View Full Version : Best PvP moments NC 1?

20-02-06, 01:13
I think my favorite time was when Timpa and I went driving with his reveler and this rhino filled with 3 newbs tried to kill us at DRT so we ripped apart the rhino and chased the 3 newbies down and I gunned them all down.

Timpa and I just laughed.

Dribble Joy
20-02-06, 01:27
My first kill as a Kami user.

Me and the guys were hunting a PKer group in j01, one got killed, but the other was a stealthing sniper.

Quite by random I wandered over to the hill by the bunker, and while chatting to clannies, the guy's name appeals on local.
Somehow he hasn't noticed me, he had popped out of stealth and zoomed in with his SH, without looking.

I pop out from the tree I was behind and start emptying my judge into him (this was back in the day when people got about 160 rpm on a judge, not cap) at full speed. Poor bastard didn't have time to pull his stealth tool before he hit the dirt.

Not a great display of skill, but funny as hell.

20-02-06, 02:02
Maybe one of those moments when we roamed PP with Elkdor.. or then those long op wars against System Shock when The Resistance was still up..

Killing Centuri and blowing up his hovertec.. *giggle*

2-maning around a dozen enemies at Nemesis with Pete the Psi and my tank as only people alive in our team.. took ages of em to kill us and we managed to take some down even then. That was quite fun and memorable :)

Bugs Gunny
20-02-06, 02:16
The two times i didn't die in a fight.

And i'm serious. Whoever played saturn must remember the rifle spy winnoc.

20-02-06, 03:03
Killing Patri's PPU on my tank, then zoning into p3, and running to the synchronisers/uTs gogo (Uranus peeps will remember) and typing "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAH" with like 20 of them stood round.

Any fight that was TT allaince vs United Angels. Always great fights and great fun. Especially Emmerson <3.

20-02-06, 04:24
best pvp moment in neocron 1.. hmm... its gotta be when i joined my first clan after being in neocron for 2 weeks and we took a outpost from P.I.M.P it was the best thing ever and i was buzzing for days. good times :)

20-02-06, 04:35
Spawning 10-15 tanks infront of mb and having clannies gun all of them and gun everyone down :)

20-02-06, 09:29
Like an hour and a half into Neocron 1 i was on my APU down in the lvl 1 sewers (I removed my LE to get more XP and all that) and i get attacked by a guy with an Archer Companion Rifle, somehow i managed to kill him and he dropped his 2 slotted rifle. (Do note this was before belts) thats one of the moments that got me hooked on NeoCron in the first place.

And it was the first time i ever saw slots too :p

- Nap

20-02-06, 09:56
Killing a CDV employee's GM char for the uber GM made weapons then having him beg for them back.

Group fights from hunting pk'ers in the Outzone. Actually gave a pretty cool feel to the Outzone because they loved to hang out there.

Have been away too long to remember the outpost name, but basically being seiged at the outpost that's on the side of a cliff against big odds and holding them off.

Killing two star players as a 2chev apu because fire was seriously overpowered.

20-02-06, 10:02
Killing two star players as a 2chev apu because fire was seriously overpowered.

Haha I remember that, phosphor street rifle 4 life.

20-02-06, 10:56
One of the epic tg canyon vs bd battles i.e 40+ tg vs 2 bd. (after hybrid nerf, pre ppu apu nerf)

Black Mamba
20-02-06, 11:00
ganking noobs in the p2 aggie cellers everyday

20-02-06, 11:12
Raiding TG on my H-C pe :D . The one time in particular i fought off 4 people at the same time.

20-02-06, 11:17
My favorite pvp moment was during beta 4 on pluto. I doubt anybody else that was there still plays. Anyways it was basically crackheads vs patriots and abunch of the other pvp clans at jeriko. It was like the alamo but still fun.

20-02-06, 11:37
i remember :)

20-02-06, 12:23
Getting pked by butthead whilst hacking a WB, running like fuck back to the site to catch him still hacking and manage to kill him before he finishes the hacking the warbot I'd killed.

