View Full Version : World of warcraft...

11-08-06, 14:24
Hello, I bought myself the World of warcraft game with a 60 day game card for £45...

I've got to lvl 8 and I'm bored...

I thought people were so addicted to this game that they neglected their kids ?

Could someone tell me how I can feel....addicted to this game please.

edit. This is something addictive for you guys !

11-08-06, 14:30
It's not fun playing alone as every other game ;). What is so fun in that game is that you can go around and killing low levels without any punishment, it rocks ;).

11-08-06, 14:31
Think it depends on the class/race/alliance or horde character you setup.

I played up to level 10 as a priest ....yawn.

Then i started a rogue :) dam i love to gank players!:D
what class you playing ?

11-08-06, 14:33
a warrior...on VashJ server

11-08-06, 14:36
I wanna be a pirate :(

11-08-06, 14:38

Sounds fun and happy !

So what server/ char type do you recommend for me ?

11-08-06, 14:40
when i started that game it was a bit different from hitting the sewers to kill endless rats ,then beggars, then aggies, then launchers...swamp caves....etc.

The quest system adds storyline and offers something different from Grinding, can't say all like it mind you.

Never played a warrior/tank before tbh, although they are always in demand high end game as they are a must to soak up damage from bosses in instances.
Try a different class may help you along.

The biggest difference?
Coming from NC with several capped chars to a noob! :lol: the game changes when you hit 60 and you again operate on a higher level than the nibs running around levelling!! :)

Edit: Try a few classes m8 c what you like.
basic overview (very Basic!)
Mage = APU (lots of damage weak as shit)
Priest = PPU or nasty hybrid! (can both damage and heal or heal only)
Warrior = Tank heavy damage , heavy armour
Warlock = APU with a pet :)
Paladin = Monky hybrid (damage and Heal)
Rogue = Spy (medium damage but Stunlock fucking rules!!)
druid/shaman = WTF? never played em.

Horde = Evil , Red = Dead
Alliance = Good, wave hello only to be ganked!

any other i missed? dunno, but hell only passing the time to NC is rebalanced :)

11-08-06, 14:48
Hello, I bought myself the World of warcraft game with a 60 day game card for £45...

I've got to lvl 8 and I'm bored...

I thought people were so addicted to this game that they neglected their kids ?

Could someone tell me how I can feel....addicted to this game please.

edit. This is something addictive for you guys !

The Only funny part in wow ist the lvl60 HIGHEND content like Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, AQ and Naxxramas :)

11-08-06, 14:48
ok I'll be a Rogue in horde !

John Bushido
11-08-06, 14:49
So what server/ char type do you recommend for me ?


wow sucks, i tried it 2 times, never brought a Charakter higher than 40.

Big problem is that i realised after few days of questing/grinding what wow will bring to me in the so called "endgame content"....... pffff keep this shitty game out of my way, i have no nerve to grind Mr.-pls enter name here for the boss that will maybe drop something that brings u 2 more points on whatever as u already had- for months, thats ridiculous......

11-08-06, 14:52
Make a hunter instead, they're reasonably fun - find a group, leveling alone is boring as fuck. Dont grind, do quests or it'll take you twice as long to get anywhere, plus doing the quest chains directs you around the world in the order of difficulty, you'll take different paths deppending on where you start off (Ironforge, Darnasus or Stormwind) i recommend doing the newbie areas for each race's starting area (i.e. do all 3 area's quests) as this will ensure you've got the XP to deal with the next set of areas aswell as down the line and also enables you to skip some of the more boring places such as Darkshore which could probably break the strongest of spirits if you do all of the quests.

I made a level 35/6 Druid got bored, got a Warlock to level 20, go bored and managed to get a hunter to level 25 which was fun but i couldn't be arsed as i ran out of steam and couldnt find groups which were worth my time and effort.

Starting a new character is the most annoying thing in the world, as its the same wank quests over and over which do really lose their shine once you've done them about......once.

Auction house is the win for money, if you have a gather skill just sell everything you get on the auction house to help you start - then develop a production skill once you're getting going in life or you'll have no money and be bored to tears.

What am i saying? It will bore you to tears anyway as it's wank and is the most dull gaming experience i've encountered, the 'good' bits are about as entertaining as any recent film with Tim Allen.

I mean seriously? 'The Shaggy Dog', was he trying to end his career or something? Thankfully i've not seen it but hopefully you get my point.

'nuff said.

