View Full Version : [Mars] WTT Herc for shizzle

30-03-06, 23:28
WTT A Herc fuer ppr/moveon und tsu rifle oder gaia glove.

PM please.

(Check my leet German).

10-04-06, 15:36

11-04-06, 00:05
A PPR and moveon would be good enough..

11-04-06, 00:23
roger ... activate your ppu and give me the 5 slot tl25 shelter plz ^^

11-04-06, 07:37
C2P screwed him over. :(

And Roger, if you need it, i got a spare mini resistor somewhere. Might even have a ppr and/or moveon but those are on the other account and i got no clue when i can afford to reactivate that one. Got a gaya glove there and a TS rifle, you could actually use those for trading then. I can't be arsed to level the PE anyway, not enough time anymore.

11-04-06, 23:19
roger ... activate your ppu and give me the 5 slot tl25 shelter plz ^^

Oh man im so sorry.

And empty your PM box btw :p