20-02-06, 12:29
8 hour long soliko fight before stupid undergrounds.

20-02-06, 13:54
The epic opwars back on uranus where it was half the server versus the GLA.

Fighting desperados/credentes/random other clans with LAARD.

Paolo gunning down Masta Blasta with a reveller, he mistook him for an enemy. That one was funny as hell. Paolo went "AHAHAH, I GOT A PPU!". Then silence, then Swinny going "Paolo? That was me you tit!" :lol:

Some amazing pk runs at cycrow, one time i took down over half a dozen in just a few minutes right outside the cycrow op entrance. I dunno who was on vent with me that time, either tick or constructorx, i went completely mad on there. :)

And of course my first pvp experiences ever on Kid Stardust, No PA, not capped Blacksun PE. Those days were amazing.

What else...killing Doc Holliday by accident in a fun duel where everyone expected him to waste me.

First time i managed to beat Average Joe.

Oh the memories.


Getting pked by butthead whilst hacking a WB, running like fuck back to the site to catch him still hacking and manage to kill him before he finishes the hacking the warbot I'd killed.Haha, i've done that too. Feels so good to waste the guy while he's still hacking your belt. :)

20-02-06, 14:00
Paolo gunning down Masta Blasta with a reveller, he mistook him for an enemy. That one was funny as hell. Paolo went "AHAHAH, I GOT A PPU!". Then silence, then Swinny going "Paolo? That was me you tit!" :lol:

There was another time when he antibuffed him, and killed him, lol.

20-02-06, 14:53
My favorite moments were the Chester Lab opwars in SXR (sorry but you guys just aren't as competetive as you used to be)

I remember taking on wave after wave of enemies as they came in with one clan from each side and it ended up just being us few against the hybrid armies (god those hybrids were annoying). Those op wars made me want to have sex with the ppu, which i believe was Zhut at the time... for he was amazing and managed to rez the entire team many a time when he was the only person left.
<3 SXR for life but you guys have seriously lost your edge. (Chosen One, if you read this pm me, I'd love to go pking with you again sometime)

20-02-06, 14:59
Here : uTs against brutal deluxe in october/november 2002, was simply great, no PPUs and fighting with the best PvPers Neocron ever had in one team

great fights were also against the old real ronins under the leadership of neofrog... awesome and heavy fights ;)

20-02-06, 15:04
hmm, there was a big OP fight. Tg vs some others i think :)
the fight took so long, all my armor was wrecked afterwards :D

and the OP fights with my old clan. (spacemonkeys/next) holding malstrond all the time :) with 80% spies in the clan :D

ow hehe and droning at cycrow :D with my friend, just killing everyone :)

20-02-06, 15:19
First Op fight with the rangers/R2K It was most sexual, and bloody good fun. I haven't OP'd now for almost... oooh a year?


20-02-06, 15:20
The rangers you could kill with out a ppu...

Best fights was in nc1 when TG attacked grant and SoliderZ ( best clan ever ) defended it, lot of belts in the TG zone. :p

20-02-06, 15:34
Me on my Kamihybrid at Jeriko keeping 8 ppl from entering the outpost through the back entrance........

Or one of those long ass solikofights with system shock....


20-02-06, 15:55
dazz and myself defending (the factory south of solico) him ppu'n me on apu, took out most of the op team and the rest scattered, was freakin awesome...hmm taking out five at elfarid on big momma, hearing KID screaming horsely on vent about his monstrous killing spree at cycrow :) Man It's the memory's that keep you going :)

20-02-06, 16:08
The rangers you could kill with out a ppu...

Best fights was in nc1 when TG attacked grant and SoliderZ ( best clan ever ) defended it, lot of belts in the TG zone. :p

Thems were the days :p

Massive improvement in PvP since then :p

20-02-06, 16:42
The rangers you could kill with out a ppu...

Best fights was in nc1 when TG attacked grant and SoliderZ ( best clan ever ) defended it, lot of belts in the TG zone. :p

SoldierZ.....cries :(