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20-04-06, 21:13
I couldnt find where the post was anymore, but APUs shouldnt have to aim because in every game mages have always been point and click, target and cast. There are also interupts durign cast when u are hit. So I believe aiming with an APU is stupid, APUs arent overpowered they can be killed, even with a PPU its a bit harder but they can be killed. Maybe if you dont cap a certain spell have it not go off like 10% or 15% whatever % you set it at, Spells glitch all the time and dont cast do that instead of reticles and aiming.

20-04-06, 21:34
So people complain and complain about Monks being the same as Mages in fantasy genres and then when somthing is suggested to differentiate them from the mages we get more replies saying monks should be like mages.

In my oppinnion Monks should have an aiming system to differentiate them and make them more interesting.

20-04-06, 21:35
While I agree with the subject of apu's not needing to aim for spells, as they are just point and click, I think it's easier for game developers to generalize game cosmetics across the entire player spectrum instead of singling out certain character classes and making things different just for them. But yeah it would be cool if they could customize user interfaces for each character class....

-Shai' Halud

Shenyu Reza
20-04-06, 21:36

20-04-06, 21:38
carnage proposed the introduction of a minimum reticle effect for monks.. - who cares... either you keep the aim locked on your opponent anyway... in that case a min. reticle effect wont change anything notable ... or your aim sucks and you deserve to miss... but the latter player isnt much of a danger anyway.
Therefor I really dont care about the issue .. it'll be the smallest factor in terms of rebalancing we'll see for our monks I guess :)

20-04-06, 21:55
Leave monks be :P
If you don't like them, pwn them so hard, players will be fed up of logging a monk alt

20-04-06, 22:04
Says the monk player.

The aiming system for monks at the moment doesn't bother me much.
LoS bothers me more.

Paper Dragon
20-04-06, 22:21
Enforce Line of Sight, keep the current aiming system.

Done and done.

John Wu
20-04-06, 22:33
yeah .. its magic .. magic does not have to be balanced!


edit: enforce line of sight and give 'em a reticle. done and done. if someone is against that he surely does not care about balance, or fears that he'll just suck balls if he needs skill like every other class.

edit2: sorry, but I just cant stop :lol: :lol: :lol:

20-04-06, 22:47
meh just delete the monk class! fuck monks tbh

20-04-06, 23:49
meh just delete the monk class! fuck monks tbh
Best suggestion I've heard so far!

21-04-06, 20:25
Easy Mode[tm] 4TW !

I heartily agree with "just delete the monk class! fuck monks tbh", but since that's never gonna happen (:() then yeah - enforce Line Of Sight certainly, add reticle, maybe.


Just seen in the balance forum some suggestion of fiddling with body zone locational damage effects.
If that happens then APUs sure as shit better get a damn reticle.

21-04-06, 20:30
Remember how much shit Shadow Dancer would get every time he suggested that? People were downright vicious.

21-04-06, 22:21
just delete the monk class!

I honestly think that any solution would be better than get 1/3 of the playerbase pissed by deleting their loved ones and have them put the dice out.

Would you start over ?

`m not sure i would :confused:


21-04-06, 23:35
Stop the hate....'delete monks'....what a crock...

-Shai' Halud

22-04-06, 00:22
meh just delete the monk class! fuck monks tbh
I think a few people will leave when that day comes ;)

John Wu
22-04-06, 00:56
I think a lot of people already left because of monks.

22-04-06, 02:02
uhuh all em monk players.. cant aim ey..? :lol: LoS is Defiantly needed to make monk more balanced.. and common.. some kind of aiming really should be needed.. atm all a APU have to do is "point and kill" how fucking hard is that?! o_O dont think i say this because i get "owned" by monks, most of em cant kill me, well until some ugly PPU para and DB me, and even then they have a hard time, uh you use HL? nah not enough dmg.. uh yes use fireapoc.. oh it dont dmg me at all? well then try with some poison.. HA still cant fucking kill me bitch (on my PE)! the think i hate is the the system with monks.. its just too FUCKING EASY! try playing with a REAL class.. use a cannon/rifle/pistol, i dont give a fuck, just try it.. "omg i cant kill anyone no more :mad: " lol fuck you ugly monks..
meh well i should not be all holy and shit i have a monk.. he WAS a APU-hybrid but.. lol thats just lame.. so now he is pure resser.. he can cast cst3 and thats all i need, cant rezz or shit like that..
ppl who like to pvp, grow some balls and use something else than your fucked up monks, ey?


edit: sry for my shit english.. soooo drunk :D

22-04-06, 02:09
Bredahl, u r my best friend from now on :)

Yea delete them all, DELETE!!!!!!!!

