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View Full Version : Runners With Negative SoulLight

24-03-06, 02:51
I think the rule of being able to kill negative SL runners without penalty, no matter what their location (be it hunting zone, city sector, etc) should be brought back. It really does take the piss when people are on negative SL, most of all the NCPD most wanted list and you can't kill them without being penalized. We're unable to fulfil our loyalty to our faction, and our alliance without being punished for killing law breakers.

Killing a neutral in outskirt sectors isn't bad, you only lose 10 SL and no symp, but when the person is on -44 SL and you get punished, like I said a moment ago, it really does take the piss.

24-03-06, 02:53


24-03-06, 03:09
lol why was the phrase 'take the piss' made bold and colored blue O__o

24-03-06, 03:22
I totally agree... all it says to me is "Yeah - I broke the faction rules and killed allies - now if you kill me, you'll be right down here with me" - no punishment there.

24-03-06, 03:34
Are you taking the piss from me?!?! That really blows if that is the way the system works now, i read on the Neocron guide that if you kill someone with a negative soullight you are not penalized.... if that is NOT the case in game... well then im learning of more and more things that shed the light on why the community is as small as it is....

/btw i started half a month ago

24-03-06, 04:05
Are you taking the piss from me?!?! That really blows if that is the way the system works now, i read on the Neocron guide that if you kill someone with a negative soullight you are not penalized.... if that is NOT the case in game... well then im learning of more and more things that shed the light on why the community is as small as it is....

/btw i started half a month ago
At least this game isn't filled with elves and fairys and mystical bullsh*t

24-03-06, 04:38
At least this game isn't filled with elves and fairys and mystical bullsh*t

there's blue faries...
there's elves with bows...
there's lots of mystical bull..stuff. See all the monks?

24-03-06, 04:56
there's blue faries...
Yea, but its a drug...

there's elves with bows...
And we killed them to get a prize...

there's lots of mystical bull..stuff. See all the monks?
...Okay, you win on that one.

24-03-06, 07:01
So... now im 3rd on the most wanted list? and for what? doing what my faction recruiting officer told me to do for my epic quest?

I am a city merc, on the 3rd or 4th part of the epic quest, where you are sent to kill a BD / FA NPC, but there is no indication of where to find them or how to know it is one that you need, the NPC giving the quest actually says "keep on killing NPC's until you are told that this one counted for the mission".

So what do i do? I head to DoY to find an FA npc to kill, i kill one npc and what am i now? 3rd most wanted! i recieved a -75 soullight hit and -20 sympathy with FA, now all DoY guards shoot me on sight. And i can bet you every PC out there is going to shoot me on sight too once i take my LE out... if i ever do now...

And now i heard some part of this quest is even bugged? so i went out there and did this for nothing?

I started playing 15 days ago and only planned on making this one character, but not going into negative soullight and becoming KoS to everyone out there this soon!! I want to at least be able to defend myself a LITTLE bit...

So what can i do now to get this soullight 75 soullight back? I go and do 5 'very hard' missions for CM and dont get one point of soullight, from what ive noticed is 5 or so hours in game you just automatically recieve 1 soullight, so what i am supposed to do now is leave this game on 24/7 while i am AFK and hope i don't get a fatal error in that time to get my soullight back?

24-03-06, 07:09

So... now im 3rd on the most wanted list? and for what? doing what my faction recruiting officer told me to do for my epic quest?

I am a city merc, on the 3rd or 4th part of the epic quest, where you are sent to kill a BD / FA NPC, but there is no indication of where to find them or how to know it is one that you need, the NPC giving the quest actually says "keep on killing NPC's until you are told that this one counted for the mission".

So what do i do? I head to DoY to find an FA npc to kill, i kill one npc and what am i now? 3rd most wanted! i recieved a -75 soullight hit and -20 sympathy with FA, now all DoY guards shoot me on sight. And i can bet you every PC out there is going to shoot me on sight too once i take my LE out... if i ever do now...

And now i heard some part of this quest is even bugged? so i went out there and did this for nothing?

I started playing 15 days ago and only planned on making this one character, but not going into negative soullight and becoming KoS to everyone out there this soon!! I want to at least be able to defend myself a LITTLE bit...

So what can i do now to get this soullight 75 soullight back? I go and do 5 'very hard' missions for CM and dont get one point of soullight, from what ive noticed is 5 or so hours in game you just automatically recieve 1 soullight, so what i am supposed to do now is leave this game on 24/7 while i am AFK and hope i don't get a fatal error in that time to get my soullight back?

:lol: welcome to neocron.

24-03-06, 07:20
The worst part is... even though you did exactly as the NPCs told you to do, the GM's won't do anything to help you out.

Bugs Gunny
24-03-06, 09:55
They totaly screwed up soullight.
It's now a system that can be abused better than before, it totaly castrated CM.
It was hard enough to find fights as it was, nowadays it's limited to wastelands (nobody there), opfights(yay for massive populations) and silly zonelines.
The "carebear" population even gets hit, since they can't defend themselves and retaliation against negative soullight runners gets you punnished just as hard.

I've gone in caves, gotten people red sl, hacked their belts, i've been in the city forcing people to kill me or a teammate on a neutral/allied alt getting them negative sl and having them drop large belts when they were ganked by copbots and guards.
I'm sure this was not what they intended when they put it in, but it seriously needs a large overhaul if KK wants some of the old players to return.

24-03-06, 12:43
The thing that annoys me the most is the sympathy rules; SL is one thing, but sympathy is another. You can easily regain all your SL at the moment, but if you kill a red SL CA runner in either a City Sector or Hunting Zone, your SL will get ********** (beep), and your sympathy will get the same treatment.

