View Full Version : To Epic or not to bother

08-02-06, 13:18
I was planning on doing a couple of faction epics to make some cash but I dont know which I should stay away from because they dont make back the 300k needed to get them.
For example, Ive heard the DRE epic should only be done if you want it yourself as it only sells for 100k tops, so not with the 300k to change factions to get it (aside from the time of missions needed to get FS) etc.


08-02-06, 13:36
Do the Protopharm and Biotech epics, the chips you get from both epics can sell for 1-2 mill each last time I checked.

08-02-06, 14:38
Thanks for the reply, I was after which not to do because I'll proberly end up doing more than a couple.
I did think the two chips you spoke about would be worth more tho tbh, I guess it all depends on the day.

08-02-06, 14:45
Thanks for the reply, I was after which not to do because I'll proberly end up doing more than a couple.
I did think the two chips you spoke about would be worth more tho tbh, I guess it all depends on the day.

The gaya glove from the crahn epic sells for a lot, but its a nightmare to do since in one of the missions you have to go into the gaya mine and its full of copbots.

I dont know about anti epics but for the pro side Id say dont bother wasting your time on the cityadmin epic, you get CA armour which can only be worn by people in the city admin faction, plus its not worth much anyway.

Mr Kot
08-02-06, 14:46
Don't bother with:

Twilight Guardian (grenades)
Diamond (shithole of an apartment)
Fallen Angels (tradeskill chip that isn't that valuable)
CityAdmin (Nice looking PA that you can't wear once you leave the faction)

as you are unlikely to get your 300k back

Other factions have decent rewards as they are useful to you (or your alts) or can be sold at a profit.

08-02-06, 14:49
I was gonna say TG but I couldnt recall if they ever did implement that epic reward.

08-02-06, 14:54
I'll give you a hint. Reveller.

08-02-06, 15:31
Thanks, thats what I was looking for, tho I did get 2mill for my FA epic :) musta been shear n00b luck :)

08-02-06, 15:41
BD is good, nice app that you can add anything you want to it, and its nice to make it your prim app, join DRE and then PK in DOY whenever you want ;)

Mr Kot
08-02-06, 15:41
Thanks, thats what I was looking for, tho I did get 2mill for my FA epic :) musta been shear n00b luck :)
...or musta just seen 'em coming. There's one born every minute ;)

08-02-06, 16:50
join DRE and then PK in DOY whenever you want
What do you mean ?

08-02-06, 17:23
What do you mean ?
read the whole post then you might understand :rolleyes:

08-02-06, 17:38
ok heres my thinking...

BD is good their epics is worth doing...

nice app that you can add anything you want to it ermm you can add stuff...not done this before or ill just *nod* and move on...

its nice to make it your prim app, join DRE and then PK in DOY whenever you want hmm on re-reading it im guessing you dont mean just DRE but any Anti-City faction and this I see the idea (safe GR into DOY) but Im not sure since you could do this with any app, espically since as I implied above Im FA, so already have a DOY app.

Did I solve the clues correctly? or would it be easier for you to just tell me? :D

08-02-06, 17:41
do the epic if your anti city cos its nicer than any app you can buy in DOY, you can buy stuff to customize your app, like beds, plants etc, and i was BD before i changed to DRE ages ago so my prim app is a DOY app so safe GR into DOY yes ;)

08-02-06, 17:47
woohoo... gold star for me :)

thanks for the replies to the original post anyway...