View Full Version : Faction Role Play Managers

19-02-06, 15:07
I had an amazing idea, if it all pans out,

What about having FRPM's? (Faction Role Play Managers) Their job would be to arrange player events such as fetish's drug run. Each faction would have a player elected FRPM and they'd come up with an event like once a week/fortnight/month or whatever for anyone in the faction to take part in. Serveral of these FRPM's could get together and create larger events too such as clashes between TG and CA.

Black dragon drug runs, crahn preaching, biotech testing on muties, kidnappings for MC5 etc etc.

19-02-06, 15:16
Hey ..I think I can rephrase your idea in just a single line!!!!11 :p

playerevents@neocron.com or chenoa@reakktor.com ;)

...well, seriously.
What you suggest is basicly what we had by the name of Faction Counsellors and now Faction Assistants. The only difference is, that you are suggesting something independend thats not run by KK.
Imo this is what the elected Faction Chairman / Council should take care of...really. I havent met too many Faction Chairmen who really served the faction in terms of events, rp fac relations/wars and cool/entertaining activities.