View Full Version : Prostitute jokes?

19-01-06, 19:07
You know, it'd be funny if we could list a few streetwalker jokes, here, maybe see them ingame!

Here's a lame one:

Knock knock.
Who's there?
Gimme who?
Gimme Orel!

Here's another:

Daisy hated her name. Every man she met on the street always said she had a nice name. Neverless, at the end of one long day, she just got mad and went to CityAdmin HQ to change her name. The official asked her for her full name. Daisy demurred, "can't we just get on with it?" "But I must make sure, before I enter all this information into the database and your ident changes irrevocably." "Oh, very well. Could you just step back a bit?" Puzzled, the official moved back. "Well, here's my full name. It's Upsy Daisy Ann Dowsett."

Paper Dragon
19-01-06, 19:13
Paris Hilton.

19-01-06, 19:17

I want a Paris Hilton npc in Pepper Park!