View Full Version : [OT] Holograms...

18-05-06, 20:02
I want one of these, I don't care that it's still a bit dodgy, that's the coolest
thing ever!


18-05-06, 20:06
yeah thats pretty damn cool, and i imagine it looks alot better to the human eye.

18-05-06, 20:13
That was nice, I want one ;D.

18-05-06, 20:14
That is so cool.

18-05-06, 20:34
I wonder how it looks if you look at it from the side, if it will have any depth or if it's a fake depth.

18-05-06, 21:22
I wonder how it looks if you look at it from the side, if it will have any depth or if it's a fake depth.

I thought about that too and after looking at the clip a few times it seems that
it's just a flat area, like a screen, but even so it's a damn impressive piece of
hardware.. In a couple of years... drool...

18-05-06, 22:15
That looks amazing.

Mighty Max
18-05-06, 22:19
I wonder how it looks if you look at it from the side, if it will have any depth or if it's a fake depth.

Its just a simple 2d display. Projecting an image on a very thin display of water drops falling down. So its only as 3Dimensional as your TFT

Nonetheless, its a nice techdemo.

In a couple of years... drool...
Actual ... a couple of decades :D

The theroretical way for real holographic displays is well known (applying multiple laser frequencies into one beam, generating an interference pattern creating different colors at different positions of the beam) we are just missing the physical realisation of joining hundrets of lasers in the correct phase, amplitute and frequency to apply the maths into the real world.

18-05-06, 22:22
They already invented it in minority report, nothing new :o

18-05-06, 23:13
It looks like smoke or steam. It billows.

18-05-06, 23:14
Looks alright, when they have the holograms coming out of your Xboxes, then I'll be impressed :)

18-05-06, 23:43
ill be impressed when they have virtual reality rooms. transferring RL endurance and aiming capabilitys (and all the physical abilitys) into a game 4tw.

19-05-06, 00:18
I was told MI6 have that already for it's training

Dribble Joy
19-05-06, 02:04
The intelligence and armed police services use interactive 'VR' simulations for training, you see them on the news quite a lot.

As for holograms, despite what you think, the military's technological level is no higher thanthat of the public sector. Things move so fast these days and most of what is developed has been set down in theory for many many years before physical realisation. Theory behind true holograms is still iffy and the point where you could create one on a small scale is still way off, let alone full VR environments that you can physically enter. They still can't offer anything near like the real thing anyway.

19-05-06, 02:10
I was told MI6 have that already for it's trainingOr were you just watching James Bond? :p

19-05-06, 03:05
lol no...My mum told me :p

19-05-06, 09:37
Theyr projecting onto a heated air stream not water drops. They showed this in that discovery show where they show the RL equivilabt of the star wars technology. They also showed a machine that generated an acual 3d image. Bout the size of a refrigiator where the acual hologram whas behind a glass screen about the size of your hand. And it whas noisy as hell. id rather have the 2d holoram then lol.

19-05-06, 14:21
yeh i saw this on the gadget show, the problem is that if anybody so much as farts the picture messes up

19-05-06, 15:14
Omg Wow thats so cool :D

19-05-06, 23:51
That's the farthest thing from a hologram.

Rather, that's a laminar flow of air with a steep-angle projection. Tremenodously obvious when you look at the topmost-edge (most vulnerable to air movement)

True holograms use interference patterns of light in order to convey information. Suprisingly difficult to do free-standing holograms. Seems at most you can only project a few feet away from the source.