11-08-06, 14:53
Game gets more addicting as you go on. I have a 60 rogue and now im just trying to get my epic gear, and that will be a long, long time.

Kind of miss leveling in the outzones with my liquid fire though.

Oh ya if your a rogue be prepared to have alot of trouble getting into good instance parties.

BTW i mostly grinded to 60 in 15 days of play time. Course there is alot of pvp and instance runs in that time to, but its actualy alot faster then doing quests. The only quests that you should do are the ones that involve killing in a particular area or are on your way.

11-08-06, 15:07
a warrior...on VashJ server

Check out The warlock, Spatula. ;)

Oh, and warriors? Yawn. Not enough to keep you busy. Try Rolling a hunter or a warlock.

11-08-06, 15:48
ive heard ( cough cough) that shammy's can be fun to play as well........

11-08-06, 16:13
Shammys are fun yeah.
never lvled up one to 60 but they got lots of stuff to use in fights.
The druid is one of the easier to lvl up and he can go dps or heal
even though they want you to heal as a druid

11-08-06, 16:24
Rogues and shammys are fun, warlock is hell of a lot more fun if you know how to play it :).

11-08-06, 16:26
yea so I played that game for a few hours one day and was like, hrmm fuck this game, point and click is the biggest downfall for any damn game.

11-08-06, 16:31
ok, I'll carry on lvling my rogue.


Have not seen that in years...

11-08-06, 16:43
repetitive lvling/quests
poor unimaginative combat system
recycled genre
no real incentives to try to stay alive
gear based pvp
not much point to pvp apart from better items at rank 14 :\
thousands of players that play exactly the same way as you, the only difference you make is an extra X amount of money in bliz's pocket every month.
the players are complete cunts, guilds are pointless too
no freedom, bliz is holding your hand all the way
72 virgins waiting in heaven for every WoW server you blow up...

11-08-06, 17:50
Why i play WoW:

collect items and sell them (in AH)

what sucks:
a lot of mission texts are confusing and lead you anywhere but the target (and you thought NC was bad)
older players dont respect new players and want them to know all the "tricks"
you dont get a dungeon group if you have the required lvl
you go a 100x (2.5h) to a dungeon for your armour and it never drops
you walk there with another char and you get it 5 times in 10 runs and cant transfer it.

i think Palas are more HCPEs with a rezz ;)
and shaman are fun for grp lvlin'

11-08-06, 19:59
Hello, I bought myself the World of warcraft game with a 60 day game card for £45...

I've got to lvl 8 and I'm bored...

I thought people were so addicted to this game that they neglected their kids ?

Could someone tell me how I can feel....addicted to this game please.

edit. This is something addictive for you guys !

Get yourself some kids and then see what you would rather do. Look after them or play WoW :lol:

And the song from that link is from some kids tv programe. Random!

11-08-06, 20:39
repetitive lvling/quests
In depth storyline quests you can do as opposed to the repetitive shite. I get by fine.

poor unimaginative combat system
In what sense poor?

recycled genre
Isn't everything?

no real incentives to try to stay alive
What aside from staying alive to be doing things, like -

gear based pvp
Sorry, what's the talent tree for again? My gear supports me in PvP, it doesn't decide it. If I don't apply the right curses to the right people, at the right times, I die. Even if they're lower. It's a fuckton more balanced than NC.

not much point to pvp apart from better items at rank 14 :\
Whats the point of PvP in NC then? Belts that you can only havk if you have a certain skill, that you're more often than not cheated out of by SL whores, or ninja hacks?

thousands of players that play exactly the same way as you, the only difference you make is an extra X amount of money in bliz's pocket every month.
Thousands of players. More than NC has at the mo. I can actually do things with people on there.

the players are complete cunts, guilds are pointless too
Funny that. My lot are fine, and we make a 40 man raid using our own members as opposed to having to pick up ranbdoms. We're well organised and have a reet laugh.

no freedom, bliz is holding your hand all the way
I enjoy it, I've not once been shepherded in any direction by bliz.

72 virgins waiting in heaven for every WoW server you blow up...


11-08-06, 20:45
only 72 :/

11-08-06, 20:56
I remember when me, my gf and two internet buddies (same guild) "raided" stormwind, we were all around lvl 20. Was great fun to run in naked and having tons of guards running after a naked troll rogue (me). I actually forgot to take a screenshot there but it was so funny to see :P.

