View Full Version : [!] Balancing NC2 (Warning: FN's Longest Post. Ever.)

07-02-06, 02:57
Constitution, Heals, and the Balance of defense...
This is an ongoing document of mine that is constantly changing. Kind of like a "If I win the lottery and can afford to buy Reakktor" file, lol - I'm sure a week from now it'll be different. But with the tentative 'balancing' coming up, I figured I'd throw it out as-is to start some conversation and get some Community Ideas for Dirus to work with on the table :)


= WHO'S WHO? =
The way I see it, the PE is your average, blue-collar, Joe. The Spy is your average, scrawny, computer geek. The Tank is a crack addict on PCP. The Monk is a freak of nature that uses mental power to compensate for... stuff.

So when any of these classes take/deal damage, you have to put the order of that process into effect:

Total Damage Attempted -> Damage Blocked via Armor (calculate which takes the most damage depending on the damage type) -> Damage Naturally Resisted -> then reduce the overall damage by whatever Shelter/Deflector Block -> Evaluate how THAT CLASS would recover

The Tank should take the least damage and recover the fastest.
Regant orders the Psi Monks to use their knowledge of genetic engineering [...] for breeding a stronger and more robust warrior. The Psi Monks, who have studied genetic engineering ever since Thor's capture of Neocron and the introduction of the new doctrine, pursue this task most intensely and develop a prototype, which they call GenTank, after just a few months. The GenTank can be produced as a fully trained warrior in a short amount of time and has all the characteristics Regant requested.He's genetically engineered to be a warrior and have genetically enhanced reflexes and tactical abilities. They should be able to take a lickin' and keep on kickin'.

The PE should take the second least amount of damage and recouperate moderately fast. Not as fast as the tank, but surely faster than the Spy.

The Spy should be relying on speed and stealth to survive. Any damage taken should hurt like a bitch and take a bit recover from... but that's only if he takes the damage.

The Monk should take the MOST damage, but providing his PSI Buffs are up, be adequately compensated during the damage reduction.

In this order, what SHOULD they all have in common? Constitution. The Tank should have the highest, as he does, the PEs second, and the Monks and Spies should be tied for third, both compensating with their Constitutional-shortcomings via PSI and Technology, respectively. So the initial damage is pretty easy to see and compute... however, when they recover:

The Tank should bounce back relatively fast. Even without a heal, he should be regenerating his HP faster than any other class. Each class should then follow suit with regard to natural regeneration. Of course they all have their compensations, but their base regen should be set in stone regardless. I'd like to see self-regeneration time based on Constitution. For every 10 points of CON you have, 1 point of HP is healed back per tick. In this scenario, a Tank would heal back 100 HP on his own in 10 seconds IF his CON is 100-109. However a PE would only heal back 60 points over 10 seconds with 'capped' CON. And the Spy and Monk would trail behind at 4 points per tick. Then monks with their slowest heal would have PSI heal to compensate, Spies would have the low PSI Heal + Medkits + Stealth, and PEs would have a little of all of the worlds, as intended.

Alternatively, a new STR skill could be added (since it's the most lacking of the 5) called Regeneration. Or maybe it's a CON skill, but I'd rather see it in STR for the sheer fact that it would be the target of Tanks without forcing other characters to spec it. The skill would simply be a minor modifier or addition on this regneration ability. So a 100 CON tank with 50 points in Regeneration might heal up 15 points per tick instead of 10. 1 extra point per 10 Regen points. So a tank *could* heal 20 per tick, which would be sexy... but his damage output, force resist, or transport, would be pretty heavily nerfed. See the '= WEAPONS: DAMAGE, FREQUENCY, ETC =' section below before you freak out and think this will make tanks overly unbalanced.

Next, we come to Armor. The heavier the armor, the better defense it should provide. The heavier the armor, the harder it should be to wear. Tanks should have the best armor with their STR/CON advantage. At the moment, Monks do because of the way the game's offensive mechanics are designed. Monks should have armor that is crappy to nonexistent and truly rely on their PSI abilities to defend them. Half of the "overpowered" monk issue is that their defenses are exponentially better than other classes from the get-go because their Holy Spirit armor provides for ~65 Force, ~72 Pierce, ~58 Fire, ~172 energy, and ~42 xray resists! Then they have 45 CON to distribute and access to Heavy Belts. Then add the Holy Shelter's 51-75% fir/enr/xry damage blocking... COME ON!? Why any PPUs die at all is nearly unfathomable. If PSI Monks can have low con/low str armor that is light, easy to wear, and saves them from the elements that much, why did they ever need GenTanks? And why don't GenTanks have armor that lightweight that does equal protection? Hell, a GenTank could wear strap 4 PSI vests onto their arms and legs, then pile a few on their chest, and be good to go!