In my case I killed the person in a Hunting Zone (hiding in a level 1 sewer), I went from 100SL to 0SL, and unfortunately I can't remember how much CA symp I had.

I would guess I had at least 60, as I dropped to 10. If I killed the same person once more, my CA symp would have gone to at least -40, and as you don't get sympathy with any other faction but your own for killing enemy runners anymore, I'm screwed without idling on the character for a year till it goes low enough to be able to do missions. I suppose you could do those new faction sympathy missions, but the mobs you have to kill are supposedly overpowered for their rank, and nobody bothers to do them, especially with the recent Holy Heal nerf as bad as it is.

You can understand why Res Dogz (City Merc clan) are hardly seen anymore, unless it's the odd one or two that's idling in TH on -40SL.

kongzer, if you play on Terra message unrael (blue for being sexy :cool:.) at some point, I'll help you out. :rolleyes:
lol why was the phrase 'take the piss' made bold and colored blue O__oheh, it's going to become Reakktors new motto after the "balancing" (maybe even before it), that's why. :p

more fire
24-03-06, 13:16
lol yea it is ******** though lol gunnar good ting you aint get my bellt that day in the canyon i dropped my hl fire apoc hab and holy pest :P my team mate opened the belt and didnt get all and just got it when he died.

but anyways thats dirus for ya money mr know it all :P i thought kk actually concidered things b4 implimenting them to the game? i maybe wrong, they messed up the game to prevent faction hoppers lol which is kinda good, but i think kk should fix cm and give them a side to fight on for once, like make them half allied to pro and do yor something, i think thatll be interesting.

but dispite the clear mess ups with the loss of soul light is that i sat for days on some of my chars and it happened to 3 of them waiting of bad symp so i can run tl 10 missions with ca and my symp went up with 3 diff chars and i had the same problem it just went back down to a - and tbh i cba to run no gms down again and beg them to fix it so great job kk hope u fix that one soon

24-03-06, 13:31
Surely treatchery is a part of role play? Faction hopping would come under that role. ;) If things are completely screwed up as the sympathy punishment thing is at the moment, it leaves less and less options for role play.

Personally I liked the old sympathy rules, you killed an enemy, you lost sympathy with their faction and their allied factions, and gained sympathy with your own faction, and a bit with some of the enemies enemy factions (that's like a frigging tongue twister).

I think options for playing different roles should always be left open, and not completely buggered over unless you don't kill anyone at all in the game. I've been pretty careful with my sympathy so far, apart from killing the red SL CA runner (at that moment I thought fuck it, might as well view the bullshit first hand, and whine on the forum :p), but for people like Gunnar, I would hate to see his F6 window. heh

onero S
24-03-06, 14:01
lol yea it is ******** though lol gunnar good ting you aint get my bellt that day in the canyon i dropped my hl fire apoc hab and holy pest :P my team mate opened the belt and didnt get all and just got it when he died.

but anyways thats dirus for ya money mr know it all :P i thought kk actually concidered things b4 implimenting them to the game? i maybe wrong, they messed up the game to prevent faction hoppers lol which is kinda good, but i think kk should fix cm and give them a side to fight on for once, like make them half allied to pro and do yor something, i think thatll be interesting.

but dispite the clear mess ups with the loss of soul light is that i sat for days on some of my chars and it happened to 3 of them waiting of bad symp so i can run tl 10 missions with ca and my symp went up with 3 diff chars and i had the same problem it just went back down to a - and tbh i cba to run no gms down again and beg them to fix it so great job kk hope u fix that one soon

why the fuck are you running around randomly carrying a pest, when would you possibly need that? Just save it for ops.

Bugs Gunny
24-03-06, 14:02
Even though all my factions except BD and TS are way in the -90's i would like to see sl being changed by faction symps.
5 item beltdrops should just be removed. If your average allied + neutral factions combined is below -16 safeslot is removed.
Guards react to their faction's symp on the char and doyguards and copbots react to the average of the allied and neutral factions.

I don't get why the whole 5 item beltdrop is in the game, i've taken more red sl belts than i lost, just by "beating the system".
Can you imagine how unfair it must feel for the "carebear" when he sees a -99sl runner come in the caves, not caring about his soullight, If they defend themselves, they might go red, if they don't they lose a belt. If they kill him his buddies are there to get his belt and kill them for theirs.
Now i have no love for the carebears in this game, but even i sometimes feel bad for them when i do it.

24-03-06, 14:25
This is _almost_ as stupid as DoY guards attacking you at anything lower than -15 SL.

"I'm sorry, you're too criminal for us, we have to kill you."

Bugs Gunny
24-03-06, 14:31
Yeah, doy runners getting shot because they are at a negative in an NCPD system is a bit "off".
Nontheless, the whole point is not the roleplay background of it, it's supposed to be a deterrent for people jsut going around ganking everybody.
Well, the people who go around ganking everybody don't realy care much about deterrents, unless it would cost them so much that they spend 8 hours fixing something they lost in 1 minute.
Even then, if something like that were ever to be implemented it could also be used to grief others into that punishment.

If i was a real asshole, i would go around with my non le'd noob, stealthing into every known cave and getting killed by aoe, running in the line of fire etc.
You know, kind of like toilet claims he's shooting fraps footage of fights when he brings his cm hacker to zonelines etc.
Funny how he then complains about people "exploi*ing" poisonbeams and zoning on him. When in fact they are just "testing his resists".

24-03-06, 15:06
That would be one of the factors that pisses me off too... people that purposely get in the way (such as toilet-ducks City Merc noob PE hacker at MB entrance, purposely carries naff all so he doesn't lose anything when trying to steal or hack their belts) to make you lose your SL. Like I've already said, the extreme loss of sympathy is the main thing that annoys me to say the least.