11-08-06, 21:20
What...the...FUCK happened while i was gone...Nobby dont play WoW. wait about 6 more months and a fuckload of new MMOs will roll out and be 10,000x better than WoW.

but tbh rogueh 4tw :p

11-08-06, 22:54
first of all, stop comparing wow to NC, we already know what NC is and it shouldn't be used as a benchmark.

In depth storyline quests you can do as opposed to the repetitive shite. I get by fine.
for a quest based mmorpg i find that i'm just constantly running errands and killing x amount of monsters. now perhaps it would be very hard to program anything more than the quests they have but then you have to ask why they would make a game based on it.

In what sense poor? auto target and select attack is not what i would call decent combat, as for the unimaginative i can't see anything much difference from the mmorpgs we had 5+ years ago.

Sorry, what's the talent tree for again? My gear supports me in PvP, it doesn't decide it. If I don't apply the right curses to the right people, at the right times, I die. Even if they're lower. It's a fuckton more balanced than NC.
Talent tree - there's always at least one talent that's going to be the best one for pvp which requires a high amount of points spent in that tree, so i'd say that the choice is to an extent, just an illusion.

Gear - if you put any 2 players of the same class against each other who have both played for a reasonable amount of time they are going to be using the same tactics as each other, making the gear the deciding factor. As for different classes, you'll find that most players use the same if not very similar procedure for fighting them and if blizz balanced the classes properly, gear would once again be the deciding factor. Why else would players spend their lives doing end game raids?

What aside from staying alive to be doing things, like - i've seen much harsher penalties for dying than a 5 min walk back to your corpse :\ . Games are mostly about character survival, where's the excitement if there's no penalty for death? or very few rewards for a kill?

Whats the point of PvP in NC then? Belts that you can only havk if you have a certain skill, that you're more often than not cheated out of by SL whores, or ninja hacks? this ties in with my last point, there's very little reward for killing someone. you might get some honor, but that's quite useless unless your grinding to rank 14. you don't get any items, no money, no satisfaction from knowing that they recieved a penalty from dying, and also they will probably be back in 5 mins and depending on who's gear is best, you may or may not die :lol:. and once again, i really don't see why NC has something to do with this since we are talking about wow.

Thousands of players. More than NC has at the mo. I can actually do things with people on there. and what exactly do the thousands of players matter. it just means that you'll feel some more lag while you spend all day doing mob raids while everyone else on the server is doing exactly the same raid except that you can't see them.

Funny that. My lot are fine, and we make a 40 man raid using our own members as opposed to having to pick up ranbdoms. We're well organised and have a reet laugh. hmm and suppose you were to suddenly leave the clan? is this a big loss? sure! at least for the guy who has to spend 2 mins looking for your replacement...

i found that most interaction with other players ingame involved using them to help you aquiring "1337 itamz!!!111" by either grouping or buying. this sometimes leads to some quite childish arguements over who gets what purple/blue items or for how much.

Thousands of players. More than NC has at the mo. I can actually do things with people on there. again the comparison with nc, because there's no decent explanation as to why blizz doesn't allow players to make any difference ingame. Every player in the game could go amok doing activity X and it would make no difference to the workings of the game world. seems way too static for my liking.

I enjoy it, I've not once been shepherded in any direction by bliz.
considering that the game have been designed so that the end game is just mob raids (there are other things to do, but let's be honest, it was designed for mobs raids and there's not much incentive to do anything else), i doubt you could argue that you have much freedom apart from choosing which instance to do that particular day.

I'm not going to argue that blizzard weren't clever as a business to make WoW how it is, but in terms of gameplay and pvp mechanics, it's no different to a D&D board game. It has attracted a lot of non-gamers and 'light' gamers to become hardcore gamers, but unfortunately they are just going fuel the future market for games that are way too easy and are for lazy players.

11-08-06, 23:27
first of all, stop comparing wow to NC, we already know what NC is and it shouldn't be used as a benchmark.

Comparison in terms of your familiarity? I see the need, seeing as you slate so recklessy chummer.

for a quest based mmorpg i find that i'm just constantly running errands and killing x amount of monsters. now perhaps it would be very hard to program anything more than the quests they have but then you have to ask why they would make a game based on it.

Grinds are the same in any MMO. To be honest it's a lot better than some. And presented in a far more imaginative way. I'd rather be doing something with a plotline than just wandering around killing things at random till I hit cap.

auto target and select attack is not what i would call decent combat, as for the unimaginative i can't see anything much difference from the mmorpgs we had 5+ years ago.

I play a warlock. In fact, anyone can play a warlock. Or any other class that requires more than a point and click.

