View Full Version : Bugged please help

14-04-06, 00:28
I have graphic bugs, When i enter a rhino and i move forward, on my gunners screen we arent moving and on mine we are, but when i exit it returns me to original location and rhino moves backwards to where it first sat. When i go to near a zone line it wont let me zone. Please help, ive tried new drivers ,different settings, still happens, when my friend logs on my account it works fine..

14-04-06, 01:43
I had the same, omega drivers fixed it.

I think its actually just a vsynch problem. Turn vsynch on and it should work.

14-04-06, 02:34
I do believe its something to do with vsync or something crazy like that - can't believe that external factors such as different drivers would fix it.

Anyway, two solutions I've come across in my travels:

- Use DX7 (works everytime for me)
- Spawn the vehicle, then zone on foot, then come back to the spawned vehicle and it should work. If not, repeat until it does :p

I would recommend the first - a massive pain I know, but it's just-another-one-of-those-things you have to learn to put up with...
