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View Full Version : Melee PE - Setup

18-02-06, 07:57
HeHe, Firstly i made a uber uber uber Setup basing it on the impossible fact of getting STR WoC on a PE, lolz, would be very kool but not very likl...

Second thing is i have wayyyyy to much agility, but only using PoT, so i dunno what to do with my dex unless u can advise the laserblade being good in pvp, ill stikk with 190 agility

Character Overview for New Character

Character Class: Private Eye
Ranking: 36/58

Current: 57 -3
Skill: Hacking = 5 5
Skill: Barter = 0 -8
Skill: PSI Use = 126 0
Skill: Weapon Lore = 0 0
Skill: Construction = 0 0
Skill: Research = 0 0
Skill: Implant = 4 4
Skill: Willpower = 0 0

Current: 87 27
Skill: Melee Combat = 208 106
Skill: Heavy Combat = 26 26
Skill: Transport = 61 11
Skill: Resist Force = 114 53

Current: 68 3
Skill: Athletics = 58 8
Skill: Body Health = 108 42
Skill: Endurance = 30 30
Skill: Resist Fire = 15 15
Skill: Resist Energy = 99 15
Skill: Resist X-Ray = 100 45
Skill: Resist Poison = 35 35

Current: 77 -3
Skill: Pistol Combat = 0 -10
Skill: Rifle Combat = 0 -10
Skill: HighTech Combat = 0 0
Skill: Vehicle Use = 20 -20
Skill: Agility = 189 39
Skill: Repair = 0 0
Skill: Recycle = 0 0
Skill: Remote Control = 0 0

-------Character Inventory-------
Inquisition Helmet 4 (Helmet)
Inquisition Armored Vest 4 (Vest)
Medium Deflector Belt (Belt)
Inquisition Trousers 4 (Trousers)
Heavy Duranium Boots (Boots)
BioTech (M.O.V.E.O.N) CPU (Brain Chip)
Marine's CPU (Brain Chip)
Protopharm Resistor Chip (Brain Chip)
Berserk Chip 3 (Brain Chip)
Melee CombatEye 3 (Eye)
Filter Heart 2 (Heart)
Crahn Power Gauntlet (Glove)
Strength Booster 3 (Spine)
Biotech AntiGamma Headbone (Headbone)
Bat Queen Chest Enforcement (Chest)
Bat Queen Arm Enforcement (Arm)
Biotech AntiGamma Leg Enforcement (Leg)
Biotech AntiGamma Foot Enforcement (Foot)
Melee Combat Booster 1 (Combat)
Spy Booster 1 (Support)
Hazard Resist Booster 1 (Resist)
Beast (Drug)
XStrong (Drug)

The -20 Vehicle use is because i want 17 for a quad, justfor the hell of it, but i wouldnt be able to drive it while using xstrong.... Actually scratch this comment, im going to go up and edit it for an extera 20 vhc :)

18-02-06, 14:17
If i were you id use nightspider/gaya glove and spec enough hack to get high SL belts, like 110 or so.

18-02-06, 14:52
cba hacking tbh

Ive specked to use Haz 1, i just didnt put the Nightspider drug in ^^ , Bad pantho

But cba obtaining another Glove, also ill probly only keep this char for like 2 months , then lom back to HC

, just wanna try it out :).. errr WTB ppr :/

18-02-06, 17:19
I found Gaya glove made such a huge difference on my PE I couldnt live without it (although he was HC, so had a few points specced in WPL). It's worth it alone for the extra psi pool and helps loads being able to cast DB quickly.

18-02-06, 22:29
Yeh, i'd definatley use a gaya glove too.

The huge manapool helps a lot and you can prolly get your DB up to about 45/min and that is damn fast.

Another thing, lower m-c, put 75 into h-c, 75 into t-c and gun a rhino. It's definately worth it.

As for the con/armor setup, i'd use a str heart 2, drop con por to zero and just use VK chest. You won't run into poison that often and you'll have a lot more health this way. I'm doing fine with it on my PEs.

19-02-06, 07:21
Id like to di-agree with the poisen,

Atm there is so many people using poisen modded DEV - and Pois beams, its unreal

19-02-06, 07:35
hey you stole my setup. :wtf:

WTF its exactly the same O_o

tbh its Ubar nobody has a chance.

Stealth--> sneak to target -->DB --> POT ownage -->Victim ask for Poker

you are fast like hell have good resis the best PK class in game (i have played 1 month but i got bored couse i had no enemys :wtf: )

and agianst hybs is not funny he dont will Pwn you but you cant pwn him also :D