View Full Version : [OT]Matrix Online

John Bushido
03-07-06, 16:33
Hi zusammen

wollt mal wissen ob hier wer Matrix Online spielt, das game gibts ja jez inzwischen ne weile aber man kriegt nicht grad viel davon mit

besonders interessieren würde mich ob es irgendeine art trial gibt wo man sich das ganze mal anschauen kann oder ob man wirklich darauf angewiesen ist das spiel zu kaufen bzw irgendwo einen gästepass abzuschnorren :D

schon mal danke im voraus


edit: Fuck, can anyone remove this pls in german section, thx :angel:

Doc Holliday
04-07-06, 09:30
my german sucks but matrix is crap i can tell you that. :)

04-07-06, 11:49
MxO is fun for a little while, until you realise it's just the same wash-and-repeat rooms full of enemys that overpower you easily if you try to take more than 2 on at a time, nice atmosphere and graphics but it will get boring after a while for sure.

Jason Parker
04-07-06, 11:52
Hatte ja die offene 3 Tage Beta gezockt und war hellauf begeistert ob der Möglichkeiten die die Engine bietet. Leider bewegte mich der trotz point & click fight System miserable Netcode und die hohen pings dazu es dann kurz nach Veröffentlichung zu lassen und wieder zu NC zurückzukehren.
Es gilt da leider ähnliches wie für NC: Viel Potential aber 90% davon werden verschenkt.

John Bushido
04-07-06, 14:55
k, thx guys, heard that from whole bunch of ppl, maybe gonna trial this out one day but i think not

04-07-06, 19:28
By all means give it a try, it's not terrible, just a bit "point and click" as well as "rinse and repeat" so it's fun to begin with, especially if you get a small group together, a couple of problems I had are.

* You need 1 gig of Ram minimum, preferably more if you can handle it, but 1 gig will make things smooth enough (even 768 is a bit laggy)
* Whenever people appear it gets a bit laggy too, which can be a pain but is
* People wear silly clothes types, I was kinda hoping people would take pride in what they wear in-game but they tend to go for purple pants with bright red blazers and other things that just don't match, even after they changed the bonuses you get from clothes it's rare to see someone who doesn't look like they got dressed in the dark.
*Repetetive rooms and missions can get very tiresome after a while, the unique missons are fun to undertake but once their over it's back to the grind, fights can take a while to finish which is fun, but you generally have to draw out Mobs into 1 on 1's because if you try and take more than 2 or 3 people on you'll find they'll happily stand there peppering you with a machine gun, while you struggle to fight the guy infront of you, which isn't very fair or fun.

There are a few other issues and I haven't mentioned the good points (ask if you wan't me to) but i'd say if it appeals to you then give it a try, you have nothing to lose really.
I enjoyed it for a bit, that's fair to say.


Doc Holliday
05-07-06, 08:26
if you can get it for free give it a go. you will find it just as matthew mentioned.

Ive played it in its beta with a key i had which expired after about a month. so i know little of the game now but one of the most annoying things was how badly the game relied on you to be certain levels to go and fight in certain areas.

Example in neocron you can be a level 40 in a team with 2 level 20s and go off shooting warbots. the 20s are gonna do very little but still earn some xp. substitute the 20s for two 30-35 rank players and they are gonna have a heck of a lot more fun.

Not the same in MxO. basically you had to be within 1 or 2 levels of your party leader as he would take the missions dependent on his rank and if you were too far below you got jack all xp. you couldnt even tackle the npcs that spawned in the mission areas which were so generic its not funny. you could stand there try and attack do nothing then get blasted to kingdom come. Another reason why neocron is better designed to encourage player cooperation during levelling. :)

So as i said. if you cant play for free dont play. the only 2 bits i really enjoyed about the game after the initial awe of it was the hyper jump which allowed you to do massive jumps up on to buildings. Awesome. Or the martial arts moved i watched people doing on high level chars. absolutely awesome. however its still never gonna be real time so i stick to shooting people.

Bozz-Von Mel
05-07-06, 13:08
Hey long time no see Doc. It's a damn shame about Matrix too, had such promise. S

05-07-06, 14:04
if you can get it for free give it a go. you will find it just as matthew mentioned.

