View Full Version : The carebears are invading!

22-05-06, 00:54
ok. ive played this game for 3 YEARS, and i have been able to curse and rant and tell someone to go fuck themselves when they tried to scam me whenever i want, but this is going to a new level.

Now, if you will see the conversation below, The Cleaner is telling me to calm down, and that directly insulting him can get me banned. in a Prior chatlog, he said "Terrack can i borrow a rhino key to make BPs?" when it is quite common knowledge that rhinos are FDB items. i would let this slide if he was a nibby, but this guy is rank **/50. he knows damn well.

22-05-06, 01:12
Please don't create threads that bring potentially unwanted attention to other runners.

Thread closed.