processor there are many millions of gates opening and closing to let a -steady- current through. The output even would be like 101010101010100001101000101001 which also couldn't produce microwaves... it would have to be 1 or 0 every time. Internally the processor has 1s and 0s in myriad, the interference alone would basically just make it random EM radiation if even that.

The speakers I have hooked up to my comp have more chance of giving me cancer than my comp. :p

But if you like that stuff... within 6ft of me I have: a cell phone that's always on (we have no land line here, everyone in the house has a cell), my comp, my stereo that's always on, a router, a cable modem, a splitter for cable TV (both the router and splitter have numerous cables running from them), a TV that's usually on, a large fan that's always on, a dvd player that is completely evil (if it's plugged in, when I turn it off, it will turn itself back on again shortly with half of the led display lit up), a digital clock, and a large floor lamp with one of those 300W bulbs. I aught to be Mr Cancer. :lol:

15-08-06, 17:59
In other words, we are polluting this world with energy flux unintentionally (leaking) which probably is bad for our health in long term :P. Picture it, our offspring will have green looking eyes within hmm.. 50 years!

15-08-06, 23:49
naw, it's the cosmic rays that kill us! the only way to avoid them is to wear tin foil hats..

16-08-06, 22:35
The card is legit, if perhaps unnecessary. In a server environment it makes sense to offload the network stack to a piece of dedicated hardware. In a gaming box, though? With dual core here, quad core four months away, and the relatively low throughput of gaming? Eh, other than having a linux shell prompt on a card, not so much of a point.
People are spooging over the PCIe shit... well what will they get?Crossfire for $700 or less? The bottom fell out of ATI's X1900 XT and X1900 Crossfire pricing last week.

16-08-06, 23:18
Crossfire for $700 or less? The bottom fell out of ATI's X1900 XT and X1900 Crossfire pricing last week.That's not too bad... I recall dropping Crossfire from my possibilities list when I read about all the problems with it and low performance gains... but that was 6 months ago or more. Fuckin technology... never sits still. :lol:

25-08-06, 01:01
Lol, how many of you have a degree in anything?

The NIC card takes alot of front load off of your processor, alot more then you would think. Downloading a file is a hazard to any system's memory thoroughput as well as your processor as anything stored in the memory is translated through the processor first.

The NIC card takes the incoming binary and processes it for you in the background. Incoming data is purely hardware now as it makes it from your NIC to your stored memory without passing processor time. (A nano second means alot in the 1's and 0's world.)

Without this, your system's main CPU processes the binary, then stores it on the RAM, and eventually to the storage device selected. Typically a hard-drive. Thinking of it like this you can see that the NIC is far beyond what a router, or anything Windows could do. I'm not even going to tell you the resources Windows uses up just finding time to store information your downloading in the first place.

Unexplained latency is mostly Windows. A linux server will have a lower latency over an average period of time then Windows would because honestly, XP's net code is rather crappy.

Also. PCI-e has one advantage over AGP. It's the new standard. AGP users will be out moded, and you'll have no choice but to move over. PCI-e cannot be fully utilized yet because processors aren't any where near fast enough to translate the information between the video card, and the memory. So games will be limited on texture resolutions for a while until we eliminate bus latency.

A team and I are currently working on a busless motherboard design. Essentially eliminating latency between all systems on a motherboard. Bottom side cooling, and speeds limited only by the speed of the processors and co processors on the hardware. A 4.4Ghz processor will, get this, be able to handle 4.4Ghz worth of information at, get this, near the speed of light. Bandwidth pipelines being nearly limitless, and more than 2048 bits in/out simultaneously. That's plenty of 1's and 0's. Current boards are limited not by the speed of light, but the fact that bus's have bends, and curves as well as limited energy use to push the pulse's through the bus wires. Take them out and what do you get? Exactly.

25-08-06, 01:08
Lol, how many of you have a degree in anything?

HOW DARE YOU! We have a degree in the Cron forums thankyou :lol: mr 1 post :p

Guys...if any of this was true i would have 7 arms by now and would type like a god.

25-08-06, 01:19
A bunch of worthless shit.OMG teh 1z anz 0z are gonna getz us!

