View Full Version : Should we give this another whack?

10-04-06, 21:21

Is this worth doing the upgrade dance and coming back? Most of [d5g] is currently doing a bunch of nothing, we beat WoW (Lords of Terror & Shadowlords on Gorefiend, if that means anything to anyone) and are waiting for Huxley. We need something to do.

How's the bugs? How's the population? What's the chance our NC1 characters are still around if we stopped playing when NC2 came out? We don't feel like stabbing rats again.

I'd welcome responses from names I'd recognize, I see there's still a few of them about.


10-04-06, 21:24

Is this worth doing the upgrade dance and coming back? Most of [d5g] is currently doing a bunch of nothing, we beat WoW (Lords of Terror & Shadowlords on Gorefiend, if that means anything to anyone) and are waiting for Huxley. We need something to do.

How's the bugs? How's the population? What's the chance our NC1 characters are still around if we stopped playing when NC2 came out? We don't feel like stabbing rats again.

I'd welcome responses from names I'd recognize, I see there's still a few of them about.


Fatals are down, connection issue seem to be subsiding. Population isn't too bad, there's always people to fight, and if you come as a group, there's no problem finding a team.

Some annoyances in epic runs remain, and some things still annoy, but you can't have everything.

Not sure on the NC1 issue, it's been a long time, but I belive the characters will be somewhere.

At the moment however, NC is very much what you make of it. So I wouldn't ask our opinions. I would simply say, come back if you feel like it.

Although, I can be terribly biassed and scream at you till you do.


10-04-06, 21:26
I think all I'll respond with to the first and second question is: :mad:. This way I won't get my post deleted for "flaming" or "trolling" or whatever excuse specific people will come up with. Your NC1 characters are still able to be transferred, but you won't have anything that wasn't in your quickbelt/inventory, or any epics, etc. I think you also only get 500,000nc (if you had it to begin with) as well, but I could be wrong. You'll most likely have to name the characters something else, as the names will probably be taken.

More people the merrier though. Neocron needs more players. :o

Population isn't too bad, there's always people to fightYeah... if you enjoy monk zergs with para.

10-04-06, 21:28
Dont know if you have seen my name, but here we go anyway :-)

Bugs ???
I dont see a lot of FRE's and things like that. For me the game runs better with the new NC 2.1 files installed.

Population ???
Logging in at about 8-9 PM Central European Standard Time, same time as Germany, I see around 20% on Terra.

Chars still there ???
I dont think that the chars got removed, but there was a deadline to set up the chars for transfer from NC1 to NC2.
You would get the things in your QB, your implants, your armor, but no Epics and no Appartment keys transfered.
Just before the deadline there was a rollback on Saturn that went back some days I think, but if you didnt play on Saturn that would not be an issue.

I think you got your main skill level /xx times 200 or something for money. It was something like that anyway.

10-04-06, 21:28
Is this worth doing the upgrade dance and coming back?

I'd say yes, after all if you dont try it you wont know.
How's the bugs?

Some of the annoying ones are still there but there are dramatically less than in Neocron 1, recently some of the really ancient bugs to do with the health code and other issues have finally bitten the dust.

How's the population?

Quite low at the moment but if people come back it'll drag others as the lower pops seem to be the biggest turn off for some people.

What's the chance our NC1 characters are still around if we stopped playing when NC2 came out?

They're still there but you will only have the items in your quickbelt, armour window and implant windows.

We don't feel like stabbing rats again.

I'd welcome responses from names I'd recognize, I see there's still a few of them about.
Not sure if im one of them but theres some answers.


That do? :)

10-04-06, 21:30
All the good stuff was on Uranus. We know about all the loots going away, it's disturbing but not a deal breaker, items can be replaced.

Except for my Dildo of Maven... :)

10-04-06, 21:30
I think all I'll respond with to the first and second question is: :mad:. This way I won't get my post deleted for "flaming" or "trolling" or whatever excuse specific people will come up with. Your NC1 characters are still able to be transferred, but you won't have anything that wasn't in your quickbelt/inventory, or any epics, etc. I think you also only get 500,000nc (if you had it to begin with) as well, but I could be wrong. You'll most likely have to name the characters something else, as the names will probably be taken.