The Tank's line of armor should have more variety and tanks themselves should be RE-designed to have a Defense and Offense set of setups. Armor that requires more CON, has higher defense, but restricts usage of weapons (+25 to a resist, -10 to H-C or something). So the Defense based Tank would be balanced with the Offense based tank in a 1v1 duel. The Offensive tank does more damage, but the Defensive tank resists it. After the first volley of attacks, a Defense Tank would lose 10% of his health to 50 inflicted damage while the Offense Tank would also lost 10% of his health to 50 inflicted damage, even though the Defensive Tank's damage is not as high as the Offensive Tanks... Going to attack an OP? Get your Offensive setup on! Going to be holed up inside the OP on the defensive line? Get that defensive armor on. But no matter what, Tank armor should be superiour to all other classes armor. Not to say other classes can't have a singular peice of armor that does 100 resist of one type (a la Spy PA), but it should be balanced to the point where that gain shows up as a loss somewhere else.

The PE's line of armor should give them a little more variety as well, but overall their armor defense is pretty well balanced. Middle of the road Inq, Duranit (not Duranium) availability, and Titan/Viper King usage coupled with low level PSI buffs is good. Aside from more bone configurations, PEs are pretty much set.

The Spies are alright where they are. They almost have too much xray when it comes to armor + bones, but if more bone types were introduced, that could be balanced better. Somehow, technology should play into their armor though... I was hoping for something like armor that requires 100 T-C called a "Variable Defense" Suit (I can hear TRADE-NC already... "WTS - VD for 500k" :lol:). This armor basically has 125 points of resist that can be changed ON THE FLY. So you go out to Battledome to hunt warbots, via some interface (right-click on the armor, activate/use?), you adjust your armor resist points to 125 Energy points. Then you go to Cycrow later to hunt firemobs, adjust them to Fire points. Then you're in PvP later and your character's setup is weak on Xray and Fire, so you split them into 90 Xray and 35 Fire, but after the first few hits, it's a Fire-Modded Weapon, so you stealth away, heal up, and shift your armor to fire... one can dream, right?

Then you've got your monks... Their 'top-of-the-line' armor shouldn't give them more than 50 in ANY stat, in my opinion.

Physically, the Psi Monk is at a considerable disadvantage due to his historical evolution. Even with the greatest effort, it is nearly impossible for him to become a good fighter in the traditional sense.
Lies. All lies! :lol: Monks should be relying on their PSI for their defense, hands down. They rely on it for their offense, but get the best of the armor AND PSI worlds and the middle-of-the-road in the CON world. It just doesn't add up. However, to retain the defensive superiourity of PPUs, I'd suggest bringing additional resist bonus to PPU Powerarmor and only offensive bonuses to APU Powerarmor. A PPU should still be able to stand on his own in a high-level cave or run away from several damage dealers. The APU however, should NOT be a god-like character... if he were, the history of NC would be COMPLETELY different. APUs should get low-end armor, spy-like Constitution, and retain their place as highest overall damage dealer.

What was planned as a short strike becomes the longest military conflict in the history of the new world. While Ceres dispatches his armored warriors to the battlefield, the Psi Monks raise one Tank after the other and the factories spew out thousands of hover tanks.
That's from the NC history in a battle between Ceres's Warbots and Regant's Troops. Firstly, Tanks on the forefront and Monks backing them up - that's the way it was originally designed. If TODAY'S monks were in that battle, it would've been:

What was planned as a short strike becomes the shortest conflict in the history of the new world. APUs pwned every warbot because they do energy damage and the PSI monk armor, coupled with Holy Shelters, made them nearly invincible.
:p And secondly - HOVER TANKS? I WANT THOSE! :D

The effects of Shelter, Deflector, and Heal should be based on a character's PSI skill. Tanks receiving the least (still getting the benefit mind you) benefit from S/D/H, Spies not recieving much either (pretty much stay where they are), PEs should be able to get into level2 buffs and Blessed buffs at a 'reworked' level so they can just barely reach them, and Monks should get the most out of S/H/D.

Alternatively, Heal could be based on CON instead of PSI, but that would bring the PPU back into the realm of necessity when leveling, pvping, etc., which I hate. I personally think that a Tank with his self-regen and a medkit, should stand a decent chance against an APU and PPU - why? Mainly because the PPU should NOT be directly effecting combat as he currently does (i.e. Para & Damage Boost). An APU/PPU team should really be more like sending an APU who rivals a tank with high damage output and reasonable defense because of the PPU into the ring with an all-out-killing-machine who already has those things all wrapped up into one... his restriction is reloading, bearing the weight of a huge weapon, and the aiming reticle. The APUs restriction is TIME. When his buffs fall, he's weak and should drop fast. Granted, the APU/PPU team should win based on the fact that the APU can get a heal... but it should still be an extended fight. Had you put a PPU on the Tank's side, he should win HANDS DOWN. More HP, More defense, high damage output. That's just not the way it is currently.