22-04-06, 02:34
You damn idiots saying fuck monks, try to think what is fun about a monk (if you play one... O_o ) Just think about it this way, people who have been only playing monks will suck at any class with a reticle, and will also suck when monks get a reticle. 8|

22-04-06, 02:41
I really feel with them, poor people will now need skill to hit shit.
Imo nerf them like hell, so that i dont outdamage a Paw of Bear(TL112????) with a psi attack2(TL54) anymore.
Its just so obvious that this character class has so many advantages over any other character class, its for many points just not fair and totally imba.
How is it that i earn millions on an APU by just cavin. Making around 2-3 million in 1-3 hours in the outdoorcave. There is no other class able to do that. And i dont want to start talkin bout pvp, ill just get really pissed off.

Delete them tbh.

Asurmen Spec Op
22-04-06, 03:26
I couldnt find where the post was anymore, but APUs shouldnt have to aim because in every game mages have always been point and click, target and cast. There are also interupts durign cast when u are hit. So I believe aiming with an APU is stupid, APUs arent overpowered they can be killed, even with a PPU its a bit harder but they can be killed. Maybe if you dont cap a certain spell have it not go off like 10% or 15% whatever % you set it at, Spells glitch all the time and dont cast do that instead of reticles and aiming.
These are not mages, they are APUs do NOT compare the two in anyway. this is KKs game and other games dont control it in that way. Precedents mean shit when you want to make a good game.
Monks have to Concentrate on the minds of the individual they want to attack, thats akin to a reticle, no?

22-04-06, 04:49
So because the storyline says a monk can make someone exlode in the air, they should be able to do it?

Things shouldn't be taken so literally when balance comes into the equation.

22-04-06, 04:59
Whats really the problem? Hybrids or APU/PPU teams?

22-04-06, 05:07
Hybrids annoy me more.

Since one person shouldn't be able to do what a hybrid does.

Two people is understandable. A ton tougher but it's two people. Still annoys the shit out of me though.

22-04-06, 07:34
APUs shouldnt have to aim because in every game mages have always been point and click, target and cast.

I think this man should be given the award for the worst reason to not give monks a reticle, ever.

Asurmen Spec Op
22-04-06, 07:57
I think this man should be given the award for the worst reason to not give monks a reticle, ever.
I agree, now lets sex

22-04-06, 08:53
i love that people play this game and still have to come and ask, 'what is the problem with monks?'

ignorance is bliss. especially if you're the one whoring an unbalanced class to win

22-04-06, 10:47
I dont "Whore" the hybrid. I play it because it's available. I also play other classes. All honesty, if i was on another class and i saw one, i would run the other way, to avoid death. If i was to die to one, i would be like "Fair enough", GR out and forget about it.

22-04-06, 16:43
Play an HC spy then.

onero S
22-04-06, 17:02
hybrids are broken, and apu/ppu teams are broken

But PEs are also broken and are just as strong (virtualy) as a hybrid with the right setup/drugs.

The commen denominator is not the apu aiming. The commen factor is that ppu spells are overpowered.

That being said, sure give apus a retical it won't matter to the good players.

22-04-06, 18:12
I dont "Whore" the hybrid. I play it because it's available. I also play other classes. All honesty, if i was on another class and i saw one, i would run the other way, to avoid death. If i was to die to one, i would be like "Fair enough", GR out and forget about it.
exactly my point. and i am not talking about hybrids only. the entire class, one which makes up 90% of the game now.

i would just gr out and forget it to, but the fact remains; if you kill someone playing a monk, you didn't win.

24-04-06, 21:36
Give melee's reticles then. Its basically same as a point and click.

24-04-06, 21:50
You are joking right?

Have you SEEN the state melee is in?