More people the merrier though. Neocron needs more players. :o

Edit: Yeah... if you enjoy monk zergs with para.

MOnks can't use a speedie. Monks cannot use a dev. Ergo a monk is inferior. :D

It's not that bad. :p

10-04-06, 21:33
Para is still in the game? That boggles the mind. Sounds like things haven't progressed much from when we left.

Oh well, maybe we'll play Planetside for free and wait for Huxley.

10-04-06, 21:36
Meh, anti para drugs ftw. And if the monk is stupid enough to keep paraing you, then he's stupid enough to

A) neglect his heals for teammates.
B) be dropped by the rest of the team he's ignoring.

Any mopnk who goes out of his way to para is asking to kick that bucket.

10-04-06, 21:37
Did they improve the drugs or something? They used to suck badly...

10-04-06, 21:39
Did they improve the drugs or something? They used to suck badly...

They still aren't as good as they should be, but personally I've never had issues with monks and para since I started using them. Just don't go mental on them.

And don't use them on Copbot paraspam.


10-04-06, 22:20
Oh well, maybe we'll play Planetside for free and wait for Huxley.

god beware... if I was you, I'd grab the nc2 trial client - check out the 10 days and base your decision on your very own impression. Lotsa things changed compared to nc1 (nuff to keep you busy for a good while) ..altho those who played all the time tend to not notice them changes that much as they've grown to them already.
Go see for yourself ...it's there, it's free (... only for 10 days, but hey!) ;)

10-04-06, 22:28
All the good stuff was on Uranus. We know about all the loots going away, it's disturbing but not a deal breaker, items can be replaced.

Except for my Dildo of Maven... :)

WEWT URANUS 4TW TBH!!! we need more uraniuns on the server, we have been overwhelmed by the Saturn/pluto players.

10-04-06, 22:39
holy fucking shit its hivemind.


10-04-06, 23:17
Yeah, not much I've done on the internets has been much more fun than Uranus circa March 2003.

Who were you there? Your name doesn't look familiar. For the record, I was also Ingmar Bonesteel (tank) - Bus Driver (spy) - Ayoelle (pistol PPU).

10-04-06, 23:19
The game hasn't been the same without you m8 you should come back asap... The more uranus players the better tbh.


11-04-06, 01:59
I'd wait til they're done with the balancing thing (c ya 2007 :rolleyes:)

11-04-06, 02:51
I'd wait til they're done with the balancing thing (c ya 2007 :rolleyes:)

*slaps giga* SHATTUP >.<
come back now tbh

Paper Dragon
11-04-06, 02:55
Hell, might as well go for the trial. Got nothing to lose.

If you like it, continue playing.

If you don't like it, don't continue playing. Simple. :p

Dribble Joy
11-04-06, 03:57
Sex j00 in your sexy pie hole.

Your chars should still be there, afaik, no char has ever been deleted through inactivity.

11-04-06, 10:17
Sup hive, been awhile.

11-04-06, 16:26
sex hivemind :p

if only rabbi fang would come back, gi fukwit, lee d' mellow and matt uk :(

11-04-06, 16:59
sex hivemind :p

if only rabbi fang would come back, gi fukwit, lee d' mellow and matt uk :(

Oh man, GI, absolute legend.

Dribble Joy
11-04-06, 21:40
lee d' mellow and matt uk :(
Yeah, because we all love drug abusing thugs who send death threats.

11-04-06, 23:13
Man, look at all of them come outta the woodwork!

Long time no see guys, nice that you're still alive.

I notice none of you are saying "ZOMG come back it's so much better now!!1" O_o

Where's QD?

11-04-06, 23:14
Yeah, because we all love drug abusing thugs who send death threats.

Yup, we sure do.