07-02-06, 02:57
What should a PPU do for you?

- Temporarily add a decent amount of skill to your resists (heat/hazard/basic) - Yep.
- Temporarily add skill to your weapon usage so you can get higher damage (I don't think players should cap weapons natively, but I'll get to that) - Yep.
- Temporarily add other basic skills (support/spy/construct) - Yep.
- Sheild another runner from damage - To a degree, but only if the runner also has rivaling PSI abilities (i.e. the PSI skill influence thing)
- Ressurect a fallen runner - ABSOLUTELY! That's how they won in battles in NC history.
- Be able to DIRECTLY increase the damage dealt by other players - ABSOLUTELY NOT.
- Be able to stop or slow other players movement - ABSOLUTELY NOT

PPUs should NOT be able to directly effect character combat. Boosts are very passive in that they do not "make or break" a battle. A well-setup, well-skilled, or well-drugged :p tank can beat a tank with PPU Boosts on him. With the PSI-based S/D/H changes, even a tank without a PPU might be able to take another tank if he's lucky. But the tank with the PPU will have the advantage, EVEN IF HE LOSES - because the PPU should be able to resurrect him. We think of PPUs in terms of "Never let your Damage Dealer die - they should be godlike with the PPU" when we should be thinking in terms of "The PPU has offered his best support, hopefully the DD won't die, but if he does, we can rez him".

As long as the PPU has the ability to resurrect, cast level 3 boosts, and (if fixed) has proper "distract mind" spells for mobs - he'll always be a VALUED asset to any team - but he should not be a REQUIRED asset, as he is now.

The highest level caves right now, flat out require a PPU. It sucks. If you're a Tank, PE, Spy, or APU - you're shit out of luck until you find one. That's doesn't promote "Teamplay" - it promote "I need a PPU-to-play". That's pretty much fucking stupid, sorry. So what SHOULD be done to adjust the higher-end mobs? (100/100 and greater) - Increase their HP. Most mob's damage is ok. Love the Regant Sluggers (maybe too high?). Chaos Lieuts pack a punch. Grims will frya ya. And Juggernaughts can push you into the ground and probably pop you out near China... But I say their HP should be increased because with the above changes, a tank technically could solo many places - he can take a few hits, duck behind a corner and chomp on a medkit and enjoy his fast regen rate... but with mob's current HP, tanks could cap in two weeks. So if a mob's HP were increased (testing would have to be done to find out exactly what needs to be done, I can't say doubled/tripled without any realistic info), soloing would just take about eleven years for a level. So what would this do? You got it, encourage TEAMPLAY! Tank 1 could team up with Tanks 2 and 3 and they could easily do a high level cave, firing and switching the same way those old stupid European battles used to carry on before they came over to North America and got pwned by Guerilla Warfare. Two up firing, one with aggro... then he steps back, another moves in, etc. Or Spies with their VD could spec to take -a- hit... you'd probably need several spies to accomplish this - unfortunately their speed won't save them with Neocron's mob damage calculations.

But at the end of the day, the fastest method would STILL be with a PPU to buff you so you get higher weapon damage/frequency and having him/her there to rez your ass in-case you die is priceless. So the PPU is still > all when it comes to pure support.

Does it ever boggle your mind when you're on your Spy, who can spec for the highest Agility and decent Athletics... when a tank or monk just FLIES by you... on foot? If there were a Neocron Foot Race from MB to TH, Spies should win. Tanks should be able to run at a decent, not obscene, speed as long as their weapon isn't drawn. PEs should be able to keep up with the Spy, provided they drug, but otherwise be slightly slower. And Monks should only be reasonably fast for as long as their buffs last. Stopping to recast, even if for a few seconds, should be the price for 'artificial' skills.

