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View Full Version : Brainport: GUI Change

05-03-06, 04:07
- Any GR not able to accessed to (due to OP access restrictions) would have orange lettering.
- The Status would be changed to the status above. Green + means rewarded. Yellow - means moderately punished. Orange - means severely punished.
- Complete removal of the 'Recover Backpack' Button
- Addition of a checkbox next to the 'Activate' button which would show if you have activated the GR or not.

Just some simple GUI updates that I think would be nice to see.

05-03-06, 04:10
Great idea. This could possibly be added to the world map as well, to make it easier than trying to read a few small letters while stoned. "oh look a mini rainbow" :)

05-03-06, 04:47
Yeah, I know. Stoned + Neocron = Pretty Colors :)

05-03-06, 04:50
heh, indeed. "neocrack" isn't someone who's addicted to neocron, it's just the description for someone who plays neocron while taking RL drugs, the average neocron player. ;)

05-03-06, 04:54
Nice Idea!

But the colors ;p O_o


05-03-06, 05:16

05-03-06, 06:13
i beleive something like this has been posted once, but still a great idea. 5. and would go great with my other idea posted recently about the multiple apartment Genreps.