View Full Version : Camera Views

23-04-06, 18:46
I would like to know which camera views ( 1st person, 3rd, etc ) are available and how to switch between them. Also is it possible to turn off camera bobbing?

Thanks, I want to try this game again. I swear I looked for this info and could not find it. When I played before the default camera setting was driving me crazy. Here is to hoping there is a way to adjust the camera view...

23-04-06, 19:40
First person and third person can be switched by pressing ALT+E as standart.

The head bobbing can also be turned off with a command or a change in a file, however i cant remember how, try searching for "head bobbibg" or the like.

- Nap


its /set ctrl_bob 0.0 in the chatbox in-game, dont know where in the .ini file tho


23-04-06, 20:06
You can set the camera distance in 3rd person also, /set camera_dist 100 I think is the default. Just watch your chat when you use alt-e to switch to 3rd person and it will be in there.

23-04-06, 20:08
Thank you both for the replies.