View Full Version : [Terra] Uber Skills/Weapons

13-07-06, 16:47
Is there a thread somewhere that discusses all of the elite missions/weapons/skills and how to get them or how to qualify for them? I've seen the armor and heard of the WOC disks, but I can't seem to find anything that talks about all of this. So, I've been redused ot scratching my head and leveling as fast as I can.

Would some kind soul please either talk about it or provide links?

Many Thanks!

Trent (Indigo Black & Indigo Dahila) :p

13-07-06, 16:56
TL31 Nailgun with poison nails mod overpowered as hell.

13-07-06, 17:37

13-07-06, 21:55
Okay, it talks about how it works...but, who are the WOC savants and where are they?

14-07-06, 09:32
I believe they are in the Ceres Temple in the wastelands can't remember which sector but somewhere a few sectors Below MB. Swamp area iirc

14-07-06, 09:38
They are out by Regents... where the road turns south keep heading West into the swamp.

14-07-06, 16:24
Thanks very much for the info - that really helps :D . Are there any other type of missions besides WOC and the epics? If so, where and what are they?

Tren (Indigo Black) :)

14-07-06, 17:02
Think there a 3 related WOC missions for weapons , Knuckles, Crossbow and the assault Rifle/Handgun missions.

There is also the assault quad mission.

Also all the Profession Missions for new chars.

The resistor missions both sides and probably a few little ones i forget.

14-07-06, 17:20
How do you get the missions? Which PNCs to you talk to, where do you go, etc?


14-07-06, 17:29
you have to be certain lvls to do vertain missions

Regeants (Assault Rifle)

Start this by talking to the guy in the first room of reagents

Ive done on a **/55 With imps (Guess... this is what ive done them with)


o0o0 Cant remember

Same around **/60 with imps (Guess... this is what ive done them with)

NCPD/Freedom Force Chip

NCPD - Officer Jane in NCPD HQ
FF - Somewhere in TG sector, i forget

**/55 WITHOUT Implants or drugs. This must be your base rank

Assualt Quad....

No fecking idea

14-07-06, 20:42
Assault Quad = Knuckles in A10
xbow = Barman in Twister
Hurler King Knuckles = Strange stone in J16
CM PPR = Harisson in CM
Pro PPR = Com Lightfield in NCPD
Anti PPR = Hopkins in the canyon somewhere (I forget)
CON Drug = Bloke outside of PP HQ

There's also a new HN mission, but I know fuck all about it

14-07-06, 20:55
whats the con drug outside pp hq ?????????

14-07-06, 21:08
omg join date 2005 and he doesnt know that guy. go explore the world, mb zoneline isnt everything ;)

theres a guy outside the pp hq and one ioutside the bd hq, same run same drug.

the drug leasts 3 minutes and gives +5 con. so at first thought its kind of useless...BUT spys can wear exp heart 2 with it. for tournaments and so on....

and galileo plz dont call it anti und pro ppr. cause ppr stands for "Protopharm Resistor", the NCPD and Freedom Fighter Chips have nothing to do with PP ;)


o0o0 Cant remember

Same around **/60 with imps (Guess... this is what ive done them with)

55 without imps, everything else is true

14-07-06, 21:38
i didnt know bout him cos i hate useing drugs in a setup i would rather play tank/apu/ppu then drug to use a setup on a pe or a spy

14-07-06, 21:51
the drug leasts 3 minutes and gives +5 con. so at first thought its kind of useless...BUT spys can wear exp heart 2 with it. for tournaments and so on....

Sweet... nvr thought of that :)...

14-07-06, 22:13
Many thanks to all of you for your help - Really appreciated.

The Xbow is it a pistol or rifle?

Trent (Indigo Black)

14-07-06, 22:45
xbow is a hitech pistol