24-04-06, 21:59
Its true melee classes are suffering, the only bonuses they have is that they take advantage of one of the lowest used stats in the game (poison), and with that shocker it can usually completely turn the tide of a fight, in a way that sometimes makes them overpowered in a duel.

24-04-06, 22:02
They'd be a lot tougher if it worked properly I admit.

But comparing a spell to a claw is fucking retarded.

25-04-06, 00:32
As I have always suggested - Replace Holy Lightning/others with lance spells. Obviously this won't SOLVE the problem or reticles, but lance spells do require LoS, so that would solve that problem...

25-04-06, 00:34
A good Melee with ppu can beat a Apu with ppu! tl3 ftw

25-04-06, 01:47
Not for long with that tactic.

25-04-06, 01:53
hmm ive heard some interesting comments on this one :P needless to say, i have one of EVERY char, and im halfway decent with most, good with some, downright horrible with my tanks lately, so im just hittin up my tradeskillers to see what happens. Monks are powerful, easy to play, easy to kill with, pe's are medium damage dealers but awesome ressi, sniper spy's are good, if you play them ALL the time !! funny though i havent heard anything bout revenge droners for a while :P

25-04-06, 01:56
Give melee's reticles then. Its basically same as a point and click.

melees dont have range. think b4 posting plsthanksbubye.

25-04-06, 03:51
Mages are often point and click to cast in other games, but in other games spells can be stopped by hitting the apu. With NC, once an apu has even just clipped your hitbox and clicked, you get hit.

That said, the main point is apus don't suffer the same misses given by position differrence on client/server. Sometimes you'll fire a gun, but because that person (on the server) is actually not where you see him on your client, you can miss. With apus, as long as they are in range, its a hit.

25-04-06, 05:24
The 'noob-and-easy-to-use' class should be the melee tank actually, not the monk.

The HC tank should be second easiest because you only have to shoot.

Then should come hybrids and drugged up PEs, only difference is that hybrids should have to drug to get good resist.
Right now the drugs makes being hybrid better over being PE.

The hardest class should be APU/PPU and the PPU should only be able to get the APU at the low-tech PE type of defenses.
The PPU should be only have slightly higher defense then the APU.

In order to cap HL an APU should be forced to have all PSI implants, ultimately to make them weaker to get maximal damage output.
The MOVEON type of APU should not cap HL without major mana gimp.

No hybrids should be able to use DB + HL.

25-04-06, 08:34
The 'noob-and-easy-to-use' class should be the melee tank actually, not the monk.

The HC tank should be second easiest because you only have to shoot.

The hardest class should be APU/PPU and the PPU should only be able to get the APU at the low-tech PE type of defenses.
The PPU should be only have slightly higher defense then the APU.

In order to cap HL an APU should be forced to have all PSI implants, ultimately to make them weaker to get maximal damage output.
The MOVEON type of APU should not cap HL without major mana gimp.

No hybrids should be able to use DB + HL.

Omg wow. All honesty, I totaly agree. Although Explosive Speedgat vs. Monk...

Ivan Eres
25-04-06, 18:30
I say: Antibuff for all.

APUs should stay as they are, because they provide the fastest PvP, need team play to be efficient, and are easy to play.

But every group of runners should be able to stop them, and not only another APU. Even if there is an APU to HAB them, he'll be dead first, so that the enemy APU + PPU team is nearly unstoppable (without shit buffing them).

That's why I say: Antibuff for all.

Just lower the reqs for the HAB, so even a tank can use it. Or give everybody a tool to remove SD.

As easy as they are to play, APUs should be easy to stop, too.

Let's see how many real monk players will be left then, other than the cheap kill0rz.

25-04-06, 18:32
I say: Antibuff for all.

APUs should stay as they are, because they provide the fastest PvP, need team play to be efficient, and are easy to play.

But every group of runners should be able to stop them, and not only another APU. Even if there is an APU to HAB them, he'll be dead first, so that the enemy APU + PPU team is nearly unstoppable (without shit buffing them).

That's why I say: Antibuff for all.

Just lower the reqs for the HAB, so even a tank can use it. Or give everybody a tool to remove SD.

As easy as they are to play, APUs should be easy to stop, too.

Let's see how many real monk players will be left then, other than the cheap kill0rz.

