View Full Version : Would there be any interest in a large auction?

20-07-06, 15:55
You know the kind...

Tech Haven Sec-3 mercantile space, standing room only, a line-up of varied items from many interested sellers...

I'm sure my auctioneering skills, while rusty, are still on a good foundation, and of course, I'll try and make sure that *SOME* of either rare, unique, or difficult-to-obtain items would be among the offerings.

Who knows, perhaps even a drool-worthy item will be put on the block!

Bishop Yutani
20-07-06, 16:04
Sounds like a good idea; I'd be there.

20-07-06, 16:26
Auctions are always an amazing idea! DOy auctions are always very good and i have seen couple from other ppl which were amazing, letz hope u bring another great one ;)

20-07-06, 18:39
Yep, good idea :D

20-07-06, 19:25
Bad idea Heavyporker, unless you get a GM to help out. In the last player-made auction that came around (because the official auctions had just stopped running auctions for some reason), it boiled down to a steaming pile of crap.

The people trying to do the auction were both selling things not worthy of being in the auction (hovertec keys and other nonesense for the bin?), which basically wasted time and lost all interest, and also weren't able to stop the masses of people randomly there to try and sell their own items at the same time, without caring about the auction. The lack of GM assistance meant they could do nothing about it, and all they did was log off.

21-07-06, 02:04
I think it would be a good idea but you definately need a GM there to regulate people. The last auction I attended consisted of a few people ruining the entire thing by spamming local and talkin shite, so much so that the autioneer got so pissed he just called it off entirely 5 mins into it.

21-07-06, 02:25
Bad idea Heavyporker, unless you get a GM to help out. In the last player-made auction that came around (because the official auctions had just stopped running auctions for some reason), it boiled down to a steaming pile of crap.

Yea, that would be what happend to me, clan IMMUNE fucked it up....

sold 1 item then fucked it off.. 400k for 4 slot mal. then DS only went upto 6m because of ppl fucking around so i called it off.


I think it would be a good idea but you definately need a GM there to regulate people. The last auction I attended consisted of a few people ruining the entire thing by spamming local and talkin shite, so much so that the autioneer got so pissed he just called it off entirely 5 mins into it.

Yea faid, but u gotta admit Immune was being pretty fucked up about it :)...

21-07-06, 02:30
i'd imagine you could at least get a GM to come kick the idiots out, or i'd hope.

and yeah, make sure you have a standard for what can be auctioned, to keep people interested.

21-07-06, 12:11
a line-up of varied items from many interested sellers...

We have a good number of slotted rares and a couple of MC5 chips that we may be interested in selling. Could you pls PM or mail me ingame (StevenJ) if you're gonna run with this, so we can talk commissions?

Thanks! :D

21-07-06, 13:16
Same here, i sent u a pm

21-07-06, 14:46
Yeah, you're right, guys, a GM is pretty much a required issue...

I'm just sounding this issue out before I make any commitments.

An auction canceled 5 minutes into starting is one of the last things I want. And you're right, dreck being auctioned is another very bad thing.

21-07-06, 15:46
So have it in the wastelands as a black market meeting, and hire a bunch of bouncers :D

21-07-06, 15:48
Hm... that'd be a lot cooler, but possibly quite chaotic...

But definitely something to consider!

21-07-06, 15:54
u wud get ppl showing up in rhino or doy bombers....atleast thats what i wud consider if it was i nwastes ;)

21-07-06, 16:01
CityMerc mercenaries with AA and AV launchers.

21-07-06, 16:34
If you have it in wastes have the merchants in tanks. Least they got a fighting chance if the person gets buyers remorse or something. Plus it's very wastelandy meeting a dealer in a tank in the middle of no where :)

21-07-06, 16:56
Hm, I suppose. You know what, that'd be a great theme for the auction...

"Smuggler's Cove Convention"!

21-07-06, 17:16
Yeah, have it in a worm tnnel or a cave of some sort.

Tech Haven is so cold and dull.

Get some rough lookin' NPC's spawn that insult players and give 'em candy bars like all smugglers do.

21-07-06, 20:11
Hi Heavyporker,

our auction are always very syccessfull, contact me ingame and I give u some tips and hints

21-07-06, 20:24
Porker, you give me a time and a date, ill log in and watch over shit if its in the wastes, and if its in TH ill just some bid on random shit :D

22-07-06, 19:49
The Twister Club in the wastelands would be so awesome, though, and drinks would've automatically be taken care of. Plus, it'd be difficult to snipe anyone there because of the flatness of the area, real easy to patrol, especially on a bike. Plus, don't the guards auto-shoot anyone that takes a weapon out?

Caves, in general, are rather too small, anyway. Unless someone were to clear out the Apparition Cave, where we could set up shop on the central island. That... would... absolutely... rock. Maybe we'd try the Ceres Temple, as well, I guess.

22-07-06, 19:51
Or a bunker in the J sectors :)

22-07-06, 20:50
Hm! The tall-ass concrete towers kick ass.... You know what, that's a pretty awesome idea.

23-07-06, 06:11
I'll come along coz I've got shit loads of crap to get rid of.

23-07-06, 06:45
Hm! The tall-ass concrete towers kick ass.... You know what, that's a pretty awesome idea.

2 Many idiots would kill ya, the only realy way is a Safezone im afraid.

23-07-06, 12:16
GM's will be present Pantho.

Pussy club?

sleazy sleazy dealings....

23-07-06, 18:19
Well as long as no one makes up any new rules moments before the auction starts you should be ok :D Wouldn't want anyone being DQ'd from this event :lol:

25-07-06, 20:44
I've got a couple of laurant drugs i might put up for auction if there is enough interest for shits and giggles...

25-07-06, 20:54

The thing is, the auction that I may possibly host *might* be next week, but no guarantees. Definitely won't be the weekend of the 12th in August, I'm gonna be out of town then.

I'm still looking around, getting a feel for things, and trying to get my hands of some of the more unusual items to guarantee that it won't be a mundane auction.