Currently in Neocron the speed-differences between classes is just way off. Spies in PvP should rely on speed, but atm, EVERY character relies on Speed. The only time a character should rely on speed is if they are a SPY, a drugged up PE, or if they have a DoY Kamikaze chip in their head ;) Those chips would be AWESOME to have back in-game if the defense/resist system were setup as per above... and to be totally honest, I don't get why they were removed in the first place. Talk about breaking the cookie-cutter setups :(

They way I'd like to see things in-game is to make the weapon quality more of a variable when it comes to character setups. Capping Condition/Damage/Frequency/Handling/Range on the weapons currently, from a tradeskiller standpoint is fine. But when it comes to the end-user's caps, I'd like to see the bar set much higher, to the point where let's say we have an all artifact TL 105 Cursed Soul. Let's put it in the hands of a capped Tank with 200 H-C and 85 WEP (after PA and implants). In today's world, he'd probably cap it, if not nearly cap it. Likewise a Rifle/Pistol user with lower R-C/P-c but higher WEP would cap his weapon in the same TL range. I would like to set a new standard where most high-level 'swirly' weapons are NOT cappable. So even my WOC Spy, FN, wouldn't cap his Crossbow or Slasher. Now don't get me wrong, you certainly wouldn't suck with the gun, but if we converted today's % standards into what I'm thinking, the 178% damage/267% aiming crossbow I have would be 150% damage/245% aiming instead. The only way to get the weapon capped would be:

- The 'Offensive' Tank setup. Higher Damage Output via the symbiotic Armor/Weapon setup.
- Drugs, drugs, and more drugs. Either drug your damage skill or unspec other skills and drug into them (i.e. Agility, Recycle, etc).
- Or a... *gasp* PPU! The PPU's level 3 buffs should push a player's weapon usage to near-if-not-cap levels. So you squeeze that last 25% of damage/frequency/aiming out, the PPU gives you that advantage, but he doesn't completely unbalance things.

As it stands right now, a character with capped weapons can be beaten by someone else with a non-capped weapon. It happens all the time. I'd like to see those weapon stats be more of a variable than they are now. That coupled with a 'competitive advantage' of a PPU vs his existing '/set god_mode 1' existence would be way more tolerable. If 2 PEs and a Spy from DoY ar raiding Pepper Park, they shouldn't be nullified by a single PPU + Damage Dealer combo. The Damage Dealer should have a significant advantage (higher damage output thanks to the PPU, higher run speed and resists), but not a completely guaranteed victory.

= PSI vs TECH =
This is pretty much covered in this thread (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=131963), but I wanted to reference it because I think it's important to balance the PSI in the game. A lot of the balance that needs to happen is character to character balance, THEN layered with the 'effects of the PPU' balance, modified by how the mobs will react to the change in player balance... it's complicated and I tip my hat to Dirus for taking this beast of a project on. But any Damage Dealer should have a 40-60% change of winning against another character in a 1v1 duel. A tank should win if he can resist his opponents damage long enough and get some good hits in. An APU should win if he can end it quickly. A Spy should win if he can dodge everything. And no class should auto-win because they have a PPU. With this new system, a Spy could stealth and use some HighTech HP replenisher, but be out of the fight while that happens. The Tank would regen on his own + medkit. A PE would resist enough damage via CON+PSI that his heal should balance out to the Tank and the Spy. The APU needs the PPU or go hybrid, no other way around it - that's the trade off for doing the highest, fastest damage. But the key here... the real balancer, is that if a Holy Heal is cast on the Spy, Tank, or PE classes, it only adds a variable 10% to their heal rate on top of what they can do on their own. The APU or another PPU would be the only one to get a high heal rate, and even then - it should balance out to be the SAME as the other classes with their healing ability + the Holy Heal. Ok - this is falling into the wrong section, sorry :p

I really enjoyed reading Dirus's Post, 'Curiousity (http://forum.neocron.com/showthread.php?t=132104)'. With regards to it, it got me thinking, is there really anything WRONG with expanding the numbers visually? There really isn't anything 'wrong' with the current HP, but stretching it out to a cap, only attainable by tanks of say, 1000 and dropping your average PE to 800, and Spies and Monk to 500... but at the same time, it's really... the same and I guess there's really no reason to do it. Then everything else has to be redone to 'scale' to that. I don't think HP is really an issue, I think the above points are.


As if this post weren't 1000% of anyone's daily reading intake, I'd recommend reading the Neocron History (http://ng.neocron.com/index.php?id=34) and Character Class Info (http://ng.neocron.com/index.php?id=14) pages to get more insight on to what Neocron Balance SHOULD be :) And if you read this whole thing... holy shit - you need a hobby man. Neocron is mine, what's your excuse???

Dribble Joy
07-02-06, 03:06
I think you miss a large numbe of key points about how PvP opperates and fail to realise how they and other things would work if your changes were made.

Basing anything off RP/storyline in the balance may look funky on the outside, but making tanks regenerate faster? Make heals heal proportionally to HP, but tanks faster than other classes overall? Very bad for balance.

As for not allowing direct dmg boosts from PPUs? Why not, PPUs are amplifiers of a fighter's skills. The problem with PPUs lies elsewhere, fixes could be easily made that would allow DB to opperate as part of a much more simple and balanced team PvP scene.