Talent tree - there's always at least one talent that's going to be the best one for pvp which requires a high amount of points spent in that tree, so i'd say that the choice is to an extent, just an illusion.

They're all geared towards character setup. Each and everyone is viable for PvP, as the all incorporate combat skills. There is a right and a wrong way to set them up, that's for sure. But that only comes into effect if you wish to work a certain way.

Gear - if you put any 2 players of the same class against each other who have both played for a reasonable amount of time they are going to be using the same tactics as each other, making the gear the deciding factor.

Yes. But it's blatantly obvious that A) Not every person is going to be identical to yourself, nor specced the same, and rarely are people equiped the same due to drop rates and AH prices. There's a wealth of deciding factors in PvP.

As for different classes, you'll find that most players use the same if not very similar procedure for fighting them and if blizz balanced the classes properly, gear would once again be the deciding factor. Why else would players spend their lives doing end game raids?

Because everyone feels the need to attain thier ideal setup. Of which there are once again many for each class. And yes sometimes, they are supported well by the right armour choice. That's not shoeboxing, that's common sense. The classes are regularly looked at and imbalances adressed. I can think of many a game suffering from worse imbalance than WoW

i've seen much harsher penalties for dying than a 5 min walk back to your corpse :\ . Games are mostly about character survival, where's the excitement if there's no penalty for death? or very few rewards for a kill?

PvP is about the combat, not what you get from it. All CSers get is a kill on the board, it's purely competive, but you don't see them complaining. If I wanted something different I would have chosen something to suit those desires.

this ties in with my last point, there's very little reward for killing someone. you might get some honor, but that's quite useless unless your grinding to rank 14. you don't get any items, no money,

It's the competition, that matters, not what you get out of it. That is simply a bonus.

no satisfaction from knowing that they recieved a penalty from dying,

If you feel better for causing someone else frustration, then you may want to learn some social skills. Not everyone is concerned with putting everyone else on a lower peg.

and also they will probably be back in 5 mins and depending on who's gear is best, you may or may not die :lol:. and once again, i really don't see why NC has something to do with this since we are talking about wow.

and what exactly do the thousands of players matter. it just means that you'll feel some more lag while you spend all day doing mob raids while everyone else on the server is doing exactly the same raid except that you can't see them.

Funny, performance is fine for me. I tend to value being able to go do stuff with people, or if I require help, being able to get it when I need it. Honestly dude "I'm commenting on an MMO while denying the importance of population" Pfft. Thats what single players are for.

hmm and suppose you were to suddenly leave the clan? is this a big loss? sure! at least for the guy who has to spend 2 mins looking for your replacement...

I'm sorry you think that way about the SSX, what with us being around for a good few years with real life connections. It wouldn't matter, There's plenty of reading material on our site about things like this. I fail to see why this is important. It's once again obvious that there is a proportionate amount of decent people to arseholes. It would most probably not be a loss, but nor would it for me, thanks to the wonder of the aformention population.

i found that most interaction with other players ingame involved using them to help you aquiring "1337 itamz!!!111" by either grouping or buying. this sometimes leads to some quite childish arguements over who gets what purple/blue items or for how much.

Refer to above. Most of these situations can be avoided by getting to know people through the activity of interaction. One of the cornerstones of the MMO genre.

again the comparison with nc, because there's no decent explanation as to why blizz doesn't allow players to make any difference ingame. Every player in the game could go amok doing activity X and it would make no difference to the workings of the game world. seems way too static for my liking.

You obviously seem oblivious to the in world events, and the recent war effort to see which server would open the new areas first and whose servers would have to wait? Players working in unison toward a goal that directly impacts thier realm?

considering that the game have been designed so that the end game is just mob raids (there are other things to do, but let's be honest, it was designed for mobs raids and there's not much incentive to do anything else)

Elaborate please. I fail to see how you came to that conclusion. All I see is the choice to raid.

, i doubt you could argue that you have much freedom apart from choosing which instance to do that particular day.

Or y'know, finish collecting that item set, set up tours and events such as our Gagnome race. There's always something to do.

I'm not going to argue that blizzard weren't clever as a business to make WoW how it is, but in terms of gameplay and pvp mechanics, it's no different to a D&D board game. It has attracted a lot of non-gamers and 'light' gamers to become hardcore gamers, but unfortunately they are just going fuel the future market for games that are way too easy and are for lazy players.

