View Full Version : Making a new trial account

08-07-06, 12:03
Guys, does anybody knows/can help? I want to make a new trial account using CC. Is this possible? have you done it?


08-07-06, 12:26
Guys, does anybody knows/can help? I want to make a new trial account using CC. Is this possible? have you done it?


Only through click to pay is this possible grasshopper.

08-07-06, 12:44
I tried and I failed. maybe i did something wrong, ill check once more

08-07-06, 13:05
create the account in the launcher, then it leads you to c2p where you login with name and pw: acc created

08-07-06, 17:03
Don't ever press enter while going through the launcher, your game will start and you'll have to put all your shit in again !

08-07-06, 17:13
As Cadgar says, do not create your account on the C2P site or you will be hit with the full on account verification process. Do it through our launcher panel.


08-07-06, 17:37
ok i provide it with my personal data, but then when i press next, it sends me to c2p, saying im already a member, which is true, and asks me for a username and a password, which I dont know anymore, never did and I dont know how to retrieve

Edit: ffs, maybe it's Safari from mac OSX, ill try using a PC and see wat it will happen

08-07-06, 17:52
username is your emailaddy "xy@z.com" when you didnt change it
and forget password => dumb :>

08-07-06, 17:58
Rofl. I didnt forgot my password it was the mail address I have forgotten. Thing is I'm here 4 years nonstop, so I never looked at these things, I never cancelled my subscription. Anyway, I have finally found my account within c2p and I'll try to enable the thing now, but it issued another error now... ill bbl, thx for helping guys.

Edit: ok everything is done. Nid, can I tie my trial to the forums (actually this trial is for a new guy that wants to test the game, so I want to have him test the whole experience.

08-07-06, 21:59
It has to be done through the launcher panel.


08-07-06, 22:26
yep. thx for the help Nick. you can close it