Well you could argue about it, but when considering balance, you have to assume perfect skill, where speed is irrelevant.

As you might know, I have been banging on about caps for ages, but solo-wise, I don't think anyone should be able to reach full cap (leaving a trait open, like dmg or freq) without non-standard additions, Ie. PPUs, Kamis or OP bonuses.

07-02-06, 03:14
My reason is insomnia,

The TWO best points would be he Armour and speed...

My PPU has 119 Agility, and is faster than my Spy
o_O :wtf: o_O :wtf: o_O :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: o_O :o O_o

07-02-06, 04:29
all your "Teamplay" raving. blah. some of us dont like teams FN. lol i dont want to ABSOULUTELY have a team to fucking level, as sometimes you cant find a level so just decide to go hit something alone, and this might fuck yeah if HPs where increased.

07-02-06, 04:55
I think you covered all points FN.. I could try and argue that Damage boost should remain a ppu spell but I can not fault your idea of raising damage caps and having ppus increase combat skills.

I like everything I read. I'll add a little bit myself.

This is considering all of FNs ideas in place.

The mid level psi req jump should be lowered or removed.
Faster casting holy resurrection for ppus.
Soul clusters last 10% longer and do energy and xray damage.
Level 3 combat buffs give +25 instead of +20 to their main skill

PE psi is raised to 50
- all level 2 combat buffs are lowered to 50 instead of 55
- blessed heal is now TL 48
- blessed shelter is now 55 (one drug)
- Crahn resurrection (tl 52) is change to TL 60

Spy psi is raised to 25
Give them the litte shelter, I don't care. They'll just drug otherwise.
This also puts them on a more comparable scale to the new PEs.
I don't play a combat spy because I know shelter drugging is required unless your sniping.

This gives PEs a more interesting amount of psi skills and the ability to support others better. Also giving them access to some better apu spells leaving room for some interesting setups.. All rebalancing considered.
I know this would not work without FN's changes and several others.

07-02-06, 05:03
all your "Teamplay" raving. blah. some of us dont like teams FN. lol i dont want to ABSOULUTELY have a team to fucking level, as sometimes you cant find a level so just decide to go hit something alone

The highest level caves right now, flat out require a PPU. It sucks. If you're a Tank, PE, Spy, or APU - you're shit out of luck until you find one. That's doesn't promote "Teamplay" - it promote "I need a PPU-to-play".
But I say their HP should be increased because with the above changes, a tank technically could solo many places

Wasn't FN's point.. to allow players to solo more effectivly and allow all classes to support one another. Not just a ppu having to "support" everyone.

onero S
07-02-06, 05:04
its a well thought out post, and very reasonable compared to many I have read. I don't agree with everything but I do like much of it.

Very nice FN keep up the good constructive work.

07-02-06, 05:58
I'd like Dirus to kick a few people, and make them put it on a/the test server.

it sounds like it's worth a few tries (which it atleast will take to move things up and down, until they reach an ~equal.)

07-02-06, 07:41
This is considering all of FNs ideas in place.

The mid level psi req jump should be lowered or removed.
Faster casting holy resurrection for ppus.
Soul clusters last 10% longer and do energy and xray damage.
Level 3 combat buffs give +25 instead of +20 to their main skill

PE psi is raised to 50
- all level 2 combat buffs are lowered to 50 instead of 55
- blessed heal is now TL 48
- blessed shelter is now 55 (one drug)
- Crahn resurrection (tl 52) is change to TL 60

HAHAHAHA seriously though no. :) Took me ages to read that damn post and most of it is ifs and buts and maybes well if its and buts where candy and nuts then something good would come! However they aren't so stuff it!

Gentank <--- Geneticlly modified killing machine (Story line)
Monk <--- Freak (story line)
PE <--- Average Joe (Story line)
Spy <--- Well yeah a spy (Story line)

Gentanks should in theory beable to beat any class but that wouldnt be much fun now would it? Because everyone would play as a tank like everyone plays as a monk atm. <-- avoid this at all costs!

Basically what needs to be fixed is: Tank - Monk - Spy - Pe <--- doesn't matter what class, skill matters more!

That being said i think the classes should have strong and weak points,

Tank - Very limited psi abilities. I think perhaps tanks are fine atm.

Spies - Stealth whores <-- thats what their designed to be, take a bite and run away, take a bite and run away thats how their MENT to fight because their weaklings!