Ivan Eres
25-04-06, 18:35
You gotta make them easier to kill, dont you think ?

more fire
25-04-06, 19:51
f&^* that shit monks should not have no recticle thats just a lame tactic to fix another f&^% up that kk cant fix seriously u get people into the game one way why change everything? does kk really have any idea how many people will leave cause of shit like this? or is it intential? everyone has a favourite monks arent shit without a ppu and even so a ppu has to be dam good to keep a monk alive u check 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 one will loose and in op wars u get teams working on u monks has shit resists so its all about who or how much u can drop b4 u go down cause we have learnt working in teams u take down someone very fast, thats just lame and people who complain about monks are stupid just cause they have shit resist and can drop u fast its all about the skill of a player so f u all and when monks get a recticle trust that alot will be moving and u can then and for sure say bye bye kk

25-04-06, 19:54
A monk with shit resists isn't a very good monk. ;)

more fire
25-04-06, 19:58
exactly serioulsy i run 2 ppr chips on my monk and he has good resists better than a ppu and in an op war when a team works against me im down so fast man its all down to how skilled the player playin the ppu is and how skilled u are in killing people b4 u become a target its so lame how people whine about monks.

when they come cycrow with there pes what do they expect u attack a clan with big numbers do u expect them to stay down in the ug and not defend there op? lol this game is filled of assholes who lame and cry for fuck all this game will loose so much people when they do shit like that

25-04-06, 20:01
Um yeah. Monks need a reticle, whether that applies to PPU modules is debatable, but APUs just have a ridiculous advantage without a reticle.

25-04-06, 20:02
says a monk player........

DELETE THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!11111111111

/edit: I wont whine for many players of some CA Clan if they leave, cos all they can is just playing a monk...

25-04-06, 20:06
Is it wrong that I get immensely frustrated when more fire refuses to use more than one sentence to get 500 different points across?

Sure DJ would agree.

25-04-06, 20:07
No don't delete them, I like my monk thanks. Make them fair, and people will stop griping, then most monks you see might have a skilled player behind them (not saying some don't already) and when you lose it won't be because of split-second-point-and-click aiming. :rolleyes:

more fire
25-04-06, 20:16
how about u all lick my left nut and stfu i have 2 monks on the 3 accs i own so lick my left nutsack u moron i have 2 xbow spies, judge pe, rifle spy, hc tank, melee tank so u dnt tell me about monks its all about startin the game one way and hearin morons like u talk shit all the time enjoy the game for what it has cause kk will just patch and mess some other shit up and then more people will quit and by the time they patch to fix one problem the whole of nc will quit and therell only be nubs runnin around with les.

25-04-06, 20:25
All since February 2006?

That's impressive.

I shall not lick your left testicle, but I shall nag you about your broken English.

agho[g h ag 9pty9 hsIO'Da'lk'jo'ifhi 5t qh890-

*mashes keyboard*

more fire
25-04-06, 20:28
lol judgin from ur name hmmm i do know dogs have some sort of turn on from licking peoples crutch so erm u can say all u like we know the truth about u mr dogface my broken language is how we speak in my country if u heard me actually speak ud be like wtf so stfu and learn about other cultures and stop being racist or discriminating other cultures or religions or languages ok?

25-04-06, 20:31

And breathe...

Now be quiet again.


i do know dogs have some sort of turn on from licking peoples crutch

Sorry what?

That's the kind of shit what happens when you don't use commas or full-stops. Is it against your religion/culture etc etc to use sentences then?

25-04-06, 20:35
He isnt discriminating you, he rather points out that your spelling and grammar isnt what someone would expect from an English/American person.

And yes, your articles in this thread are written in a very ugly way for ones eyes. Ever heard of commas, fullstops and exclamation marks???<- quesionmarks.

anyway, lets stay on topic :)

imo DELETE ALL MONKS, we dont need any wizards (yes they are just wizards with some different RP explanation) in a post apoc game :P

more fire
25-04-06, 20:38
ok let me put it in a way u might understand

if yuh doh hush yuh ass ago ha no oder choice buh tuh tell alyuh someting yuh eh go like so if ah was alyuh ah wuda stfu and try an unerstan whey ah commin from yuh unstan whey ah commin from so nex time yuh wha discriminate meh fuckin language yuh better watch yuh bloodclat ass yuh get meh?

