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View Full Version : Since Item tracking is never gonna work...

23-01-06, 12:36
How about keeping/making a repository with procedures issued by reakktor on how to secure our valuables. I don't know... maybe pictures? or whatever else can be used as proof? Or something like a watermark thats gonna mold with the gun while its being made? I dunno...

23-01-06, 14:56
Don't think this will happen either.

Taking screenies - too easy to manufacture tbh. Whole clan gives me all their DS's take a pic with 20+ of them in inventory then hand back and claim i have lost them due to bug.
Would the GM then have to check my gogo, all my cabinets? all my chars?
Too much work and to easy to fake "ownership"

As for a molding tag on production of high end item this would be just the same as item tracking basically an individual tag on each item which would need to be tracked.

This is a hard one to crack tbh, so i have no real ideas either that would be a "secure" way of replacing items lost.

23-01-06, 15:03
Being a Droner i have a tendency to lose at least one drone a day to bugs ,wether it be a clipping loss or just the ever famous poof when launch loss . The trick is to just keep on keepin on . Not much you can do about it and tracking every item in the game would be a massive DB everchanging due to sales traded and transfers to cabs gogos and other players . Not feasible to track it all , so the only thing we can do is carry a spare or hope we can make it to a gogo without much death .

23-01-06, 15:08
why doesn't the database keep data on where all the items you own are?

eg. it can tell what items you have in your backback, your gogo and apt cabs.

Also keeping info on if items have been traded to people and who to.

That way, Gm's can look at your info to see if you're lying...

surely that can't be too hard to implement?

23-01-06, 15:16
Being a Droner i have a tendency to lose at least one drone a day to bugs ,wether it be a clipping loss or just the ever famous poof when launch loss . The trick is to just keep on keepin on . Not much you can do about it and tracking every item in the game would be a massive DB everchanging due to sales traded and transfers to cabs gogos and other players . Not feasible to track it all , so the only thing we can do is carry a spare or hope we can make it to a gogo without much death .

The drone aint gone, client does not register its launched, where as server does.
Its funny, i seen it before, droner with 2 drones (At leas from another runners point of view).

23-01-06, 16:08
why doesn't the database keep data on where all the items you own are?

eg. it can tell what items you have in your backback, your gogo and apt cabs.

Also keeping info on if items have been traded to people and who to.

That way, Gm's can look at your info to see if you're lying...

surely that can't be too hard to implement?The only possible response to this is : :rolleyes:

23-01-06, 16:50
Item tracking may never work....but only because the system wasn't built with that in mind. Item tracking should always be a part of game engine programming for a mmo.

23-01-06, 17:37
Ok here is an idea of what I had in mind:
Say kk is developing a public safe or a public repository if you would like, in which items that you place are working like a safe slot in a bank. Those items have your name on it and only you can get them from there. We could limit at first safe slots in only a small number for every player. I dunno. Or at least a more ancient approach of photos or whatever I dunno :confused:

23-01-06, 17:52
why doesn't the database keep data on where all the items you own are?Pass me a gun please someone.
That way, Gm's can look at your info to see if you're lying...That logic is already flawed before you even reach the end of the sentence. Checking someone's inventory != item tracking. It's not really hard to stick items in a clan apartment, or give them to your friend to hold. "Look Mr GM, I don't have 50 DS's in my entire inventory, I didn't give them someone else to hold while I contacted you, please replace them."

24-01-06, 02:39
Ok here is an idea of what I had in mind:
Say kk is developing a public safe or a public repository if you would like, in which items that you place are working like a safe slot in a bank. Those items have your name on it and only you can get them from there. We could limit at first safe slots in only a small number for every player. I dunno. Or at least a more ancient approach of photos or whatever I dunno :confused:

correct me if i am wrong, but aint that what a gogo is....

My Droner was 1 messed up huy at random times 8 items used to disapaear from his inv... Mainly drones (Being a droner and all^^). When his PA and SRI Vanished i figured i wouldnt play him anymore, and he is now in the 0101010110 land of the dead...

24-01-06, 03:03
Item tracking may never work....but only because the system wasn't built with that in mind.The system was rebuilt for item tracking. That's part of why they wiped out the NC1 database and only let us port over a few items (relatively speaking)...

It's sad. We were promised Item Tracking and Player Shops. Now both have been canned and instead we get a few artistic changes and new guns-n-ammo that disappear when ammo's loaded into the guns.

I'd rather KK fire half the artists and hire coders to replace them than continue to add new textures and models to the game.

24-01-06, 05:51
err Ice, do you even play?
As far as i know, item tracking hasnt been scrapped, and the Ceres guns going "poof" was fixed in the next patch....

24-01-06, 06:03
err Ice, do you even play?
As far as i know, item tracking hasnt been scrapped, and the Ceres guns going "poof" was fixed in the next patch....

Yeah, and it still happens if you load pre-patch ammo.

24-01-06, 07:32
err Ice, do you even play?Longer than you, I imagine.

See my registration date? That's how long I've been playing.
As far as i know, item tracking hasnt been scrapped,It's been turned off since NC2's launch in October, 2004. It's now January, 2006...
the Ceres guns going "poof" was fixed in the next patch....Do you read the forums? The problem still exists due to the ammo that was left on the servers.

24-01-06, 08:37
Why do you guys still play?

Bugs Gunny
24-01-06, 08:45
err Ice, do you even play?
As far as i know, item tracking hasnt been scrapped, and the Ceres guns going "poof" was fixed in the next patch....

The ceres handguns going poof should never have been possible in the first place if they did some form of a testrun on their patch.
That one was realy over the top.

And i had doubts about itemtracking, seeing the number of transactions it would be doing. And hey, guess what, they'll NEVER implement it with their current software and servercappacity.
Playershops might be but they will be so bugged that people will lose good stuff in there and then..... no itemtracking.