Look network speeds are around 0.3MB/s MAX for the average user (yeah it goes higher and lower but wait...) RAM throughput to the cpu is measured in GB/s, the theoretical throughput for each RAM module is part of the name say PC3200 that's 3.2GB/s. Work that out and you'll see that network traffic accounts for .001% of the information passing between the cpu and system ram. Oh a bit of overhead for calculations and information management but it's still but a tiny percentage of what the cpu is dealing with, which for 3D games should be pretty damn obvious.

IceStorm was right, maybe the card has a use, but only in a server environment, and one thing he didn't mention was that the card would have to have 16 ports or more to be even slightly worth it.

25-08-06, 01:25
Does that NIC actually do ANYTHING ?!?I would like to buy one anyway for the sake of it...

anyway, It's only paper money ......... $280 bah !

25-08-06, 05:50
Matey, this NIC does its manufacturers happy, your parents or wallet sad. Its just a bait, and I can bet it has caught a lot of fish already

25-08-06, 06:52
Lol, how many of you have a degree in anything?I was two classes away from a Computer Engineering degree (final project, humanities class), so I have some idea of how this stuff works.
The NIC card takes alot of front load off of your processor, alot more then you would think.In the days of 486 and Pentium CPUs, perhaps. Large broadcast domains (like a /22 subnet for dorm networks) could sap up to 10% of a PC's processing ability if I recall the figures correctly. However, we're waaay beyond the days of the 486 and Pentium. Home users, by and large, don't have anything faster than 100Mbit Ethernet and they certaintly aren't sitting on broadcast domains with several hundred other machines.
Incoming data is purely hardware now as it makes it from your NIC to your stored memory without passing processor time.I doubt it. Most files are written as they're downloaded, with the only obvious exception being torrents that pre-allocate disk space. There's no way the data's going to go from the NIC to the filesystem without going through the OS first.
I'm not even going to tell you the resources Windows uses up just finding time to store information your downloading in the first place.Uh, that's the point of having an operating system...
Current boards are limited not by the speed of light, but the fact that bus's have bends, and curvesAre you sure you have a degree? Did you ever take a digital communications class? Did you pass it?

25-08-06, 12:50
Lol, how many of you have a degree in anything?

That's plenty of 1's and 0's. Current boards are limited not by the speed of light, but the fact that bus's have bends, and curves as well as limited energy use to push the pulse's through the bus wires. Take them out and what do you get? Exactly.
I was bored reading all this mumbo jumbo, but this comment pointed out by Icestorm I really missed it lol. This one is classy :lol:

Anyway from what I can hear, manufacturers are currently move on making 3D printed circuits, in order to substitute curves and bends with slopes. This way, electrons will be able to reach speed of light, since they no longer need to turn, but they will gain momentum from gravity as well :p

25-08-06, 14:58
lol @ lifeflasher. A killernic buyer perhaps? ^^

25-08-06, 15:05
I'm just trying to remember where I got that '0.3MB/s' figure... musta fucked up the math. :rolleyes:

25-08-06, 15:44
From what I can understand, Lag and latency, has nothing to do with high or low speed networks. Instead it is a factor of efficiency of ALL the machinery, all the routers, and all the nics that exist in the circuit that goes between you and the gameserver. Which is why you cant do anything about it.

Edit: a simple traceroute command will reveal a lot about latency. The less the hops, the less lag.

25-08-06, 16:03
Yeah jini. I'm not gonna bother with any math but the lag and latency inside your computer is a tiny tiny fraction of the lag and latency of the internet connection and route. Using an NIC to reduce lag and latency is like using a flared exhaust pipe on a car to increase horsepower... it doesn't do shit, you have to increase the diameter of the entire exhaust system. (and lose the catalytic converter and muffler...)

25-08-06, 16:23

I think the Killer NIC can do good. The problem, as pointed out by the (probably Killer NIC/Bigfootnetworks employee) is not the throughput which everyone is focusing on. The problem is the latency.

Glok-Yes its a small part of the system but it's an important one. The analogy to a car exhaust system is not true to the KILLERNIC/GAMING relationship as it is to the CAREXHAUST/CARHORSEPOWER. That analogy works for KILLERNIC/SYSTEMSPEED but not for KILLERNIC/GAMING.

In Gaming the most important thing is speed/latency. Reason being that the games decisions and gameworld is based on "realtime" data comming to your computer from the servers. If you have a hiccup in the data then your world and game hiccups too(you may not notice it but thats what happens). Games have become good at dealing with this so most of it is transparent, but it happens. Gaming depends on getting the information as soon as possible as smooth as possible.