Because sitting on your arse playing games isn't lazy already? Fallacy. They're marketed for people to enjoy. If they don't enjoy it, why bother playing it?

The only thing I did in those replies was provide my opinion on statements that I found in my experience to be false.

12-08-06, 00:00
Ultima Online was a lovely game in its time, full of bastards if u died u lost everything u were wearing, took you weeks to get back on track only to be gankd or boxd by 5 ppl again but that was the heart and soul of UO and i loved it.

Now think of WoW, if wen u died u dropped all ur gear gold and all ur shiznit (sorry didnt play wow :P) would u quit cus u have lost ur precious items?

12-08-06, 01:02
Now think of WoW, if wen u died u dropped all ur gear gold and all ur shiznit (sorry didnt play wow :P) would u quit cus u have lost ur precious items? aha, you've just pointed out something very very important without realising it yourself (or at least i think you didn't).

Yes, i would quit if i had played WoW long enough to get all the items and gear etc and then lost it all.

Can you think of any reason why I would quit?

I can. This is the clever thing with WoW. They have made it so you to have those hard to get items to compete with other players or to not appear to have a sub-standard character. So for some psycological reason (mainly obsession), you will be willing to actually do tasks that you do not find to be fun, just to get these items. While trying to get the item you get frustrated or bored with the repetitive tasks that are required to obtain the item, but you will convince yourself that it will be worth it when you finally get it. But once you get the item, there will always be another item that you 'need' so you will keep doing the boring tasks and you keep telling yourself that it will all be worth it in the end. The ironic thing is that you will never get to this so called 'fun' stage that you keep telling yourself that you will get to, but will instead be in an endless loop of boringness. Call me old fashioned, but I remember the days when games were designed to be fun.

I dunno, maybe I just don't like all the MMORPGs these days, or maybe one day someone will break the cycle and make another decent one.

onero S
12-08-06, 01:34
Giga, although wow is gear dependent, it is not gear baised to the extent you make it out as.

For a good year or so I was considered one of the two best if not the top priest of my server hordside, thoughroughout that period I started with only so so gear and it was only later I became fully decked out. I eventualy quit wow for reasons of me needing to focus on school ectra and came back for a month 5 months later.

When I came back my gear was again rather outdated as I only had a mix of mc/bwl peices and everyone else had full bwl/aq. But you know what? I still did better than any of my fellow priests in both solo and group pvp and although its hard to measure in pve, I toped the healing charts regularly.

So no, gear only helps if you know how to use it. And although there is no aiming as in nc, you have WAY more other things to budget. In nc, you have ammo, hp, stam, psi, buffs, and your aiming. Thats it.

In wow you have. 30-40 different abilities to watch as well as having to budget mana, somthing vastly different from the way psi is in nc.

12-08-06, 02:08
Yes wow a terrable game. Lets go educate 30 million players about how the game they are playing has no good qualities at all. :P

12-08-06, 10:56

perhaps we just live in an era of retarded game devs, although i wouldn't mind it if rockstar made an mmorpg :p

But just to clarify what my previous post was about, i was just saying that you would quit wow if you lost your gear because getting gear is f**king boring, yet that's what the game is all about.

EDIT: actually , player loot in wow wouldn't be such a bad idea, it just means that the sad bastards who spend all their time getting 'leet gear' to have an advantage in PvP have a risk of losing it, meaning that there is a balance between advantage:disadvantage

12-08-06, 19:29
Horses for courses.
If you dont like WoW don't play it. I'll be jumping back in for an explore when burning crusade is released but i cant see myself staying for more than a month or two. It's a pretty well polished game, but I find myself agreeing with almost every comment Giga made about it. It's certainly worth a look if you get onto a free trial account or can borrow a friends.

12-08-06, 19:58
it's good if you just want a game to eat your time, providing you don't despise lvling.

12-08-06, 22:28
rockstar made an mmorpgLike what? 'Bully' Online? (You've heard of that game right? check it out...) :lol: :rolleyes:

12-08-06, 22:58
Like what? 'Bully' Online? (You've heard of that game right? check it out...) :lol: :rolleyes: i have heard of it.

and was thinking more along the lines of a modern urban city type mmorpg, with different gangs as factions

12-08-06, 23:33
Yeah I know... 'GTA gang wars' or something. I was just being a twit. :p

12-08-06, 23:55
the only problem with it would be that it would feel like you are expected to pk people, making it less fun to do.

