View Full Version : Looking for othr RPers..

17-07-06, 18:39

I realize the RP community is tiny here, but still..

Anyone interested in talking to an experienced RPer but new NC resident about having storylines interact, please contact via DM/PM (Anjel). Avatar is a netrunner who drones in combat (at present, only 4/5..). Would also love to form small team (my GMT is -5) with preacher and/or street samurai... ~smiles knowingly~


Dribble Joy
20-07-06, 03:46
If you are in DoY, try finding out about Phoenix Ltd. Probably the biggest group of RPers out there. For NC, dunno. Get to know a few people around the city (usually people in the cellars and sewers), make some contacts and see if you can find some. Failing that, start your own :D.

20-07-06, 07:07
Don't lie dribble, the only RP's i've ever met in NC where Grim Sisters back in NC1, ha! It depends how hard core you want roll play, if you mean "I want people talking in character 24/7" You wont find it I expect, kinda sad really I was hoping for that when I joined but no one wants to so I never started a hard core role play clan. However if you mean light roll play, then pretty much everyone, Fetish role play as drug dealers/thugs/bullies, D*O*Y role play in the sense that they do alot of research and construction, Death Row role play without trying by being....less pleasant than most, just like the good ol City Admin. I'm sure others do but I don't know too much about the other clans.

20-07-06, 07:09
phoenix ltd is kinda on vacation...

Skullcult RP

20-07-06, 07:22
Cult is the best RP you got atm.

20-07-06, 08:09

"apart" from apoc

21-07-06, 07:56
Ha yes the skull cult role play...right I think he means in keeping with the general story line rather than trying to make up your own... ha! There aren't a great deal of people who follow the story line I do try though :)

21-07-06, 10:44
phoenix ltd is kinda on vacation...

Skullcult RP

It's summer! ;) Yeah, we are on holiday but now and again you will catch a few of us around. I'll be around for the MotU over the next 3 weeks.

22-07-06, 20:48

Thanks all, never expected this many responses.. so that in itself is a plus. As for Phoenix and Cult.. soon as I get back on-world (on holiday/vacation myself) I'll reach out... emmm, but yeah, kinda a 24/7 type but leaving IC can be done *growls in reluctance* Really just need a home that won't mind me IC all (near all) of the time or the [] of OOC.. Oh, and I'm in DOY...

Thanks again everyone..

Oh, and Brammers, I'll see if I can make a MoTU *smiles*


22-07-06, 22:16
phoenix ltd is kinda on vacation...

Skullcult RP

Ive desided to go on holiday from DoY. Ive gone to the beach to watch the wee-crabs roam around and fight over who gets to eat the dragonflies!

23-07-06, 08:09
SkullCult Pro's And Con's


You Roleplay a group of Religous Fanatics who go around trying to force everybody into worshiping the flaming skull

You dont have to deal with the politics of "Should i shoot him"

You can are free to do what you want, kill/shoot who you like. (ooc, You may hang aorund with freinds in other clans, but plz dont go ooc with them and PK every1 else) ( I say this because i laughed my ass off at a Skull PKing with clan DoY)

Plenty of Support from clan members, We do what we can to equip/help our members


Hated by... Alot

Killed by everyone apart from SkullCult (And fetish)

.... That explains it tbh

23-07-06, 12:21
Or you could make your own clan and roleplay what the fuck you like.

23-07-06, 22:53

Hated by... Alot

I don't hate you, I just want you the f*ck out my faction :)

24-07-06, 02:47

"apart" from apoc
Oi atleast i got my FL =( its sexxeh

24-07-06, 04:15
I don't hate you, I just want you the f*ck out my faction :)

Zheo, Aint you CM...

infact you profile still says

Location : Mill base...

26-07-06, 19:13
SkullCult Pro's And Con's


You Roleplay a group of Religous Fanatics who go around trying to force everybody into worshiping the flaming skull

[Not really what I want for myself but thank you for the info, Pantho.. Anjel, or me for that matter, is not much into consciousless zealots ~gives a knowing grin~ Maybe Phoenix (if they'll have an opinionated, lone wolf like me) or just wait till I'm in a better position to start my own "family".. *shrugs* Mmmmm, if I'm not wrong, doesn't FA have a RP friendly clan?? And if I need to tone down some, then done ..but RP is partially why I'm at a MMO... And thanks also to you, Zheo.. ~smiles~]

27-07-06, 20:24
More than welcome sir, i'm in character most of the time so feel free to have in character chats with me.

28-07-06, 12:34
Just start roleplaying and you'll meet some other roleplayers soon enough.

28-07-06, 18:49
[..Zheo, soon as I get back from holiday, I will.. and I'll be that person standing out like a sore thumb, Care. ..can't change who you are, can only hope to twink enough to keep the pure PPers and PvPers off my back a bit...
~smiles quiet~]

28-07-06, 20:15
I'm pretty sure it's a roleplay requirement to have less than two numbers in yer name :P

31-07-06, 16:21
[..your name's pretty neat also ~beams~ ]