Ive played it in its beta with a key i had which expired after about a month. so i know little of the game now but one of the most annoying things was how badly the game relied on you to be certain levels to go and fight in certain areas.

Example in neocron you can be a level 40 in a team with 2 level 20s and go off shooting warbots. the 20s are gonna do very little but still earn some xp. substitute the 20s for two 30-35 rank players and they are gonna have a heck of a lot more fun.

Not the same in MxO. basically you had to be within 1 or 2 levels of your party leader as he would take the missions dependent on his rank and if you were too far below you got jack all xp. you couldnt even tackle the npcs that spawned in the mission areas which were so generic its not funny. you could stand there try and attack do nothing then get blasted to kingdom come. Another reason why neocron is better designed to encourage player cooperation during levelling. :)

So as i said. if you cant play for free dont play. the only 2 bits i really enjoyed about the game after the initial awe of it was the hyper jump which allowed you to do massive jumps up on to buildings. Awesome. Or the martial arts moved i watched people doing on high level chars. absolutely awesome. however its still never gonna be real time so i stick to shooting people.

That's also a good point Doc...

The Mobs do indeed have to be within 1 or 2 levels of you, or else you'll get the everloving crap kicked out of you or have to endure a boring "follow the leader" approach and let the strongest member take everyone out and let you get the XP hit, I honestly don't know how my friend had the patience to get to level 50...
Fights with other people can be fun, but the same thing applies and it takes very little skill when taking on a human, since it's basically a "roll of the dice" some tactics do apply, but you'll generally find that people think they are "oh s0o l33t" and jump you with their maxxed out level 50 character who can use the annoying overpowered "Hacking" attacks and root you to the spot for 2 minutes before repeatedly shooting you or throwing viruses at you (funny, I don't recall seeing that in the film), I can remember a team of 2 people attacked me once, I was the same level as the Hacker and was using duel pistols, he quite happily rooted me to the spot without me being able to do anything, and then pulled a shotgun on me and proceeded to blow my brains out (funnily enough Martial Arts seem to rarely be used by anyone, the lack of ranged attacks can be annoying but wasn't the fighting aspect the main highlight of the Matrix? but then, I can see why everyone would go for the strongest, most overpowered class of Hacker who can stop people dead and throw viruses at them that hardly miss), his teammate who was considerably lower in level then thought it would be clever to spam...


Funny, I didn't recall her/him even hitting me once, but that's yet another problem, some people can be very juvenile and I got called a whiner at certain points just for speaking out after dieing 0_o

"Nice kill but give me a chance to actually see you coming next time"
"Dude, you got killed and now your whining so shut up"

Basically that's what it boils down to in most fights :P


05-07-06, 15:04
Moved. Better late than never, and you might get some more information, too.


John Bushido
05-07-06, 15:10
danke, ich hab aber eigentlich schon alle infos die ich brauche, kann von mir aus auch gern dichtgemacht werden :)

05-07-06, 15:29
MxO is fun for a little while, until you realise it's just the same wash-and-repeat rooms full of enemys that overpower you easily if you try to take more than 2 on at a time, nice atmosphere and graphics but it will get boring after a while for sure.

Ja und Nein
Also ich probiere es gerade und lese mir verschiedene Reviews dazu durch.
Teilweise sind sie Informativ teilweise einseitig.

Es ist ein Spiel mit einer anderen Sichweise von Charaktern.

Bei WoW gibt es den Krieger zum Draufhauen und ein Magier für den Support.
Bei MxO wird diese Aufgabenverteilung auch genutzt nur heißt jetzt der Support " Hacker " ( weil er die Matrix verändert um so zu supporten ).

Also ist MxO ein ganz normales MMO Spiel mit bekannt verteilten Aufgabenrollen.

Mal sehen:

++ Atmosphäre
++ Skillbaum
++ grosse Map - alle Türen Häuser können betretten werden
+- nix Deutsch
-- fortlaufende Kämpfe
-- einfache Mission ohne Denken zu müssen nur laufen.

Also in der 7tage Trial hab ich wenig Lust gehabt mir das intensiver