13-08-06, 02:21
Like what? 'Bully' Online? (You've heard of that game right? check it out...) :lol: :rolleyes:

lol, that ain't an MMO, good idea of a game anyway... Don't see why Charities are trying to Ban the game, not like Bullying gonna exactly...stop if the game was banned.

It's coming out on the PS2

13-08-06, 02:34
I know it's not an MMO, but I also know it's the stupidest game I've ever heard of. Shame on Rockstar! Seriously, one of your 'weapons' in the game is marbles to make people fall on their ass! Come to think of it... that might be fun... :lol:

13-08-06, 03:01
*buys 10 bags of Marbles...*

Now where to stick them...

14-08-06, 03:28
I know it's not an MMO, but I also know it's the stupidest game I've ever heard of. Shame on Rockstar! Seriously, one of your 'weapons' in the game is marbles to make people fall on their ass! Come to think of it... that might be fun... :lol:

he did say Ass nobby :lol:

14-08-06, 03:36
he did say Ass nobby :lol:You gimp. :lol:

19-08-06, 05:42
World of Warcraft's community is akin's to the general Counter Strike community : stupid, and unable to type correctly. If you were to play and wanted to feel immersed in the game, I would suggest a Role Playing server.

19-08-06, 06:33
World of Warcraft's community is akin's to the general Counter Strike community : stupid, and unable to type correctly.
So it's like neocron in at least one way then....

19-08-06, 06:54
So it's like neocron in at least one way then....Yeah and getting rid of you would be one step in the right direction apparently... you might have missed it but almost every member of this community either wants Neocron to evolve or to be remade.

Me I'm not playing anything at all right now, if I was I would be playing this game... but hell I want it to be better too. :)

19-08-06, 07:00
The best parts of this game are the people that play it and the pvp
but I do play other games as well like bf2 its like haven when you have been playing nc all day just think bout it no gr fees no pokes needed its very simple to play no need to make a kick ass set up to pwn everyone (I still haven’t come across one yet though lol) or is that just me being a noob tbh

19-08-06, 07:01
I wanna be a pirate :(

Then play eve-online and join pirate coaltion ^.^

19-08-06, 08:57
Yeah and getting rid of you would be one step in the right direction apparently... you might have missed it but almost every member of this community either wants Neocron to evolve or to be remade.

Me I'm not playing anything at all right now, if I was I would be playing this game... but hell I want it to be better too. :)

I'm not still here for lack of "wanting", and calling me stupid so quickly is more a symptom I'd say.

19-08-06, 09:21
Stupid? Oi I don't think I used that word... should I? Oh wait you called the whole community stupid. I see where I went wrong.

19-08-06, 15:41
cant be that bad seeing as they have ALOT of members paying 8.99 each or something but then again people are stupid seeing as we pay for neocron

21-08-06, 13:59
WOW is a griefers paradise tbh, probably why most of a certain clan ending up playing it :p

Step 1 - Gank lower level nib levelling his inferior char.

Step 2 - Light a campfire over the corpse and do some cooking whilst you await their return (after that short or long run back)

Step 3 - The waiting game. He's thinking, should he res and run, or maybe wait you out. Eventual boredom will lead to the res and run option.

Step 3 - .............. then gank him again.

Step 4 - Rinse and repeat.

Now that reminds me of the old NC with backpack collection. Should i buy it back ? or make a run for it? :lol:

22-08-06, 03:39
Now that reminds me of the old NC with backpack collection. Should i buy it back ? or make a run for it? :lol:

they was the days

22-08-06, 03:56
they was the daysBah the dayz wuz dropping a random item from your quickbelt right to the floor and kissing it goodbye. Die 10 times - replace your quickbelt.

The real thing that pains me is as mechanisms have been introduced to make dying easier I have fought less and less. Now maybe I'm nuts or masochistic (my 'good' PvP days were rare) but the loss of risk resulted in a loss of fun.

NC was never harsh even in the beginning but the beginning made you always in search of a tradeskiller for this and that. I think KK is lying when they say they knew this would always be a niche game... they thought if they made it less punishing they would get more customers. They were wrong. :/

And don't listen to the damn beta2 vets when they tell you how great it was to drop your whole quickbelt (not the object we have now, the 10 items you have on the right...) they're fucking lying too. :p

22-08-06, 04:22
Well, Glok...

Go negative 32 soullight, then.

At the very least, the Jailhouse is open to you.

22-08-06, 15:57
Well, HP it's not as much fun when you're the one who stands that chance of losing all his shit and whoever you happen to be fighting will drop one thing. :p