View Full Version : weapons and ranking questions

21-07-06, 12:44
Hello everyone, My gentank has a ranking of / 6 . Is this my lvl or something else. Also i'm still using my starter knife. Someone gave me a rifle and told me to get rifle up to 12. I did what he told me. I equip the rifle and go back in the sewers. Why can't i hit anything with it? My starter knife does more damage. Do weapons get better ? Should i buy another knife ? The rifle holds 16 rounds i might hit 3 out of 16.

21-07-06, 13:30
Gentanks don't use rifles. Thier primary attribute is strength. That means it has the highest cap and is therefore the best field to specialise in. Rifles use dexterity, and are much more a spy weapon, or a PE weapon.

whoever told you to use the rifle is a bit of a nugget!

What kind of tank did you choose? the solder or the other one? if it's the soldier, your best bet is to equip weapons which require HC - heavy combat ( a subskill in strength).

the /x is your general rank - the average total of your main skills. it's the deciding factor mostly for when you can attempt epic missions - for example if you had level 6 in all your skills (6 multiplied by the 5 skills divided by 5) you would have a /6 rank.

the xx/ is your combat rank. this is decided mainly by the weapon/psi module you have equipped.

best bet is to grab some RC ( rifle combat) LOM pills from a drugstore and use them to erase those rifle combat skills - you can then respend those points elsewhere in dex. I would say probably tech combat or agility.

21-07-06, 13:59
Ok lets start basics..

First your rank made up of 2 numbers i.e 2/6

The first is your combat rank i.e how effective you are in combat( affected by the type/level of the weapon you use)

The second is an average of all your skills and can be affected by the taking of drugs :p

Ok weapons...

Weapon Quality

Firstly the weapon has a build quality, if you right click you will see 4 main stats Damage/Frequency/Range/Aiming and a % next to them. Store bought weapons tend to be typically 50-70ish % and will say either poor-good next to it.
You can get player built weapons which will cap at 94% but depends on their skill but thats the highest you get. The max is 120% via modifications....

Mods to weapons can be carried out if you get a slotted weapon. This will be indicated by up to 5 small boxes above the rifle icon when in your inventory. These empty boxes range from 1 slot to 5 slot and can be filled with an array of modifications to improve damage/ammo/range etc.

Why can't i hit anything?
when you aim at something with a rifle ( I assume your using the standard street model Dex 5, RC 12) you will see a reticle which starts as a wide circle and then closes over time on the target.
The longer you aim the closer it gets and the more accurate your shot will be!

You can improve how fast it closes by speccing points in Weapon Lore under Intel.
As you increase your points in Rifle combat you should see your damage increase (you will get some increase from WPL also)

Right click you weapon you will see two more stats Damage: x% Aiming: y%

These increase by putting points in the relevant skill damage from RC and slightly from WPL, Aiming from WPL.

Check yours and then put points in when you level and check again they will have increased.

The Maximum is Damage: 178% Aiming: 267%

Once you reach this you can effectively get no more damage out of the weapon. When you upgrade you may find you do less damage as you have a lower % in the above but this will increase as you again add more points.

On a side note, your going to hate me but you say your a gentank>?
I would say forget the rifle, some bad advice there in my opinion. :angel:

Gentanks = Heavy combat or Melee.

Would suggest you swop out as end game there aren't any rifle gentanks its a spy's weapon.
Start with either the low level Granade launcher if you want to move on to plasma cannons/lasercannons etc.
Or stick with the knife if you want to use knives/claws/laserblades.

Hope this helps explain a little.

21-07-06, 15:14
Hmmm. I hope I will catch you online soon, Castagere ...

22-07-06, 01:51
Dam,Did i screw up or what? So i have to find these pills now. I've been killing in that lvl 1 sewer from day 1. So if i'm */6 I don't even have a combat lvl yet? God i need some help ingame as to what to do. I want to find that nugget and tell him off. I'm going to login soon. I need a mentor to show me around.

22-07-06, 06:01
The above info is good stuff.. To put things simply, gentanks use melee or heavy weapons (under strength). Don't skill any other combat skills. Decide which you want to pursue (melee or heavy guns) and keep adding points to that skill (under Strength) as well as some resist force with spare points.

The first number is always there even if it is zero, it will show "0/X".

I hope you started in Neocron city as it's a much friendlier place and theres actually people and low level teams there. Get the best weapon you can use with your strength level and points (melee or heavy) and use it.

If you can get it researched and built, do so. Many tradeskillers would be happy to help a new player, so I hope one is around. If I'm online and you ask I will.

26-07-06, 14:36
If you can get it researched and built, do so. Many tradeskillers would be happy to help a new player, so I hope one is around. If I'm online and you ask I will.
Yup me too, especially my barter alt (Money Maker) gets good deals and when he is in a really good mood, he takes the nib chr for shopping, and spare no expense :D ... man i remember what its like to be totally nib chr with no cash and great confusions regarding equipment etc. :)