APUs - Extream damage, extreamly weak defenses <-- they kill a tank because they can deal more damage than he can but it's quite even

PE - Pretty useless in theory unless they become a crack addict! Then they should beable to content with the other classes

PPU - Invinsible! Thats their job, they influence a fight but perhaps thats bad as they become a requirement for pvp at op fights, if a way to kill them that isn't laughably easy is made then perhaps it'd be ok.

Hybrids - NO NO NO not unless you short em out, they should have the possiblity of killing but only really hybrid monks should beable to and it should be a fair fight! laughable damage but strong defenses. as it is they are almost as strong as ppu's and almost as deadly as apu's it would take an apu ppu team to kill one.

At the end of the day i think any offensive character should be able to kill any other because other wise you get everyone jumping on the bandwagon and it makes the other classes pointless. I think each class should have it's own style of fighting too, PEs drug up, spies flee like rats, and monks rain death while tanks blast you to bits.

Does anyone dissagree that all classes in the end after all the items should beable to kill each other? (Excluding ppus ofcause).

Clive tombstone
07-02-06, 09:41
*reads post, sigh's, relizes that KK wont listen, and moves to Huxley beta*


07-02-06, 11:14
*reads post, sigh's, relizes that KK wont listen, and moves to Huxley beta*


Huxley beta??? o_O...is it as good as it looks?!?!?

SiL ..:..

07-02-06, 11:46
i think FN is quite sexy tbh

07-02-06, 14:46
i don't care too much what KK do to the game as long as I can still have one char left that requires a lot of skill to play but when it is played correctly, it can own all.

07-02-06, 15:26
I wonder why ppl spam on serious thread instead of trying to be constructive.

Btw, i think that rely PPU boost/heal/defense on being based on target PSI would be good, but it must be balanced not to make APU + PPU still the strongest combo. I mean PPU buff/def/heal + APU attack must be equal to PPU buff/def/heal + Tank attack/def/regen. This could make ppl choice a style, a way to play, knowing that at end there is'nt a better class, only many way to play and pick one of em.

I think that speed movement DO make difference in a combat, cause if you have high damage/low rate weapon and you miss 1 shot, you can die because of it, due to high speed of target. So would be cool if spyes could have the best speed on game, without need of loosing weapon skill points. And the configurable armor for spies is a nice idea, indeed.

I think PEs are quite good the way they are couse they can use little of all "specialities" of other classes. May be i would add some drugs only usable by PEs in addition to normal ones (This could make FETISH happy :p ) as alternative to lower requirements for lev 2 spells.

I do agree with boost of teamplay. Hell, if you like to play solo, there is Quake or Counterstrike... I guess solo playing must be a viable way to play, but the game must be fully appreciated with a good team.

FN's post is really good tought out, i hope Dirus and everyone who will work on balancing will look at it.

07-02-06, 16:04
FN Quote:

- Temporarily add skill to your weapon usage so you can get higher damage (I don't think players should cap weapons natively, but I'll get to that) - Yep.

Definitley not! Players then HAVE to rely upon a PPU to cap their weapons. That means any character does not rely upon 'their own' calculated setup - they have to reply upon a PPU.

Personally I like being able to achieve what i can on my own merits with how i have setup my character and not have to rely upon another character.

You have spent the time to think about what you have wrote and credit due to you. This is all I disagree with mainly, but the rest seems to be good grounds for a new approach.

07-02-06, 16:17
FN Quote:

- Temporarily add skill to your weapon usage so you can get higher damage (I don't think players should cap weapons natively, but I'll get to that) - Yep.

Definitley not! Players then HAVE to rely upon a PPU to cap their weapons. That means any character does not rely upon 'their own' calculated setup - they have to reply upon a PPU.

Not really. That means any character knows their limit and where the setup lead at. The difference is that PPU could give you an advantage over you opponent. You still can do verything without a PPU but an enemy with a PPU will probably win. All this can shift PPU role to (little) skill enhancer/def enhancer/healer rather than a (huge) def enhancer/healer.

07-02-06, 20:19
...............FN good Points..............:cool:

Still Reading....:lol:

07-02-06, 22:03
i demand Doy City Center being renamed to "FN Plaza". or like.

very valuable work, m8. and tell you what: i know that HolgerBot and his StormDevs are reading this very carefully.

07-02-06, 22:35
dont think that would work they dont like swearing in town center names,

FuckNut - FN

Dribble Joy
08-02-06, 02:34
Btw, i think that rely PPU boost/heal/defense on being based on target PSI would be good, but it must be balanced not to make APU + PPU still the strongest combo. I mean PPU buff/def/heal + APU attack must be equal to PPU buff/def/heal + Tank attack/def/regen. This could make ppl choice a style, a way to play, knowing that at end there is'nt a better class, only many way to play and pick one of em.
Basing heal simply on PSI of the target leaves to many avenues to abuse, basing of COn does the same, those with less hp will benefit more, those with more will loose out. Basing it on HP means the heal rate/hp (and therefore total hp recovery time) is the same, regardless of class or setup, meaning equal benefit to all.