11-04-06, 23:32
There's a new feature btw, it's called 'guess who paperdragon's ingame char is'.

12-04-06, 05:09
QD? Hmm, saw him month or so back in the old cron IRC chan.

12-04-06, 05:58
There's a new feature btw, it's called 'guess who paperdragon's ingame char is'.

OHH OHH!!! ITS...ITS... i dont know tbh. :cool:


damn POT DBing Melee PEs tbh... :p

more fire
12-04-06, 06:12
dante for the fuckin win tbh im leetsauce

12-04-06, 11:49
Where's QD?
last time i saw him he was playing WOW

i recently returned to the game after about 9 months away, dont know if you played NC2 or left in NC1, however if you played early NC2 then mostly its similar, but with subtle(sp) changes, remodled weapons for one.

some new implants(mini resister that i know about)

the mem leaks are not as bad as last i was here, though im using a much better machine now, so get 70fps with the veg on, so not sure how much of my improvement is the new machine or the work KK have done.

the pops are still lower than NC1 days, last night when i was on there was around 150-180 people, not a great population.

i used a free trail to check the games progress before i reactivated my old accounts, perhaps give that a go before handing over the money.

12-04-06, 11:58
Yp, QD is on bladefist with the rest of the exiles, WoWing it up :)

There's a new feature btw, it's called 'guess who paperdragon's ingame char is'.

Heh - wink wink, nudge nudge.

My lips are sealed.

12-04-06, 13:09
[ edited ]

12-04-06, 14:08
i wish i could play nc1 for fun :P lib pe ftw

12-04-06, 14:55
Yeah, because we all love drug abusing thugs who send death threats.

indeed we do, bring back sYn :p

12-04-06, 16:40
I'm also considering a return, again - I've quit this damn game so many times it's unreal. I always come back though because, despite its flaws there is no better MMO out there!

Trying to persuade my clan to jack in the boring crap that is WoW and join me.. but well, trying to make a WoW addict see the light isn't an easy task :rolleyes:

12-04-06, 16:45
Kick him in the balls. That should work. :)


28-05-06, 10:08
Apologies for bumping an old thread...

Hi Hiver ;)

I was thinking of giving this another shot. Ive started again once, but I couldnt be bothered with the rat stab missions - so I quit.

If theres a chance of me getting my characters back, I'd be up for giving it another go!

Did you guys decide to come back?

28-05-06, 12:05
No..Omg what brought me here ?
Someone drag me out of this smelling pile of poo. :rolleyes:

28-05-06, 12:11
Apologies for bumping an old thread...

Hi Hiver ;)

I was thinking of giving this another shot. Ive started again once, but I couldnt be bothered with the rat stab missions - so I quit.

If theres a chance of me getting my characters back, I'd be up for giving it another go!

Did you guys decide to come back?

I think if you email accounts they can link your NC1 account to your NC2 account and let you transfer your chars over.

28-05-06, 14:24
I've returned to NC for a month, and its worth a go :)

I've had a few fatals, quite a few synchs, but after four or five years I'm used to it. Not as much fun as beta was, but still okay :)

28-05-06, 14:30
Unfortunately most people just aren't playing for various reasons at the moment, partly because of boredom more than anything, so you might get a bit bored yourself unless you're still levelling up your characters. Hopefully it won't take a months worth of waiting for this patch to be released. Hope you stick around though.

28-05-06, 14:31
ha, flaw is still around. Neocron's oldest exploiter ;)

28-05-06, 14:56
OMG, old people from uranus.

28-05-06, 15:14
OMG, old people from uranus.

I just reactivated.... transferred chars to Terra. Downloading....

Rinky Dink

EDIT - What are server pops roughly at peak times... I was happy when they were 250-350....

28-05-06, 15:16
Pfft, Pluto > Uranus :p

28-05-06, 15:25
I usually saw 170 at peak.

28-05-06, 17:21
Pfft, Pluto > Uranus :p

Uranus > ALL.

and tbh all the old vets need to come back. ressurecting saturns pops 4tw.