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14-03-06, 18:19

Wonder what Jack Thompson has to say about that :p

14-03-06, 19:24
Lol thats great :lol: EAT THAT THOMPSON! :D

14-03-06, 20:33
"Some players in Runescape relax by admiring the view"


Jesus christ...whats wrong with them?

14-03-06, 21:19
Hey on occassion i admie the view of the Wastes...in a glider 400 feet above the ground with bombs falling out of my glider... :D

14-03-06, 23:44
They spent three years studying RuneScape and they are saying that there are good social aspects to that game? I'm sorry but they must have been smoking the good shit 99% of the time they were "studying" the game and the people playing it, to make them forget that they are dealing with complete ass holes who could care less about friends or other people in general, beacuse they have a "online name" to hide behind.

It's mainly that bad beacuse you have the type of people playing it that are too cheap to pay for a better game (pre/early teens) and they just learned their first cuss swear words and feel the need to use them every other word.
But then you also get the people that are older and just don't have any social abilities (and are also too cheap to pay for a game).

All in all that is a useless repport they have beacuse it's not really targeting "gamers" it's targeting little kids and socially inept older people.

15-03-06, 03:34
What if they spent that 3 years studying Neocron?

15-03-06, 03:54
What if they spent that 3 years studying Neocron?
I really think that the NC population is pretty mature (in whole) compared to alot of other games. If you actualy sit down and talk to people in Neocron you do have a good ammount of smart/reasonable people compared to the total number of people playing.

15-03-06, 03:55
Lol most of the NC community (atleast on the forum) is fairly intelligent- considering a while ago there was a thread going and people where discussing how to properly make a nuclear bomb :lol: yeah was rather funny

15-03-06, 04:21
I see Neocron players as a community of fixers. They always want things fixed. Everyone I know has had at least five ideas on how to fix Neocron. We want things perfect, but when they're perfect, we want to make them even more perfect.

Basically, Neocron players are always thinking.

Also, to get deeply into Neocron means you've matured enough to think for youself, or you've had the nerve to do some trial-and-error for character specs. Either way, it's very thought-inclined. There isn't an answer sheet to this game, and you have to be social to get things done (ie: cst/res, unless you're a pure skiller, which no newbie does.).

I have a pretty impressive collection of sticky-notes all over my wall. Point layouts, resists, future plans for my characters, and other things. We're all (imo) trying to wrap our brains around the entire world that is neocron, even if we can't, we'll be damned if we wont keep trying.

So, yes, a review on Neocron players will show that all-in-all we're pretty fucking on-the-ball. Some of us run businesses (Brammers), some of us are social network.. things (Sup crazy-), but most of us are into the deeper aspects of the game.*

*-don't spam me because I didn't mention you.

15-03-06, 05:06
no one mentions neocrons one last true sniper :rolleyes: oh well i guess they never see me before their dead...

Anyways most people that stick with neocron are the ones that have high hopes for the game, or are so damned connected to the game they cant get their minds off it no matter what they do. (like me) i left for like 3 months a while back and i couldnt stop thinking like "OMFG I WANT TO SHOOT THIS PERSON IN THE FACE WITH A TERMINATOR, SOOOOOO BAD"

and everyone was like "...wtf is a terminator?"

15-03-06, 07:30
lol, this report is biased as hell. I'm sure those who did it were somehow related to games industry. Stupid report lead to stupid remarks

15-03-06, 07:52
yeah but it shoves it to jack, and is rather funny.

15-03-06, 12:47
NC tought me all about how inflation works. Thank you 'leet game hackers' :rolleyes:

15-03-06, 15:50
haw haw haw!

Yeah, first MC5 techparts were only 150 nc each, then these buggers jacked it to 2.5 mil apiece!

Dribble Joy
15-03-06, 16:08
Runescape does seem to be an odd choice, though I think it's a better one than WoW.

As for the bloke 'admiring the view', he was only 14....

15-03-06, 16:09

I thought these interviewees were female!

15-03-06, 18:06
...oh god...dont say any more porker :lol:

Doc Holliday
16-03-06, 16:24
so in the next 5 to 10 years we will see entries like previous experience ( in relation to a management job for example ) well i ran a clan/guild/gaming group for 4 years plus i worked as a forum admin/gm/server admin for 3 years. does that count :P

yeah good stuff. im gonna update my cv. i did a good job. boo to anyone who says otherwise. hell some of you could put nid as a referee on your cvs/resumes...

im sure he would love that.