View Full Version : Trying to install NC2, its all screwed...

04-06-06, 15:49
I'm trying to install NC2, installed the 3 part (not inc EXE) NC2 files = NC2

Added the old patch files I had previously saved which goes up to cp000194.

The installer added the patches then said i need to run the "UpdateInstaller" from the start menu, looked for it but was not their, so tried the root NC2 dir.
Only nlsp.exe seemed to do anything, so i ran that, downloaded a host of .dll files into NC2 root.

Now when starting NC2, the started says their were some errors and corruption and when starting the game i get

File Error!
File System Check failed: 56 file(s) corrupt or missing:



The application will now shutdown. You may use the NeocronLauncher's "Check Files..." option to scan and repair the broken files.


I remember the Check Files thing but i cant see it when i run the launcher :p , any way I’m downloading "NC21upgrade.exe" because the only thing i can think is that I’m missing EVO.
Is that right? O_o

NC1 -> NC2 -> NC2.1Evo?

Spank you very much ;)

04-06-06, 15:57
You can just Dl Nc2 then download all patches.

04-06-06, 15:57
Erm, seriously WTF?
NC2 comes as 3 packaged files and an installer. You put them in the same directory, then run the installer. After you have gone through that process copy the patches(which include) evo into your patch directory, and just run the shortcut in your start menu created by the installer to start the NC launcher.

Sounds like you have tried to be clever without actually knowing what you are doing.

04-06-06, 16:05
Erm, seriously WTF?

Yer thats what i thought,

Any way, i'm doing what you suggested now.

04-06-06, 16:13
Sounds like you have tried to be clever without actually knowing what you are doing.

That's me in a nutshell, any way, it still dose not work. Bugger! :lol:

I think i know what’s wrong now, i have to download that bloody 1.87Gb file of http://dome-of-york.com/download/ don’t I? That’s going to take ages :rolleyes:

Ah, forget that, its going to take all day to download that file, just have to download it at work tomorow. Thanks any way :cool:

04-06-06, 16:16
Run the nlsp.exe file

04-06-06, 18:16
Added the old patch files I had previously saved which goes up to cp000194.
Ummm... These would be Neocron 1 patches. NC2 has yet to reach patch 157 (though we all hope this will be soon!).