I think that speed movement DO make difference in a combat, cause if you have high damage/low rate weapon and you miss 1 shot, you can die because of it, due to high speed of target. So would be cool if spyes could have the best speed on game, without need of loosing weapon skill points. And the configurable armor for spies is a nice idea, indeed.
Slower fire weapons lend themselves towards higher skill players (though in reality, most weapons burst rate is pretty similar), but that does not factor into high end balance/skill consideration, where noone misses, which is where you must balance things otherwise while this may be a skill based game (in theory), higher skill should not give a disproportionate advantage. Speed is therefore not a factor that should be auto matically plugged into defencive or offencive balancing (defenceive imps directly affecting runspeed for example).

Richard Slade
08-02-06, 02:42
These posts never make it into KK's dev department so I'll just put my 2cr in here..
1) Is my +70% on all resists (But force and pierce who are 80%) balanced for a spy?

2) Why on gods green earth is a dex 100 spy slower than just about every dex 60 tank?
Atleast they shoulda have leet dodgeskills, but no.

08-02-06, 15:48
If i was to take an educated guess as to what dirus has in mind for defence balancing, i would say that he is gonna put a limit on defence. That would mean that you could either spec to be with a ppu by putting your resists down and your health up since you will reach the limit easily with ppu bufs. Or you could put your resists up and have less health so that you can pvp well without a ppu, you will reach the resist cap with a ppu but will have less HP than a player who has specifically specced to be with a ppu. Obviously it would be more desirable to have everyone using the second option, but the first option will be balanced by the downside of it, which is that you will get owned in solo pvp when there's no ppu. *waits for dirus to say differently*

08-02-06, 16:05
Not really. That means any character knows their limit and where the setup lead at. The difference is that PPU could give you an advantage over you opponent. You still can do verything without a PPU but an enemy with a PPU will probably win.

I agree a PPU should give an advantage like shields, but not an advantage in skill points.

All this can shift PPU role to (little) skill enhancer/def enhancer/healer rather than a (huge) def enhancer/healer.

Rather than a huge defence enhancer...? So that indicates that is where the problem is then and not in requiring skill enhancing to reach a cap instead.
So just reduce the defence enhancing abilities is more appropriate then ;)

Richard Slade
08-02-06, 16:52
Remove lvl 3 buffs, para and give the PPU a funny attack (psi turret!!)
problem solved with them :P

The whole APU / Tank / Spy / PE balance is rather good as it is, is it not?

08-02-06, 17:00
As Dirus said, the problem is'nt the PPU but all the mechanism that make it necessary and "overpowered"... removing this and that is'nt a solution. Why don't simple remove the whole PPU then?

In an ideal system the PPU could be an enhancement for the team but you could always pvp/pve without it. Removing buffs and defs only screw up a class without being a true solution

Richard Slade
08-02-06, 18:08
As Dirus said, the problem is'nt the PPU but all the mechanism that make it necessary and "overpowered"... removing this and that is'nt a solution. Why don't simple remove the whole PPU then?

In an ideal system the PPU could be an enhancement for the team but you could always pvp/pve without it. Removing buffs and defs only screw up a class without being a true solution

Loweing the output and adding another side of it is a better solution, if you ask me.

By the very fact that there is a true buffer that can use all buffs in the game makes him priceless..
Add more buff classes and lower some reqs giving the other classes the ability to buff themselves more than now would help alot.
A tank that can buff h-c 3 and use a greater heal, but no other buffs.
Or blessed deflector, but no other buffs, giving the PPU the side that it has it all but not invaluable as the classes can use what they need for their specific setup (Atleast a bigger part of)
Also making the PPU a very valid soloer as he still survives all (Fix that maybe..? Hard to kill, sure, but immortal? Longer casttime on heal for example :P)

Dribble Joy
08-02-06, 18:16
If i was to take an educated guess as to what dirus has in mind for defence balancing, i would say that he is gonna put a limit on defence. That would mean that you could either spec to be with a ppu by putting your resists down and your health up since you will reach the limit easily with ppu bufs. Or you could put your resists up and have less health so that you can pvp well without a ppu, you will reach the resist cap with a ppu but will have less HP than a player who has specifically specced to be with a ppu. Obviously it would be more desirable to have everyone using the second option, but the first option will be balanced by the downside of it, which is that you will get owned in solo pvp when there's no ppu. *waits for dirus to say differently*
Not much reason to use a PPU then.. other than using a different playstyle.
If a PPU is a team addition, then it needs to be the same as the addition of any other class towards that team's performance.

