View Full Version : HC WoC Prototype

16-03-06, 01:38
Found this NC1 screenshot.
Shows how they were planning to allow Tanks to deal with Monks - the MONK REPULSOR.
That pesky monk is getting in your face again - pull out your repulsor, focus on him, pull the trigger. AND HE'S OUTTA YOUR FACE


16-03-06, 01:40
Ahh, TT plasma cannons at OP wars.

Good days :D

16-03-06, 03:41
A) That reminds me of that Gravity Gun in HL2 :-D

B) I miss that font like I can't describe. Everytime I see an NC1 screenshot it reminds me how shitty the NC2 font is.

Dribble Joy
16-03-06, 04:00
Isn't the chatbox font exactly as before?

16-03-06, 04:15
Isn't the chatbox font exactly as before?
From what I can tell it is. If it's changed then it's just as bad as the NC1 one was (I hated that one aswell)