View Full Version : Stealth a Weapon?

02-02-06, 06:51
I've just been curious as to why this is? It seems to me like it's in the same vein as a hacktool or support PSI spell, so why can't I use it in a safe area?

I think it would be a useful thing for areas like MB zoneline, where you can't even think about stealthing until you're right in the middle of a few camped players. It's not like I mind PK'ing at all, but I'd like to actually be able to leave MB as a Spy without having to use Stealth III or an Obliterator and running from one of the Storage Areas.

02-02-06, 08:20
That's the worst excuse I've ever seen as to why Stealth shouldn't be classed as a weapon. "ohnoez, I want to not get instantly shot by my enemies when I leave the MB safe whore zoneline"... there are solutions to your problem already. Get a better setup? Teleport to the CM HQ? Simply run out and stealth? (taking into account you've done the first suggestion), they won't hit you half the time anyway because or the horde or people in that small area. If you want no SI when wanting to go to the CM HQ, go through hacknet. You'll log out at the HQ entrance with no SI.

02-02-06, 09:45
That was just an example off the top of my head about places it could be useful, and had nothing do with my opinion of it being classified as a weapon. It just doesn't make sense, is my argument. (Though it would be nice to hack a belt while stealthed.)

Why can I activate a shelters, deflectors,...etc. in a safe area, but not stealth? They're about equally offensive. Assuming you use only stealth, and none of the other "spells" AoE can still take a toll, so it's not some magical invincibility by any means.

But, to address your reply:

Still working on it, although as a spy even the best setup is pretty much helpless at that range against multiple pvp'ers.

That's what I've been doing, but it's a pain if I want to hit a store. Of course I hack it...why pay when I can make money on the trip? Those hacknet mobs pay out.

Try reading again. In that particular area, as soon as you zone you can be targeted, before you select the stealth tool, as you couldn't in the safe zone. Then it takes a second or so for it to activate once it is selected, and if you're already targeted, stealth doesn't do you any good.

02-02-06, 10:10
as soon as you zone you can be targeted, before you select the stealth tool, as you couldn't in the safe zone. Then it takes a second or so for it to activate once it is selected, and if you're already targeted, stealth doesn't do you any good.

God I hate that, especially the synchronization part, you can't even try to defend yourself when zoning, only stand there like a dummy, getting hit by all kinds of people, while you are waiting for "synchronizing..."

02-02-06, 10:41
Stealth in safe zone also means stealth in HQ, i.e. stealth to change faction, which may not be such a good thing for gameplay.

02-02-06, 11:01
Stealth in safe zone also means stealth in HQ, i.e. stealth to change faction, which may not be such a good thing for gameplay.

And then I ask, why in God's name does faction guards wants you dead when you want to become one of them? I'm not saying it should be easy to switch factions but killing people that wants to join kinda gives the opposite effect on people, especially on newcomers.

John Wu
02-02-06, 11:45
That's the worst excuse I've ever seen as to why Stealth shouldn't be classed as a weapon. "ohnoez, I want to not get instantly shot by my enemies when I leave the MB safe whore zoneline"... there are solutions to your problem already. Get a better setup?
show me any setup that makes you survive 3 apus going at you while you can't move for a few seconds because on your computer you're still synching.
a spy with 200 energy resists, shelter and 1500 healthpoints maybe?

in my eyes everything that makes zoneline whoring harder is a good thing. no easy kills for those guys please.

02-02-06, 13:38
Maybe the copbots dont link people snooping around.

02-02-06, 13:47
Maybe the copbots dont link people snooping around.

Yeah, that's because they have something to hide. As you read this, copbots in undercover as strippers, are transporting illegal drugs into nc from doy. Statistics shows they transport beast drug most.

02-02-06, 13:51
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