A rework of the way PPUs affect fighters through a change in the way buffs work could do this. Realising what changes would need to be made is the key. We could end up with a completely changed PPU system, but no change in their necessity.

08-02-06, 18:34
Add more buff classes and lower some reqs giving the other classes the ability to buff themselves more than now would help alot.
A tank that can buff h-c 3 and use a greater heal, but no other buffs.
Or blessed deflector, but no other buffs, giving the PPU the side that it has it all but not invaluable as the classes can use what they need for their specific setup (Atleast a bigger part of)
Also making the PPU a very valid soloer as he still survives all (Fix that maybe..? Hard to kill, sure, but immortal? Longer casttime on heal for example :P)

You're missing one point: PPU is ment to aid teams and is useless in solo. If you give everyone the ability to buff himself with lev 3 buff and heal and you make PPU a "valid soloer" you change the whole concept. Better to wipe it out then. It's a field medic, remember?

Richard Slade
08-02-06, 18:42
You're missing one point: PPU is ment to aid teams and is useless in solo. If you give everyone the ability to buff himself with lev 3 buff and heal and you make PPU a "valid soloer" you change the whole concept. Better to wipe it out then. It's a field medic, remember?
they're still valid as they have the bigass heals.. medics, right?

make buff bubbles maybe?

Dribble Joy
08-02-06, 18:49
Heals... gah, don't get me started...

08-02-06, 18:53
they're still valid as they have the bigass heals.. medics, right?

And? They have biggass heal... and???? A whole class that the only thing it can do is healing?

08-02-06, 19:47
Why has nobody mentioned the PPU's singlemost important, class-specific talent?

Dribble Joy
08-02-06, 19:48
Why has nobody mentioned the PPU's singlemost important, class-specific talent?
Depends what one considers their primary function.

08-02-06, 19:58
What was planned as a short strike becomes the longest military conflict in the history of the new world. While Ceres dispatches his armored warriors to the battlefield, the Psi Monks raise one Tank after the other and the factories spew out thousands of hover tanks.
All classes can deal damage. All classes can die. All classes can drive around on some vehicle. Two classes can Damage Boost. All classes can 'para' to a degree. But only the PPU class can bring a dead player back into the game. Yes, they can shelter, deflect, and heal at the highest level, but that is the point everyone argues back and forth about. Nobody argues "OMG NERF TEH PPUZ REZ SPELL" - because THAT is one universally agreed thing that the are, and always will be, needed for. PvP, PvM, travelling the world... Rez's will always be needed.

Clive tombstone
08-02-06, 20:04
All classes can deal damage. All classes can die. All classes can drive around on some vehicle. Two classes can Damage Boost. All classes can 'para' to a degree. But only the PPU class can bring a dead player back into the game. Yes, they can shelter, deflect, and heal at the highest level, but that is the point everyone argues back and forth about. Nobody argues "OMG NERF TEH PPUZ REZ SPELL" - because THAT is one universally agreed thing that the are, and always will be, needed for. PvP, PvM, travelling the world... Rez's will always be needed.

to quote your quote, where the hell are my hovertanks then?!

Richard Slade
08-02-06, 20:07
And? They have biggass heal... and???? A whole class that the only thing it can do is healing?
Add the rest of the suggestions instead of just taking one thing?
Or how does this sound

"and????" all you said is and?? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?! :wtf:

08-02-06, 20:47
heh heh this is going no where half of you dont know what you want and the other half think along the lines of un-balancing everything even more so damn am i glad your not running the show ;)

Seriously though balancing means that no matter what class you are you can kill an of the other class it just depends on your skill. Balancing doesnt mean (Hey lets make PPUs buff you to god-mod or make PE's able to take on six tanks at once and win! See the problem with something like that happening is? Thats right everyone either leaves or makes a PE :D Like atm with blessed hybrids.

PPU's are a serious problem why? to quote a famous person: "Op wars aren't about which side as the most skill it's about who has the most ppu's" <-- dont ask me who said that. PPU's should have a SUPPORT role nothing more they should be an addittion not a necessity.

Dribble Joy
08-02-06, 23:08
I never said anything about making PPUs even more valuable as they are now or making PEs even more unbalanced (and they are unbalanced).

As for rez, it may be an importent PPU skill, but (imo) it is not their key feature or ability, please please ignore storyline/RP in the actual balancing of a game, as much I am a fan of Rp and story and not a fan of pure FPSs, it does not belong here.
Rez speed would have to be increased if PPUs were sorted, but then again, maybe not, NC's PvP pace is nothing like what it once was.