View Full Version : My Pa Switching Hyb,

07-03-06, 12:36
I started going for a Blessed PSI Attack 2 user, then i wondered, Why not use a Holy heal - Holy Shelter and PSI Attack 2,

:D , Ive got the main 3 spells as 5 slot atm, shelter, heal, psi attack 2,

Character Overview for New Character

Character Class: PSI Monk
Ranking: 36/66


Current: 109 9
Skill: Hacking = 20 20
Skill: Barter = 0 0
Skill: PSI Use = 204 35
Skill: Weapon Lore = 0 -3
Skill: Construction = 0 0
Skill: Research = 0 0
Skill: Implant = 16 16
Skill: Willpower = 0 0

Current: 10 -10
Skill: Melee Combat = 25 25
Skill: Heavy Combat = 0 0
Skill: Transport = 33 0
Skill: Resist Force = 17 -40

Current: 47 2
Skill: Athletics = 57 18
Skill: Body Health = 92 41
Skill: Endurance = 0 0
Skill: Resist Fire = 13 0
Skill: Resist Energy = 30 0
Skill: Resist X-Ray = 101 28
Skill: Resist Poison = 25 25

Current: 42 7
Skill: Pistol Combat = 0 0
Skill: Rifle Combat = 0 0
Skill: HighTech Combat = 0 0
Skill: Vehicle Use = 10 10
Skill: Agility = 141 39
Skill: Repair = 0 0
Skill: Recycle = 0 0
Skill: Remote Control = 0 0

-----------PSI----------- (With APU Pa 1)
Current: 123 23
Skill: Passive PSI Use = 111 -5
Skill: Agressive PSI Use = 118 18
Skill: Mental Steadiness = 81 10
Skill: PSI Power = 81 50
Skill: Resist PSI = 0 0

-----------PSI----------- (With PPU PA 2)
Current: 125 25
Skill: Passive PSI Use = 138 22
Skill: Agressive PSI Use = 90 -10
Skill: Mental Steadiness = 81 10
Skill: PSI Power = 81 50
Skill: Resist PSI = 0 0

-------Character Inventory-------
Crahn Holy Spirit Helmet (Helmet)
Crahn PowerCloak APU (Vest)
Heavy Fire Protection Belt (Belt)
Crahn Holy Spirit Trousers (Trousers)
Crahn Holy Spirit Boots (Boots)
PSI Core CPU (Brain Chip)
MC5 Dimension Splitter CPU (Brain Chip)
Experimental PSI Controller 3 (Brain Chip)
Experimental PSI Controller 3 (Brain Chip)
DoY Vehicle Coordination Linkage (Eye)
Filter Heart 1 (Heart)
Crahn Power Gauntlet (Glove)
ReflexBooster 1 (Spine)
BioTech Headbone (Headbone)
Chest Enforcement (Chest)
Arm Enforcement (Arm)
Leg Enforcement (Leg)
Biotech AntiGamma Foot Enforcement (Foot)
Holy Shelter (Shelter)
Holy Deflector (Deflector)
Melee Combat Booster 3 (Combat)
Spy Booster 3 (Support)
Hazard Resist Booster 3 (Resist)
Redflash (Drug)

07-03-06, 13:52
2 x exp psi contoller 3 ?? ^^
btw switching pa in fight every 15 sec becaus of heal suxx

07-03-06, 14:27
Not enough MST for lvl 3 buffs.

07-03-06, 14:41
lvl 3 buffs = 81 mst + 138 ppu


07-03-06, 15:01
Current: 116 16
Skill: Passive PSI Use = 118 10
Skill: Agressive PSI Use = 120 10
Skill: Mental Steadiness = 64 10
Skill: PSI Power = 87 35
Skill: Resist PSI = 0 0

New PSI Setup, With this setup if i get a PPU, i can get 155 APU, wiht pa and attack

07-03-06, 18:02
Sorry my mistake, fo some reason i thought they were 85. I even checked synergy earlier, lol.

onero S
07-03-06, 18:25
Current: 116 16
Skill: Passive PSI Use = 118 10
Skill: Agressive PSI Use = 120 10
Skill: Mental Steadiness = 64 10
Skill: PSI Power = 87 35
Skill: Resist PSI = 0 0

New PSI Setup, With this setup if i get a PPU, i can get 155 APU, wiht pa and attack

make an apu hyb tbh, less gay, way more fun, way more effective in groups.

08-03-06, 01:04
Make a PE, less gay, more fun.

08-03-06, 07:38
Maybe you should talk to Jiga in game he's a pa swapping hybrid, unless you are him in that case you already know. If not he might be willing to shair but unlikely. Though I think a level 2 spell hyrid is more powerful tbh.

08-03-06, 11:49
im gong APU-Hyb for leveling, ive got a blessed defect, So im going to stick with that, try and get into a Holy Energy Barrel, and lvl at Choas,

Bugs Gunny
08-03-06, 12:32
Go level in regants bossmobroom if you're an apu hybrid, you can solo the place in about 10 mins if you got a tl10 heal and heavy poisonbelt with average resists.

08-03-06, 12:39
you dont need resist at regants ^^
just run in circels :P

09-03-06, 13:23
lol, u think i can do reagents with my /23 Hybrid? using a tl10 heal and a tl40 Barrel,

could be fun to try i suppose ^^

09-03-06, 13:25
lol, u think i can do reagents with my /23 Hybrid? using a tl10 heal and a tl40 Barrel,

could be fun to try i suppose ^^
yepp, u can... even the 80something thingys at the starting-point did like 10 dmg to my tank at all.