If we were talking about total system power then yeah, you'd be right Glok. But they are specifically talking about game performance.

25-08-06, 16:29
So you're telling me that the KILLERNIC will improve game performance? Get one then... I'll stick with my onboard. :p

25-08-06, 16:54
The latency on your client is just a small part of the overall "lag".
No matter what that NIC does, it can't affect a random router that's somewhere
along the way from client to server and causing alog of lag for me.

No matter how fast your ISP is, you can get a better ping.
Oh, really... Such crap... If i'm playing on a US server from Sweden, it doens't
matter what my ISP is anyway.

MaxFPS Technology offloads your network processing to Killer, wich frees your CPU to focus on what you need it to - THE GAME!!oneone1. Killers superior performance allows you to experience more frames per second even on max'd out PCs with top of the line graphics cards and other peripherals
So, even if that thing works the way it says, and I have my max'd (l33t) out
PC, i will get 167 fps instead of 163. Wow.

PingThrottle. When other gamers complain that your ping is to low, adjust it a little higher untill they stop whining. Then, dial it back down and go in for the kill.
Wait, isn't that cheating?
You can do that with software, but that's cheating.

And tbh, I think you would get a better performance boost by spending $280
on a faster cpu, faster hd or a faster graphcis card rather then this NIC.

25-08-06, 17:25
So, even if that thing works the way it says, and I have my max'd (l33t) out PC, i will get 167 fps instead of 163. Wow.Actually if you were getting 163 fps before getting this overpriced piece of shit, you would probably be getting 163.05 after. :D

26-08-06, 00:19
ok well:).

Is it worth it?-->probably not. Nobody ever claimed it was. They(me) kept saying it does what the creators says it does.

Is it cool?-->yes. It's a new toy to add to teh collection.

Will I get one?-->probably:). They specifically said it's for those people who have extra money and want to add to their colection once they've maxed out everything else.

Glok is right that it's not worth it. But no-one ever claimed it was(far as I read).

BigFootNetworks seemed quite honest and upfront about the perfomance and the place of this card in the big picture. They almost exactly stated it's for the EndGamer in Hardware power. It's for those who have money to blow. They never misrepresented themselves.

The big question is can it do what they say it can?-->to that, I'm pretty sure it can:)

26-08-06, 00:28

Like I said... I'll stick with my onboard. I do however have a Logitech Laser5 mouse. Fuck I'm getting gullible. :lol:

26-08-06, 02:14
btw krynstone you are completely evil for buying one of these damn things. You and I both know it might possibly at an outside guess improve performance by .001%. :/

26-08-06, 06:15
I bet he won't even see a difference other than his pocket's.
You see the real power of marketing and consumerism?

Krynstone, if you got 300$ to waste, just donate 100 of them to red cross. I heard they can sustain vaccination and feed for a kid in Africa for a whole year there.

01-09-06, 13:56

01-09-06, 14:13
I'm buying a watercooling kit for my neon light NIC today, also i'll buy those goldplated network cables to squeez every bit of ping out of my network i can.
Then i'm going to finaly be good at pvp, it's not in the aim it's in the hardware, admit it!

01-09-06, 14:20
http://uk.gear.ign.com/articles/729/729557p1.htmlThat is freakish. Can those guys be trusted?

The side-by-side is what I want to see though. More reviews too, if the thing actually improves performance that much I'd have to get one. :rolleyes:

01-09-06, 14:47
Reading more about that... linux-on-a-chip that can function entirely independently of the cpu... I see a bigger benefit than just for games, how about running a fileshare on it while you do something else entirely with no performance hit. Also talk of a linux firewall and network security running right on the card... also transparent to windows. Now I see why the card costs so much. That's some nifty engineering. :o

01-09-06, 14:55
That is freakish. Can those guys be trusted?

The side-by-side is what I want to see though. More reviews too, if the thing actually improves performance that much I'd have to get one. :rolleyes:

What caught my interest was the fact that the card was running linux. If someone
was to develop anti-virus & firewall software for that card you could gain more
by not actually running them in windows. Also the thing about the USB drive &
a bittorrent client for downloading straight to an external harddrive sounds nice.

About the game performance, I don't know... We'll have to wait for side by side.

edit: ok so you beat me... =(

edit #2: Also, were they running a single core cpu? It says they had an AMD
FX-62 2600 Mhz.... But the dualcore version, FX-62 X2, runs on 2800 Mhz so
I'm not sure if it's a typo or what... If it is a single core, what would the gain
be on a dual core CPU? Especially for a game that's developed to take advantage
of the extra core... And what about quad core in the future etc...