25-04-06, 20:41
Back on topic, I wouldn't mind seeing some kind of alternate aiming system for monks but deleting them would be catastrophic for the game. We all know that.

Giving them the same aim as a gun has would be stupid, of course. At the moment it's just way too easy - especially for leveling. I pretended I was a monk and just ran around at top speed clicking on people for a while, that showed me how easy it was for pvp.
Barrel leveling is just stupidly easy, since monks can solo poison caves with hell of a lot more ease (obviously with even under-par resists) than other classes. Just from using a barrel around a corner. El Farid is another example, it has places you can sit for hours and not take a point of damage.

25-04-06, 20:47
if yuh doh hush yuh ass ago ha no oder choice buh tuh tell alyuh someting yuh eh go like so if ah was alyuh ah wuda stfu and try an unerstan whey ah commin from yuh unstan whey ah commin from so nex time yuh wha discriminate meh fuckin language yuh better watch yuh bloodclat ass yuh get meh?That is possibly the greatest thing I have ever read in my life. Hats off.

John Wu
25-04-06, 21:42
that guy's talking so much about skill, though he seems to really fear having to aim with his monkeys. strange.

I guess I dont need to quote him to make clear who I'm talking about.

26-04-06, 06:15
ok let me put it in a way u might understand

if yuh doh hush yuh ass ago ha no oder choice buh tuh tell alyuh someting yuh eh go like so if ah was alyuh ah wuda stfu and try an unerstan whey ah commin from yuh unstan whey ah commin from so nex time yuh wha discriminate meh fuckin language yuh better watch yuh bloodclat ass yuh get meh?

Genious !!!

Seriously id need a course to learn how to type like that quickly.

Asurmen Spec Op
26-04-06, 06:57
how about u all lick my left nut and stfu i have 2 monks on the 3 accs i own so lick my left nutsack u moron i have 2 xbow spies, judge pe, rifle spy, hc tank, melee tank so u dnt tell me about monks its all about startin the game one way and hearin morons like u talk shit all the time enjoy the game for what it has cause kk will just patch and mess some other shit up and then more people will quit and by the time they patch to fix one problem the whole of nc will quit and therell only be nubs runnin around with les.
Please, in the name of all that is holy LEARN TO TYPE ENGLISH. Not AOL english but the NORMAL kind. I mean holy god! I know germans who cant speak english that can spell 'you'
2xbow spies, cookie for you. Ze care police! weooeoeoooo
2X Spys
3accounts=12 charecters.
What are your other 4?

And judging from 06 vets like you, I wouldnt shed a tear if KK made a patch that made the game better and got rid of your type of 'vets'.
It'd make the game better afterall.

26-04-06, 07:07
Please, in the name of all that is holy LEARN TO TYPE ENGLISH. Not AOL english but the NORMAL kind. I mean holy god! I know germans who cant speak english that can spell 'you'
2xbow spies, cookie for you. Ze care police! weooeoeoooo
2X Spys
3accounts=12 charecters.
What are your other 4?

And judging from 06 vets like you, I wouldnt shed a tear if KK made a patch that made the game better and got rid of your type of 'vets'.
It'd make the game better afterall.


26-04-06, 15:20
Please, in the name of all that is holy LEARN TO TYPE ENGLISH. Not AOL english but the NORMAL kind. I mean holy god! I know germans who cant speak english that can spell 'you'
2xbow spies, cookie for you. Ze care police! weooeoeoooo
2X Spys
3accounts=12 charecters.
What are your other 4?

And judging from 06 vets like you, I wouldnt shed a tear if KK made a patch that made the game better and got rid of your type of 'vets'.
It'd make the game better afterall.

Marry me.

Bugs Gunny
26-04-06, 15:28
Marry me.

Too late, i popped his cherry allready :angel:

I have an apu hybrid, it hacks 110 so therefore is even gimped, runs on two drugs, drives a quad and it can fuck up more people than a xbow pe.
Why? because it's all about pointnclick while i run inside their body getting their reticle to slip off.

26-04-06, 18:25
Seriously, if you play a monk like that ???

You run in straight line trough them ???


26-04-06, 18:27
Now you've gone and done it :rolleyes: