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View Full Version : Google: It doesn't matter if chinese people die

28-01-06, 13:13
Seems to be the opinion of google anyway.
More interested in profits than the truth.
In case youhadn't heard all references to the tianamen square massacre back in the early 90's has been removed from the search engine in China.
This has been done in order to operate in chinese webspace.

Anyway google are cunts, anyone recommend a decent search engine that doesn't censor politics?

28-01-06, 13:16
If I was the owner of Google I would have done the same, china got a lot of population and I'd love to have them using my search engine. The Chinese government are weird, yes. They are trying to filter out all kinds of stuff, really horrible.

edit: There was a site which chinese people could use to use the <input search engine here> (dont remember if it was google or yahoo). It would mirror the site completely, making it backwards thus bypassing the chinese governments filters.

28-01-06, 13:32
Anyway google are cunts, anyone recommend a decent search engine that doesn't censor politics?

These days nobody knows of the old Spider. (http://www.webcrawler.com/)

He was one of the first online. He's fairly adequate as well. He uses the rest of them quite deftly.

I don't use him though, Google comes with FireFox so I use that for ease of pain to find another extension or type in webcrawler's adress.

Dribble Joy
28-01-06, 14:16
This is going to be closed sooo fast....

Anyway, a quick google, and you get plenty of tianamen hits, unless it's searches within china (many people in china use IP routing to surf from 'outside' china anyway.).

The chinese engine is hosted in china itself, and the only way google were going to get that is if they aggreed to the chinese demands. Yahoo and MSN also block searches in china. More good points about why this isn't the end of the world - Here. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/4654014.stm)

28-01-06, 14:19
Political. Closed.