01-09-06, 15:27
edit #2: Also, were they running a single core cpu? It says they had an AMD FX-62 2600 Mhz.... But the dualcore version, FX-62 X2, runs on 2800 Mhz so I'm not sure if it's a typo or what... If it is a single core, what would the gain be on a dual core CPU? Especially for a game that's developed to take advantage of the extra core... And what about quad core in the future etc...Interesting. Like they were just too late to market. Then again if programs/games are developed which use 2 or 4 or whatever number of cores the thing might still be of use.

For people like me running on old tech (likely for the next 2 years or so) it would have a use though, assuming it tests well. And the onboard linux OS is a stroke of genius.

01-09-06, 16:50
Can you buy them in the UK ?

I'll be getting one.

01-09-06, 16:52
Guys? Are you nuts? Just because you see an article (supposedly a review) that means its objective and you rush throw 300$?? for a NIC? What if they paid the journalists to write this review?

01-09-06, 17:04
Guys? Are you nuts? Just because you see an article (supposedly a review) that means its objective and you rush throw 300$?? for a NIC? What if they paid the journalists to write this review?

Aumm, that's exactly what we said...
But the onboard linux os is interesting even if the card doesn't do the rest of the
gaming stuff..

01-09-06, 17:07
What if they paid the journalists to write this review?That's actually the impression I got from that ign article, which is why I'll wait for more reviews. I googled it up and all I found were previews...

The main consideration for me is that I have my cpu OC'ed a bit to 3200+, 1.5GB of ddr400, and a bunch of other stuff. Going pcie would be my next step but it will cost me a hell of a lot and I would end up with an A64 4000+ or so... That ign article told of 10% performance gains... that's gotta be shit but I ain't a computer engineer, if more reviews give it that kind of praise I'll get one.

01-09-06, 18:00
what good does linux does on an NIC card? its got linux in rom? so what?

01-09-06, 18:45
"Pings were relatively similar to the standard box" says it all. From the second article.

01-09-06, 18:59
the money would be better spent on other components, unless you already have the best stuff in your PC :lol:

01-09-06, 20:21
What would the card be like with latencies over a vast distance away.

I had a USB modem, but used to get pings of 230-270 on my friends' server. (he's in US)

I then got sent a free Ethernet Modem from AOL kindly, after going on the same server I was getting pings of 150-170 after :)

so would the card affect this at all ?

01-09-06, 20:39
what good does linux does on an NIC card? its got linux in rom? so what?

You could program a firewall on it, anti-virus software on it, a bit-torrent client
to download straight to your external hard-drive (good for dl:ing porn & playing)
etc etc... Not running a firewall and/or anti-virus would give you a performance
boost if anything. That is unless you allready have hardware to do those things.

01-09-06, 20:59
there are quite a few things posible that has sudenly perkd my intrest over this card

as a nic tho i coudlnt give a damn

01-09-06, 22:20
Engadget (http://www.engadget.com) reports that IGN have done an informal test (http://gear.ign.com/articles/729/729557p1.html) and so far they like it...

Cries of extortion and vaporware have been leveled, but now that IGN have got their hands on the device, they seem to think it's worth the hyperbole. One thing they were careful to point out before firing it up is that the Killer NIC runs Linux, so that processor and RAM can be put to more use than just routing your frags -- a firewall or a bit of anti-virus software could reside right on the card to check over data before it even gets to your PC, and IGN figures a BitTorrent client would be possible, allowing for full-speed gaming while you use any remaining bandwidth for downloading that dev release of Leopard. As far as actual gaming performance, IGN's preliminary results were fairly impressive. The card bumped the framerate on the bundled F.E.A.R. from 74 to 86 fps, and the ping went from an average of 67ms to 45ms.Wonder what it's like at op wars. ;)


02-09-06, 08:21
You could program a firewall on it, anti-virus software on it, a bit-torrent client
to download straight to your external hard-drive (good for dl:ing porn & playing)
etc etc... Not running a firewall and/or anti-virus would give you a performance
boost if anything. That is unless you allready have hardware to do those things.
Then, I wonder what is the work allmighty cpus are called to do nowadays: switch the PC on & off :p :lol:

I don't know Nick. If on the other hand, what IGN is saying is really true, then this is serious. There must be something VERY wrong in the OS side that when you run (for instance) Linux it disappears. If what these dudes are claiming is right, then I wont be surprised if all this is the fault of m$. Either way I would like to hear what a Network Engineer has to say to all this, because the internet and it's IP stack is standardised.
What is it going to happen, if for example you put the card on Vista?

02-09-06, 08:37
Well, we farm out graphics duties, recently physics duties, sound cards, etc etc... a network card with similar abilities is nothing unusual, just the price of this one is a bit OTT... but it has a lot of features so...

If I do buy one that bigass K heatsink will be the first to go. Something a little less.. retarded will replace it.

02-09-06, 09:41
I don't know Nick. If on the other hand, what IGN is saying is really true, then this is serious. There must be something VERY wrong in the OS side that when you run (for instance) Linux it disappears. If what these dudes are claiming is right, then I wont be surprised if all this is the fault of m$. Either way I would like to hear what a Network Engineer has to say to all this, because the internet and it's IP stack is standardised.
What is it going to happen, if for example you put the card on Vista?

I was actually just thinking the same thing. Could part of the performance gain
simply be bad windows programming? Would it give the same boost on Linux. I
would like to see a side-by-side test with 4 identical setups. 2 running Linux and
two Windows, both with drivers up to date and all. Running the same game if
possible, or some other kind of graphics/network test designed to push your
computer to the max. Then see if it really is the NIC doing wonders.

If it was $100 tops I would consider buying it.

02-09-06, 09:56
I was actually just thinking the same thing. Could part of the performance gain
simply be bad windows programming? Would it give the same boost on Linux. I
would like to see a side-by-side test with 4 identical setups. 2 running Linux and
two Windows, both with drivers up to date and all. Running the same game if
possible, or some other kind of graphics/network test designed to push your
computer to the max. Then see if it really is the NIC doing wonders.

If it was $100 tops I would consider buying it.
I would never buy it even if it cost 99$, just for this horrendous heatsink :p

On the other hand I prefer Microsoft to fix XP with a simple patch, if this is the problem, because I don't believe in miracles. A guy out of nowhere came and made a mockery out of every huge network manufacturer (you name it: Cisco, 3com, IBM?). Furthermore, we are talking of milliseconds. CPUs run a million times more (Gigahertz (not our Giga :p)), a yield of 25ms is an Eon to a PC. I bet something is wrong to Windows and we are going to have a laugh....

04-09-06, 07:15
This is what I found this morning while out for fishing :p

Hey there, I'm Tytus (Harlan Beverly), CEO, and one of the brains behind Killer,

You guys are smart to be skeptical, and I hope I can help answer some of the questions!
Particularly, HOW it works: no we don't break the speed of light: we simply BYPASS THE MS WINDOWS NETWORK STACK!!! (people don't realize that many games constantly call the Windows Stack during Every Frame (FPS) such that improving those calls (weather there is data or not) will improve FPS.

This, and a lot of your questions are answered in our FAQ Here:

And I'm always available to answer questions here:

Thanks for showing interest, Tytus
(p.s. we don't viral market, per say, but I do answer questions when I can).

It seems, there's a lot of discussion going on already about this, and there really is a big chance of him being right, having discovered a flaw in the ip stack of Windows :D. I can also remember Nid saying something about the ip stack and it is better or redesigned in Vista. If this is correct cudos to the guy for finding it out, but it's also quite easy to fix it thru a patch.
MAC osx anyone? :lol:

04-09-06, 08:42
.....because I don't believe in miracles....

My Tv blew itself up in a power surge. The screen went purple, i kept using it for about 2 weeks.
It blew up again in another power surge. It works perfectly again.....

I had a heater, which was switched off, and started itself in the middle of the night when i was a kid....

I have had fresh installs of windows that start in 6-7 bars, Next fresh install may only take 2 1/2 bars.

Machines can do weird things, they arent miracles, things just happen, and sometimes the most unlikely thing can fix problems.
If this NiC card has been tested, and the tests are thorough and reliable, then there really is no disputing that it does something.
The look is terrible, and the price even more so.

04-09-06, 15:21
Actually from what I understand this card is not even out yet. The reason why there's still no valid unbiased review.
We are looking behind the scenes, to understand why this is like this, in order to improve. Personally I still believe all this is simply a lot of hype, but I am also waiting a valid review